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35 Cards in this Set

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Je fais d'exercice régulièrement:
I like to exercise regularly.
faire des pompes
to do pushups
faire des tractions
to do pushups or pullups
faire de la marche à pied
to go walking
faire des cabrioles
to do somersaults
faire de la musculation
to do weightlifting
faire des redressements assis
to do situps
un vélo d'appartment
exercise bike
un rameur
rowing machine
un monte-escalier
step machine
un tapis de course
une presse
weight machine
un mètre
the equivilant of 3.281 feet
un kilo
2.2 pounds
Il (elle) fait un mètre soixante-quinze et pèse soixante-treize kilos.
He (she) is 5 foot 10 inches and weighs 160 pounds.
être au régime
to be on a diet
faire un mètre
to be___tall
garder sa ligne
to keep one's weight down
to grow (to grow up)
to gain weight
to lose weight
peser ___ kilos
to weight ___ kilos
le savous-vous? France has more of these than any other country in the world...
être enceinte
to be pregnant
savoir / su (avoir) / sav-
to know, v. sais/sais/sait/savons/savez/
le verbe savoir
(1) savoir + infinitive = to know how (to do something) (2) savoir que + clause (subject and verb) = to know that...(3) savoir + language (4) savoir + factual information; note also used as filler in conversation tu sais/vous savez
j'ai su
passé composé savoir = to find out; I found out
to move, v.
prononciation [ill] après une voyelle
ill [j]; aille [a] + [j]; ouille [uj]; eille [ej]: traivailler / bataille / Versailles / braille / Marseille / bouteille / vieille / mouiller / fouiller / brouillard
depuis quand
how long (since when, since what point in time): answer= depuis (since) + specific point in time; used to ask questions about something that started in the past and is continuing in the present
since or for
any form of depuis is usually accompanied by the present tense since the activity is still going on; however in the negative, since the acitivity stopped some time ago, use the passé composé to explain that you have not done something since a specific amount of time or for a certian amount of time
depuis combein de temps
how long (for how much time); answer = depuis (for) + a length of time; also used to ask questions about something that started in the past and is continuing in the present
the day before yesterday
le début
the beginning (of the day, week, etc.)