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42 Cards in this Set

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General Formula


Saturated or Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Unsaturated hydrocarbon

What hybridisation?

sp2 hybridised

Carbon-carbon double bond.

Prefix(es)- stem - suffix

Parent chain is longest continuous chain that contains carbon-carbon double bond.

Suffix ‘ene’

Name of alkyl substituents arranged in alphabetical order and position of substituent is numbered.

What type of isomerism do alkenes exhibit?

Constitutional Isomerism- chain isomerism & positional isomerism

Cis-Trans isomerism •restricted rotation about C-C double bond ( presence of pi bonds). •each C of double bond bonded to two diff groups

Do alkenes have high melting point?

Alkenes have slightly lower melting point boiling point than corresponding alkanes.

Is boiling point of branched alkene lower or higher than its straight chain alkene?

Branching lowers boiling point.

Bpmp increases with increasing total number of electrons.

1. What is the trend of density of alkenes?

2. Are alkenes more or less dense than water?

1. Density increases with increasing Mr.

2. Liquid alkenes are less dense than water.

Solubility of alkenes?

Alkenes soluble in non-polar solvents & insoluble in polar solvents.

What is the reactivity of alkenes?

Alkenes are much more reactive than alkanes.

Double bond is composed of a strong sigma bond and a weaker pi bond. Pi electrons are more loosely held than sigma electrons, thus more susceptible to reactions ( loosely held pi electrons serve as source of electrons )

Alkenes are susceptible to reaction with electrophilic reagents or electrophiles.

more or less than alkanes?

What are electrophiles?

Electron pair acceptors. Electron deficient which contains a full or partial positive charge to accept an electron pair.

Reactions alkenes undergoes?

Electrophilic addition, Hydration, Reduction, Oxidation , Dehydration.

What is addition reaction?

Two molecules react together to form a single large product moelcule.

Addition of bromine reagent and condition? Observation?

1.Br2(l) (reddish brown), room temp Decolorisation of reddish brown bromine to a colourless solution.

2. Br2 dissolved in CCL4 (orange-red), room temp Decolorisation of orange-red bromine to a colourless solution

3. Br2 (aq) (orange) , room temp. Decolorisation of orange bromine to a colourless solution.

Steps of electrophilic addition using Br2 (l) and Br2 dissolved in CCl4.

Electrophilic addition using Br2 (aq), room temp

Two products are formed due to presence of H2O which competes with Br-

Addition of HBR to symmetrical alkene. Reagent and condition?

HBr (g) or HBr dissolved in CCL4, room temp.

HBr (g) or HBr dissolved in CCL4, room temp.

Addition of HBr to an unsymmetrical alkene

When is Markovnikov’s rule used? What is the rule?

Used in addition of HX to an unsymmetrical alkene.

Hydrogen atom becomes attached to unsaturated C atom with higher number of H atoms

Electrophilic addition involves formation of ____ carbocation


What does relative stability of carbocation depend on?

When does stability of a charged system increase?

How well it disperses the positive charge on the central carbon atom.

Stability increases with an increase in number of electron donating groups which disperses positive charge.

What does relative stability of carbocation depend on?

When does stability of a charged system increase?

How well it disperses the positive charge on the central carbon atom.

Stability increases with an increase in number of electron donating groups which disperses positive charge.

What are electron withdrawing groups?

Eg. Halogens

Intensify the positive charge on central carbon atom, destabilising carbocation.

What is racemic mixture?

Equal quantities of each enantiomer is formed ( 2 mirror images which are non-superimposable ) optically inactive ... cancel out rotating capacity.

What is racemic mixture?

Equal quantities of each enantiomer is formed ( 2 mirror images which are non-superimposable ) optically inactive ... cancel out rotating capacity.

How is a racemic mixture formed from electrophilic addition reactions?

In stage 2 of mechanism, there is a planar arrangement.

Carbocation attached by Br- either from top of plane or bottom of plane with equal probability.

Direct Hydration reagent and conditon?

H2O (g), heat in presence of H3PO4 at 300 degree celsius, 65 atm

Indirect hydration reagent and condition?

Use cold, concentrated H2SO4, followed by H2O (l), heat

What are the reagents and conditions for reduction of alkene?

Reagent: H2 (g)


Pt or Pd catalyst at rtp.

Ni catalyst in presence of heat and slightly elevated pressure.

What are the two types of oxidation?

Mild oxidation & Strong oxidation

Reagent and Condition and Observation for mild oxidation ?

Cold, alkaline KMnO4 —> decolourisation of purple KMnO4 & formation of brown ppt

Cold, dilute acidic KMnO4 —> decolourisation of purple KMnO4 to a colourless solution

What does mild oxidation of alkene form?


Reagent and Condition and Observation for strong oxidation?

Alkaline conditions —> decolourisation of purple KMnO4 & formation of brown ppt of MnO2

Acidic conditions —> decolourisation of purple KMnO4 to a colourless solution.

What does strong oxidation form? What are the products formed dependent on?

1. Terminal Alkene : CO2 + H2O

2. C attached to 1 R group and H: Carboxylic acid

3. C attached to 2 R groups: Ketone

The products from the oxidation depen on degree of substitution of C-C double bond.

What cannot be used for oxidation of alkenes?

Acidified K2Cr2O7

Does combustion of alkene result in a more or less smoky flame than alkanes? Why?

Combustion occurs with a more smoky flame than alkanes because alkenes have a higher % of carbon than corresponding alkanes.

Thus alkenes not used as fuels.

How are alkenes prepared in the lab?

1. Elimination of water from alcohols (dehydration)

2. Elimination of HX from a halogenoalkane

What is elimination reaction?

Removal of atoms or groups of atoms from two adjacent carbon atoms to form a multiple bond.

Reagent and Condition and Equation for elimination of water from alcohols?

Reagent and Condition: Excess concentrated H2SO4, 180 degrees celcius Al2O3, 400 degrees celcius

Trend for ease of elimination ?

Tertiary alcohols (3 R groups) > Secondary alcohols (2 R groups) > Primary alcohols

no. of R groups

Which is the major product for elimination of water from alcohols?

Major product is the alkene with the greatest no. of R groups attached to doubly bonded carbon.

Reagent and Condition for elimination of HX from a halogenoalkane?

Alcoholic KOH, heat