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8 Cards in this Set

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Health hazards of methamphetamine use

Seizure, convulsions, cardiovascular collapse, violent behavior/paranoid symptoms, depression, "meth mouth", long-lasting damage to brain, higher rates of Parkinson's disease.

Risks of combining cocaine & other drugs

Toxic-cocaethylene may cause overdose. Mix of morphine and cocaine-morphine enhances the pleasurable effects of cocaine but increases the cardiovascular effects. "Speedball"-heroin & cocaine, the synergistic effects on blood pressure and heart rate.

3 takeaways from harm reduction & nicotine dependence

Harm reduction-desirable any behavior change that results in the reduction of negative consequences associated with smoking.

Some Electronic cigarettes, which were designed to provide the nicotine & nondrug features of cigarette smoking without most or any of the toxic smoke, actually contain nitrosamines (cancer-causing agents) & diethylene glycol (ingredient in antifreeze).

Snus has been introduced to the US, this is popular in Swedenbevause of its harm-reduction. However, there is not much data. There is trials suggesting that it leads to pancreatic cancer and delivers a potent dose of nicotine.

The introduction of "harm-reduction" smoking, makes it easier for individuals to fall dependent to these new products since they still are still addictive. They are also more appealing to people who are not yet addicted to nicotine.

Problematic issues of energy drinks

Usually have higher levels of caffeine than coffee, tea, or soft drinks.

The health consequences are unknown.

The potential impact of the other ingredients is unknown as well.

Mostly marketed to children and young adults with the claims offered without much substantiation.

Frequent energy drink consumption may serve as a useful screening indicator to identify students at risk for a broader "problem behavior syndrome."

Combining alcohol and energy drinks decreases sensations of sleepiness, but does not reduce harmful effects of alcohol on motor perfomance.

Problematic issues of drinking patterns and practices of the elderly.

Age-related decrease in physical tolerance for alcohol so that smaller quantities can have considerable effects on an older person.

Many elderly are taking prescribed meds that are synergistic with alcohol, magnifying the effects of a given quantity of alcohol.

Controversy over whether an alcohol use disorder is a disease

When a disease is contracted, the person has no control over the disease running its course. A large portion of our population says they believe alcohol use disorder is a disease and science supports that with direct studies of drug action on the brain.The problem now is whether the symptoms of alcohol use disorder is a manifestation of the disease process or voluntary, learned behavior or "willful misconduct".

New approaches to make prescription opiate safer

Partial opiate agonists bind to the endorphin/opiate receptors and produce lower levels of activity than full opiate receptors. These produce analgesia, but with lower abuse liability. They can be administered orally or patch for moderate to severe pain.

Buprenorphine is becoming a popular alternative to methadone treatment for opiate addiction. Physicians can actually prescribe it right from their office because it has less abuse liability and has the same relief of withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Suboxone is a combo of buprenorphine and antagonist naloxone is taken under the tongue. If the suboxone is injected, the antagonist naloxone, will block the effects of the buprenorphine.

Concerns over designer/synthetic marijuana

synthetic designer cannabinoids are sprayed onto herbal or plant material and advertised for sale as an herbal preperation. However, these substances have been found to contact potent CB1 agonists, mimicking a powerful marijuana-like high; individuals have been hospitalized by this high with elevated heart rate and blood pressure, agitation, drowsiness, vomiting, paranoia, and loss of physical control and sometimes kidney failure with longer-term use.

Synthetic marijuana is the 2nd used illicit drug among high school seniors.