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171 Cards in this Set

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what is a metabolic rate?
the energy expelled by an organism
what is a basal metabolic rate?
the metabolic rate when an organism is resting
how do you measure metabolic rate?
oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide
production, heat production
how is oxygen measured?
a repro meter, oxygen probe
how is carbon dioxide measured?
carbon dioxide probes
how is heat production measured?
list going from high to low metabolic rates
1 mammal and birds
2 reptiles and amphibians
3 fish
organisms with i higher metabolic rate need more of what
more efficient oxygen delivered to the cells
what is a complete double circulatory system?
2 atria and 2 ventricles
what is an incomplete double circulatory system?
2 atria and 1 ventricle
what is a single circulatory system?
1 atrium and 1 ventricle
what circulatory system does a bird have
complete double circulatory system
what circulatory system does a reptile have
incomplete double circulatory system
what circulatory system does a fish have
single circulatory system
what circulatory system does a mammal have
complete double circulatory system
what circulatory system does an amphibian have
incomplete double circulatory system
what are the advantages of a complete double circulatory system?
allows for a higher metabolic rate to be maintained, there is no mixing of oxygenated and unoxygenated blood, more efficient oxygen delivery
what is an exsternal abionic factor
is a factor that affects the metabolic rate of an organism
external abiotic factor example
temperature, salinity and pH
what do conformers internal environment
depend on
the external environment
how do conformers maintain optimal metabolic rate
through behavioural responses
what do behavioural responses do
allow conformers to tolerate a change in their environment and maintain optimum metabolic rate
what is a conformers metabolic cost and range of ecological niches?
low metabolic cost with a narrow range of ecological niches
what happens to a regulator's internal
enviroment when the external environment changes
nothing, it stays the same
how do regulator control their internal environment
by using their metabolism
what is a regulator ecological niche range?
a wide range of ecological niches
what in regulators is required for hemostasis and what does this cause
energy is needed for hemostasis this results in a high metabolic cost
what is the hypothalamus?
the temperature monitoring center
how is information communicated
through electrical impulses
where are the electrical impulses sent
through the nerves to the effectorss
what do effectors do
return the bodys temperture to normal
what arre the responces for an increase in tempertue
sweting, vasodilation of blood vasses and decreased metabolic rate
how does sweting help the body
the bodys heat evaprotes the swaet on the skin resulting in the skin cooling
how does vasodilation help the body
increased blood flow to the skin, increases heat loss
how does a decresed metabolic rate help the body
less heat is producded due to less energy being used
what are the responses to the body getting too cold?
shivering, vasoconstriction of blood vessels, hair erector muscles contracting and an increased metabolic rate
how does shivering help the body
muscles contract and generate heat
how does vasoconstriction help the body?
blood vessels constrain resulting in less heat lost through the skin
how do hair erector muscles help the body
traps air under the top of the hairs, this aris slowly heats up
how does an increased metabolic rate help the body?
as more energy is used more heat is produced
what is thermoregulation
the regulation of temperature
why is thermoregulation important?
for maintaining optimum enzyme activity and hgh diffusion rates
why are enzyme activity and high diffusion rates important
to maintain your metabolism
what is homeostasis
the optimal temperature inside an organism's body
what is negative feedback?
if the temperature of something rises negative feedback reduces it
if the temperature of something falls negative feedback rises it again
what is an adverse condition
a enviroment above the torrlable limits for normal metabolic activity
why is dormancy used
what the cost of metabolic activity is too high this saves energy
what happens during dormancy
decresed metabolic rate, decresed heart rate, decresed breathing rate and body temperature
what is predictive dormancy
dormancy that happens before the adverse conditions
what is consequential dormancy
dormancy that happens during adverse conditions
what is dormancy in cold conditions
some mammals hibernate, during winter or cold conditions
what is dormancy in hot conditions?
activation, allows survival in hot temperatures or droughts
what is daily torpor?
daily torpor is a period of inactivity during a day, this occurs in animals with high metabolic rates
what is migration
when animals avoid adverse conditions by using energy to move to a more suitable environment
what is migration
it is behavural and inate
what is innate
can migration be learned?
what specialist techniques measure migration
satellite tracking, leg rings
how can wild strains of microorganisms be improved?
mutagens and recombinant DNA technology
what can cause mutagens?
UV exposure, radiation and chemicals
what is used in recombinant DNA technology?
recombinant plasmids and artificial chromosomes as vectors
what is a vector?
a DNA molecule used to transfer foreign genetic information to another cell
what is used as a vector?
plasmids and artificial chromosomes
what is the preferred vector?
artificial chromosomes
what is good about using artificial chromosomes as vectors?
they can insert larger fragments of foreign DNA
what cuts the plasmid and required genes from the chromosome?
Restriction endonucleases
what was Restriction endonucleases leave
plasmids and the required gene with?
sticky ends
what is a sticky end?
when the bases are complementary
what is used to seal the gene into the plasmids?
what is in Recombinant plasmids and artificial chromosomes?
restriction sites, regulatory sequences, an origin of replication and selectable markers
What's a restriction site?
contain target sequences of DNA where specific restriction endonucleases cut
what are Regulatory sequences?
control gene expression
What is the origin of replication?
allows self–replication of the plasmid / artificial chromosome
what are selectable markers?
they protect the microorganism from a selective agent that would normally kill it
why are selectable markers used?
so that only the microorganisms that have taken up the vector survive in the presence of the
selective agent
what is done as a safety mechanism when
selectable markers are used?
genes are introduced that prevent the
microorganisms from surviving outside the
culture conditons
what is used when a bacteria can't produce the protein needed?
recombinant yeast cells
what can happen when plant or animal DNA is expressed in bacteria?
the polypeptides can fold the wrong way
what are the three stages of cellular respiration?
glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and electron
transport chain
what is glycolysis?
the breakdown of the glucose into pyruvate at the cytoplasm
what is ATP needed for in glycolysis?
the phosphorylation of glucose and intermediates
what is the first stage called in glycolysis?
the energy investment stage
what does the energy investment stage lead to?
the energy payoff stage, the generation of more ATP
what is the net gain of ATP in glycolysis?
when an enzyme removes hydrogen ions and electrons?
dehydrogenase enzyme
what does the dehydrogenase enzyme do with the hydrogen ions and electrons?
it passes them to the coenzyme NAD
what does NAD become when hydrogen is added?
what occurs in aerobic conditions?
the Citric Acid Cycle
what happens during the citric acid cycle?
pyrivate is broken down into an acetial group
what is removed from the pyruvate when it is broken down?
the carbon dioxide is removed
what is added together to form acetal coenzyme A?
the acteial group and the coenzyme A
what does the acetyl group from acetyl
coenzyme A combine with?
what do the acetyl and oxalate form?
what happens to the citrate?
it is turned back into oxalate
how does citrate become oxalate?
through enzyme–controlled reactions
what does citrate becoming oxalate produce?
ATP and carbon dioxide
where does the citric acid cycle occur?
the matrix of the mitochondria
when are dehydrogenase enzymes used?
glycolysis and the citric acid cycle
what is the electron transport chain?
a series of carrier proteins attached to the inner mitochondrial membrane
what is passed on from NADH?
hydrogen ions and electrons
what is the first step of ATP synthesis?
electrons are passed along the electron transport chain
what does the first step of ATP synthesis release?
what is the second step of ATP synthesis?
the energy from the first stage allows for
hydrogen ions to be pumped across the inner
mitocondiral membrain
what is the third step of ATP synthesis?
the hydrogen ions flow back through the
membrane protein ATP synthase
what does the hydrogen flowing back through the membrane produce?
what is the fourth stage of ATP synthesis?
hydrogen ions and electrons combine with water to form oxygen
what is ATP used for?
to transfer energy to cellular processes that need energy
what causses fermentation to occur?
the absence of oxygen
where does fermentation take place?
the cytoplasm
fermentation in animal cells?
pyruvate is converted to lactate
is pyruvate being converted to lactate reversible?
fermentation in plants and yeast?
ethanol and CO2 are produced
is fermetation in plants and yeast reverable?
what produces the most ATP
arobic resperation
what produces less ATP
what are the different types of microorganisms?
archaea, bacteria and some eukaryotes
what do microorganisms use substrates from?
metabolism and producing a range of products from their metabolic pathways
why are microorganisms used?
they are adaptive, easy to cultivate and they are fast to grow
what is biosynthesis needed to produce?
complex molecules
examples of complex molecules?
amino acids, vitamins and fatty acids
what is required when culturing a microorganism?
require raw materials for biosynthesis as well as an energy source
where is an energy source from?
chemical sources or from light in photosynthetic microorganisms
why are sterile conditions needed on fermenters?
it reduces commission with the desired
micro organism and reduce the risk of spoilage
what are cultural conditions? (examples)
sterility, control of temperatures, oxygen levels and pH
what is the first stage of the growth curve?
the lag phase
what is the second stage of the growth curve?
the log / exponential phase
what is the third phase of the growth curve?
stationary phase
what is the last stage of the growth curve?
death phase
what is the lag stage?
where enzymes are induced to metabolise substrates
what is the log stage?
the most rapid growth of micro–organisms due to plentiful nutrients
what is the stationary phase?
occurs due to the nutrients in the culture media becoming depleted and the production of toxic metabolites
what is the death phase?
due to the toxic accumulation of metabolites or the lack of nutrients in the culture
what is a viable cell count?
the count of only the living microorganisms
what is the total cell count?
the count of all the microorganisms dead and alive
what micro organism count shows the death phase?
the viable cell count
what is the scale of the y–axis on a logarithmic graph?
in powers of 10
what are metabolic pathways?
controlled pathways of enzyme–catalysts in the cell
what are the three kinds of steps in metabolic pathways?
reversible steps, irreversible steps and
alternative routes
what do anabolic reactions do?
Build up large molecules from small
requires energy
what do catabolic reactions do?
break down larger molecules into smaller molecules
releases energy
what makes up the cell membrane? (nat 5)
phospholipids and proteins
what makes up the cell membrane? (higher)
phospholipids, proteins, pores, pumps and enzymes
what is a concertation gradient?
the different concentrations of molecules on the outside and inside of a cell
what is passive transport?
when molecules move from a high to a
low concentration, down the concentration gradient
what is active transport?
when molecules move from a low concentration to a high concentration, up the concentration gradient
what type of transport is osmosis?
passive transport
what type of transport is diffusion?
what is diffusion?
the movement of molecules down a
concentration gradient from a higher to a lower concentration
what is osmosis?
the movement of water molecules from a higher water concentration to a lower water
concentration through a selectively permeable membrane
what happens to animal cells in osmosis?
they can burst or shrink
what happens to plant cells in osmosis?
turgid (gain water) or plasmolysed (lose water)
what are metabolic pathways controlled by?
presence or absence of particular enzymes
what is induced fit?
when the active site of the enzyme changes to better fit the enzyme's active site
why do enzymes lower the activation energy?
to allow reactions to occur
what has a high affinity for the active site?
the substrate
what has a low affinity for the active site?
the product
what does a high affinity allow?
the substrate and the enzyme to bond
what does a low affinity allow?
the product to leave the enzyme
what happens when substrate concentration increases?
the rate of reaction increases
why does substrate concentration increase the rate of reaction?
as more active sites are being used
What happens when all of the active sites are occupied?
the rate of reaction remains constant
can metabolic reactions be reversed?
some but not all
what happens when there is a high substrate concentration and a low product concentration?
more products are made from the substrates
what happens when there is a low substrate concentration and a high product concentration?
the reaction reverses and more substrates are made from the product
in what way can metabolic pathways be controlled?
through competitive, non–competitive and
feedback inhibition
what happens during competative inhibition
competitive inhibitors bind to the active site blocking the substrate from the enzyme
how can competitive inhibition be reversed?
by increasing substrate concentration
what do non–competitive inhibitors do?
bind away for the active site and change its shape preventing the substrate from binding
how can non–competitive inhibition be reversed?
it cannot be reversed
what causes feedback inhibition?
when the product level reaches a critical concentration
what happens when the product reaches a critical concentration? (feedback inhibition)
the product inhibits an earlier enzyme
preventing more from being made