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27 Cards in this Set

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What is a defense mechanism for the body?
Immune System
The body produces antibodies and the body becomes what?
What are the substances that are recognized and destroyed by the immune system?
What are protiens that circulate throughtout the blood and bodily fluids?
Antibodies primary function is to what?
Recognize any future exposure to the antigen and destroy it.
What results in the destruction of the atigen?
Local and systemic effects seen with allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.
What is anaphylactic shock?
Sever form of an allergic reaction with systemic alterations in the patient's airway, breathing, and circulatory status.
What are the results of anaphylactic shock?
Airway compromise from awelling.
Circulatory collapse manifested by hypotension and tachycardia.
How can allergens enter the body?
Injections, Ingestion, Inhalation, and Absorption.
WHat are the most common causes of allergic reaction?
Venom, foods, pollen, and medication.
What can an allergic reaction resemble?
Asthma, acute coronary syndrome, or alteres mental status.
What will be the initial complaint?
Malaise, difficulty breathing, feeling of impending doom, or pruritis.
When should you begin Positive pressur ventilation?
Suspect airway obstrution, inadequate respiration, or altered mental status.
What do you do if patient breathing is adequate?
Place on N R B mask at oxygen flow of 15l p m
What can you find in a patient with airway and breathing compromise?
Occluded airway, Abnormal sounds, oral cavity or airway swelling, difficulty breathing, swollowing, and bilateral wheezing.
What do you find in a patient with circulatory compromise?
Diaporetic and cool skin, absent peripheral pulses, weak or irregular pulse, and hypotension.
What condition will the skin be in?
Warm, tingling in the face, mouth, chest, feet, or hands.
Intense itching.
Flushed or red skin.
Swelling to the face, lips, neck, hands, feet, and tongue.
Cyanosis ( in severe cases )
What are systems of respiratory destress?
Complaint of lump in throat, difficulty in swallowing, and /or hoarsness
tightness in chest
High pitched cough ( significant finding )
Labored or destressed breathign
Noisy breathing ( wheezing, stridor, crowing are all significant findings. )
What are the findings for the cardiovascular system?
Hypotension ( significant finding )
Irregular pulse
Absent radial pulse ( significant finding )
What happens to the cns?
Increased anxiety
What happens to the Gastrointestinal system?
Nausea or vomiting
Abdominal Cramping
Difficulty in swallowing
Loss of bowel/ bladder control
What is the emergency medical care?
Maintain patent airway
Provide high flow of oxygen
Assure breathing adequacy by ppv.
If necessary occlude pop off valve on bvm.
where do you give the epi pen?
In lateral thigh
What is the adult dose?
What is the pediatric dose?
What are the actions of the epi- pen?
Constricts Bronchiols.
Increases blood pressure.
Helps to eleminate swelling and edema.
What are the side effects?
Increased heart rate.
Pale skin.
Dizziness and headache
Chest pain
Nausea and vomiting.
Excitability and anxiousness.