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69 Cards in this Set

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Abraham & Isaac
- Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac
- Son spared and Abraham received lord's blessing
- symbolic of willingness to demonstrate faith (faith shall be rewarded)
- hero of Homer's Iliad
- slew trojan hero Hector
- mother dipped him into river styx
- slain by paris who shot an hero into his heel
- Achilles heel refers to the vulnerable part of a person's character
- king who sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to win the god's favor for his war against Troy
- Unfaithful husband of Clytemnestra
- daughter of Oedipus
- symbolic of choice between god's authority and civil authority
- symbolic of choice between justice and law
- titans who rebelled against Zeus
- holds heavens on his sholders
Be Bread Alone
- Chris said "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word .... of God."
- refers to the idea faith can provide spiritual sustenance
Cain and Abel
- Cain murdered brother Abel out of jealousy
- reference to innocent blood
- archetypal brother vs. brother
Camel through a Needle's Eye
Jesus the Pharisees for striving to strain out a gnat, yet being willing to swallow a camel
- Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven
- daughter of Priam, King of troy
- possessed the gift of prophecy but was fated by Apollo to never be believed
(Prophet of Doom)
Cast the first stone
- In John a woman caught in adultery was to be publicly stoned, Jesus said "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her..."
- Warning of hypocrisy
Daedalus and Icarus
- Daedalus designed labyrinth that held the Minotaur
- Imprisoned with son (I)
- designed wings to escape
- (I) flew too close to sun (Apollo, sun god)
- symbolic of the danger involved in daring to enter "the realm of the gods"
Sword of Damocles
- Symbolic of impending peril
- seated at a banquet to see a sword over his head suspended by a thread
- impending danger
Damon and Pythias
- 2 inseparable friends who would lay down their lives for one another
- Symbolizes lasting friendship
David and Bathsheba
- David had an adulteress relationship with Bathsheba and she became pregnant
- David sent husband into battle where he was killed
- Bathsheba gave birth to Solomon
David and Goliath
- David slew the "giant" Goliath
- Symbolic of defeating the unjust
- later made way for Jack and the beanstalk
Dionysus or Bacchus
- god of wine
- overuse or excess
Divide the sheep from the goats
- biblical parable explaining the time of judgment, when the faithful would be separated from the unfaithful, true from false, worthy from unworthy
eye for an eye
practice of specific and equal punishment for a transgression
Garden of Gethsemane
Garden outside Jerusalem where the betrayal of Jesus took place
- Symbolizes a place of physical suffering
Holy Grail
-The chalice or cup that caught the blood from Christ's side
- Object of a quest on parts of the knights of the round table
Heap coals of fire
- treating enemy with kindness= heaping coals of fire upon them
- lesson in mercy and cautions
- be kind to your enemy
- eldest child of Agamemnon
-sacrificed in exchange for a guarantee of fair winds for battle against Troy
Isaac's son jacob was a recipient of the promise of covenant with god
biblical patriarch who 12 sons were founders of the 12 tribes of Israel
- name later changed to Israel
Jacob and Esau
- twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah
- Jacob was cleverer, Esau sold Jacob his birthright in a moment of weakness
-Symbolizes discord of birthright
Jacob's Ladder
- dreamed of ladder from earth to heaven and heard the voice of god promise land and favor to his descendants
- Symbolizes path to god and heaven
- Phoenician princess who married king Ahab and urged him to sin
- name given to a false prophet
- a seductive woman who leads the hero astray
Joseph and brothers
- 11th son of Jacob
- brothers became jealous and sold him into slavery
- saved Egypt by accurately interpreting the pharaoh's dream of 7 lean cattle
- forgave his brothers and shared grain with the tribes
- old testament prophet by god to warn Nineveh of its sinful condition
- god struck the ship with a terrible story
- god caused Jonah to be swallowed by a huge whale
- prayed and repented and the whale spit him out onto land
Judas Iscariot
- betrayed Jesus by selling him out for thirty pieces of silver and identifying him with a kiss
- committed suicide
- prototype of an ultimate betrayer
Judgment of Paris
- beauty contest
- Paris, handsomest man, was the judge
- Eris threw an apple marked to the fairest (hera, athena, and aphrodrite fought over it)
- Paris chose Aphrodite and promised the love of Helen in return
- sparked trojan war
Know them by their fruits
- Christ warns against wolves in sheep's clothing
- judge others by actions and not appearances
Labors of Hercules
- 12 difficult tasks had to be completed before becoming immortal
Lamb to the Slaughter
- servant of the lord thow took the sins of his people on himself and sacrificed himself for the expiation
- Christ is referred to as the sacrificial lamb
- Zeus came to Leda in the shape of a swan to father 4 children
- favorite theme of Michelangelo and Dali
Lion lies down with the lamb
- classic image of idyllic harmony
Lot(s) Wives
- Moral Inhabitant of sinful city of Sodom
- nephew of Abraham
- family warned of impending doom
- took his wife and daughter's and fled, god told them not to look back but his wife couldn't resist
- Symbolizes that God punishes those who are disobedient
- wealth
- evil personification of riches
Mary (The Virgin)
- Mother of Jesus and wife of Joseph
- Symbolic of Purity, virginity, and maternal love
-chief of three gorgons
- killed by Perseus who took her head with a sword given to him by Hermes
- Pegasus the winged horse sprang from her blood
- monster with bull's head and a man's body
- Poseidon sent a bull from the sea and Minos was crowned king of Crete, neglected to sacrifice Poseidon's bull
- Minos' wife and the bull had a baby -> Minotaur
- imprisoned in labyrinth built by Daedalus
- received 10 commandments from Jehovah
-child rescued by pharaoh's daughter
and raised to be the prince of Egypt
-not permitted to enter the promise lang
- personification of righteous anger
- the word currently refers to an unbeatable enemy
Noah and the flood
- god decided to punish the wicked world with a flood
- choose Noah to build an Ark
- 40 days and 40 nights
Odysseus' journey with his men after the trojan war
- 1st woman, given the power to bring about the ruin of mankind
- curiosity made her open the box and all the evils flew out and they have continued to harm humans ever since
- Goddess of fertility
- daughter of Zeus and Demeter
- Kidnapped by Hades
- spent half the year with Hades and the rest with her mother
- traditional enemies of Israelites fought against Samson, david, and other jewish heroes
- Sanskrit word that means going out (like a light)
- Buddhists believe that it is the doctrine of release, a state of perfect bliss
Mary Magdalene
- reformed prostitute who may have been the woman saved from the mob
- washed Jesus' feet with tears
-present at crucifixion
- 1st to see the tomb open 3 days later
- Symbolizes power of forgiveness
- mythical bird that lived for 500 years, burned to death, and rose from its own ashes
- Symbolizes death and resurrection
Prodigal Son
- younger son who wastes his inheritance
- his father forgives him and celebrates his homecoming over his brother's protests
- Titan and champion of men against gods
- stole fire from Mt. Olympus and gave the precious gifts to the humans
- Zeus nailed him to a mountain where n eagle tore out his entrails each day and the regenerated over night
- sculptor, and king of Cyprus, who created a statue of Aphrodite
- Aphrodite brought the statue to life and he married her (Galatea)
Romulus & Remus
- twin sons of mars and an vestal virgin
- thrown into Tiber but found by a herdsman and his wife
- founded Rome and fought over it
- Romulus killed Remus
- Moabite widow who refused to abandon her mother-in-law Naomi
- eventually married Boaz and became the great-grandmother of David
- Woodland demigods
- Followers of Dionysus
- known for chasing wood nymphs
Scylla and Charybdis
- Jealous Circe turned Scylla into a sea monster with 12 feet and 6 heads
- Charybdis was hurled into sea by Zeus, created a whirlpool
- Straits of Messina
- cheated death by telling telling his wife to forgo usual birthrights when he died , thus giving him permission to return from the underworld to punish her
- condemned but eternally rolling a huge rock up a hill only to have it roll back down
Sodom and Gomorrah
2 major cities destroyed by fire and brimstone
- Symbols of Debauchery
- wised and grandest of the kings of Israel
- Son of David and Bathsheba
- Solomon-like decision: two woman 1 baby, he said baby should be cut in half and the fake mother agreed while the real mother was willing to give up her claim so it would live
- monster with the face of a woman, body of a lion, and wings of a bird
- posed a riddle the citizens of Thebes
-Oedipus answered correctly
- what walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday, and 3 in the evening (a man)
- represents monumental silence
- one of the five rivers of hell
- Charon carried the dead of the underworld across it
Thirty Pieces of Silver
- Amount paid to Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus by identifying him with a kiss
- refers to betrayal and treachery
Through a glass darkly
- Paul prophesied a time for perfect love and clarity of the knowledge of god
- writers who wish to convey the opposite of perfect love and clear knowledge through irony
Tower of Babel
- Descendants of Noah built a tower to reach heaven
- Jehovah, unhappy with their hubris, confounded their speech so they could not understand each other
- biblical explanation for various languages around the world
Trojan Horse
- large wooden horse designed and built like by the Greeks as a gift to Athena
- placed troops inside the horse and at night the crept out and took Troy at last
- ideal society, where ignorance, crime, and injustice do not exist
- town in Belgium where Napolean was resoundingly defeated in 1815
- refers to a crushing, final defeat