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87 Cards in this Set

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think straight (v)

think clearly

groggy (adj)

weak and unable to move well or think clearly because you are ill or very tired

dread (v)

to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen

go off

run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along


cringe (v)

to move away from someone or something because you are afraid

despise (v)

to dislike and have a low opinion of someone or something (look down on)

bias (n)

an opinion about whether a person, group, or idea is good or bad that influences how you deal with it

proficient (adj)

able to do something well or skilfully

incompetent (adj)

not having the ability or skill to do a job properly

overestimate (v)

to think something is better, more important etc than it really is

stereotype (n/v)

a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like. Stereotypes are often unfair or untrue

trigger (v)

to cause

testimony (n)

an expert's statement or truth

realm (n)

an area or field of interest

threshold (n)

the point when something changes/is impacted

incident (n)

rate/number of times something happens

decay (v)

to get worse or to be ruined

hypothesis (n)

something we think is true but hasn't been proven

refute (v)

to prove something wrong or argue the opposite

to formulate

to develop/to create

to obscure

to make something difficult to see/understand

enterprise (n)

a project or company, especially a new one that requires hard work

facilitator (n)

a person who helps somebody by making an acction or process easier

capture (v)

take something in order to use it or to hold the attention of somebody

initiate (v)

cause an action or process to start or a project to be launched

dedicated (adj)

describing people who put a great deal of time or energy into something

servant (n)

a person who performs duties for others, such as household tasks

infrastructure (n)

basic things like equipment and power needed for society or a project

activate (v)

making something active or start working, or start something moving forward

make a living

earn enough money from work to pay for all the things one needs

confidentiality (n)

the state of keeping information or ideas secret or private

entrepreneur (n)

someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks


between only two people

patronizing (adj)

someone who is patronizing talks to you in a way that shows they think you are less intelligent or important than them

shaped by

affected by

in the nick of time

just in time

blunder around

make mistakes

distraught (adj)

very worried and upset

hype (n)

exaggerated statement about the quality or importance of something

store (v)

keep or stay sonething for use in the future

transmit (v)

pass something, especially information or data, from place to place

process (v)

perform a series of steps in order to understand information or data

static (adj)

stationary; not moving or changing

dynamic (adj)

constantly changing, moving, or full of energy

branch (n)

a division of an academic subject

trait (n)

a quality or characteristic that makes it easy to diatinguish somebody or something

labor (n)

work, especially work that requires tiring physical activity

eliminate (v)

remove or get rid of something or somebody completely



floaty (adj)

tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas

indie (adj)

not affiliated with a major recording company

fancy (v)

to like or want something, or want to do something

gut (n)

the courage and determination you need to do something difficult or unpleasant

n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉

romantic (adj)

showing strong feelings of love

shallow (adj)

not deep

ecstatic (adj)

feeling extremely happy and excited

mortal (adj)

relating to death

collide (v)

to impact with force/ to conflict

be accountable to

to be responsible to something and answer to someone about it

hamper (v)

to prevent progress/ to make more difficult

predominant (n)

main most common

embody (v)

to truely be an example of something

be exempt from

to not have to do something

corrode (v)


interwoven (v)


preface (v)

to explain something before hand

knit (v)

to join closely

straight answer

clear and honest information


with maximum effort/ maximum amount

conversion (n)


feast (n)

eat large amount

thrive (v)

do very well

deplete (v)

use up

contemplate (v)

to think about something

simulate (v)

to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being

to pretend to have a feeling

pop (adj)


synthetic (adi)

made artificially

utter (v)

to say something

glorious (adj)

having or deserving great fame, praise, and honour

invulnerable (adj)

someone or something that is invulnerable cannot be harmed or damaged if you attack or criticize them

prestige (n)

the respect and admiration that someone or something gets because of their success or important position in society

accrue (v)

grow by addition

cognitive (adj)

related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something

prosperity (n)

when people have money and everything that is needed for a good life

commodity (n)

a product that is bought and sold

longing (n/adj)

a strong feeling of wanting something or someone

overblown (adj)

made to seem greater or more impressive than something really is