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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 types of dāgēš?

Which letters come standard with dāgēš lene?

בּ גּ דּ כּ פּ תּ

* dāgēš lene only occurs in these 6 letters!

What can cause dāgēš lene to drop out of the b, g, d, k, p, t letters?

If the consonant is preceded by a vowel or a vocal/compound shewa.

Examples of losing dāgēš lene.

Dāgēš Forte occurs in ALL consonants except ________.

The Gutts Gang!

ע א ה ח (ר)

Dāgēš forte will _________ the consonant, making its pronunciation stronger.


Dāgēš forte or lene?

Shin is not a bgdkpt letter, so this is not a DL, but rather a DF which doubles the shin.

DF will always close one syllable and open a new syllable.

Shewa under dāgēš forte is always vocal.


Only in final ה

-indicates that final ה is a consonant to be pronounced instead of a mater.


A word that can take an article and indeed has one.

Ex: The man…

“man” is an articular noun in this sentence.


No article with the given word.

How does adding the inseparable preposition before the article work?

Article + inseparable preposition graphic…

Semantics/meaning of the article #1

The article can specify or determine which word is the noun.

Semantics/meaning of the article #2

Semantics/meaning of the article #3

Semantics/meaning of the article #4

Define quiescent letters.

Letters that loose consonantal value, becoming silent.

Which are the quiescent letters?

א ה ו י

Note on vowel pointing and the final consonant.

The final consonant of a word doesn’t need pointing but all consonants preceding it must have either a vowel or a shewa.

Under which circumstances will א become quiescent?

When א is trying to close a syllable.

Compensatory lengthening

Under what circumstances will י (yôd) become quiescent?

What consonants comprise the Gutts Gang?

Characteristics of the Gutts Gang, #1

Characteristics of the Gutts Gang, #2

Characteristics of the Gutts Gang, #3


Sets of speech sounds produced using the same vocal organs.

E.g. Gutts Gang & a-class vowels

Results in changes to the article’s vowel and the presence of DF.

What are the 4 forms of the article?

What is a definite noun?

A noun with the article attached to it.

Note on the article before weak letters…