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59 Cards in this Set

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How close is danger close


Mortars don't normally do smoke missions, why?

Because they use white phosphorous

What us call for fire?

It is a request for indirect fire

What are the 6 elements of a fire mission

Observer identification

Warning order (type of mission)

Target location

Target description

Method of engagement

Method of fire and control

What are the three transmissions

Observer identification and warno

Target location

Target description, method of engagement, method of fire and control

Three ways to give a target location



Shift from known point

Why goes into a target description

What the target is

What the target is doing

The number of elements in the target

The degree of protection

The target size and shape

2 hat goes into the method of engagement

Type of adjustment




Danger close

Mark (for illumination)

What acronym is used for method of fire and control


What does WAT stand for

When ready (wr)

At my command (amc)

Time on target (tot)

WHT does the message to observer (mto) consist of

Unit firing (let's you know what assets are used)

Number of rounds

Target number

Change to method of engagement if applicable

What is the standard grid for call for fire

A 6 digit grid

Is the observer location needed for a grid mission


What must be sent with the or before the subsequent adjustment of a grid mission

The observer target (OT) direction

Give an example of an initial request for a grid mission

Zip this is z71, adjust fire, over

Z71 this is z57, adjust fire, out

Grid 180513, over

Grid 180513, out

Infantry platoon in the open, over

Infantry platoon in the open, out

Example of message to observer for a grid mission

Message to observer, z57 (co mortars), 2 rounds , target a 1027, over

Message to observer, z57, 2 rounds, target a 1027, out

Direction 1680, over

Direction 1680, out

What must be known for a polar mission

The observers location

What does the observer send in reference from their location

The direction and distance

What goes into determining a target location for a polar mission

Determine observer target (OT) direction

Estimate distance to target

Determine vertical shift

Direction is determined to the nearest what

10 mils

How do you estimate OT distance

By laser

Flash to bang (time x by 350 = distance)


What is the minimum difference required to send a vertical (up/down distance)

35 meters or greater from the observers altitude

Example of an initial request for polar fire mission

Z56, this is z31, fire for effect, polar, over

Z31 this is z56, fire for effect, polar, out

Direction 4520, distance 2300, down 35, over

Direction 4520, distance 2300, down 35, out

Infantry company in the open, over

Infantry company in the open, out

What does VT stand for

Variable time

What is variable time

The time to target

For a polar mission if they do not know your grid when should you send it

You can send your grid before or after the intial request

What is the most preferred call for fire method

Shift from a known point

How to locate a target by shift from a known point

Identify to the FDC the known point to be used

Determine the OT direction

Determine the range shift

Determine the lateral shift

Determine the vertical shift, if necessary

During the warno the known point is announced

Ex: How thus is h44, fire for effect, shift aa7733, over

What is the OT direction

It is the direction from the observer to the target

What is the preferred method for determining the direction the the target

A grid azimuth

What are range correction rounded too

The nearest 100m

How do you determine the lateral shift

Determine the shift factor

Determine the deviation

Multiply the shift factor and deviation

Express in meters, and round to the nearest 10m

How do you determine the shift factor

Determine the known point distance

Divide the known point distance by 1,000

The sum of this will be multiplied by the deviation

What is the deviation

The difference, in mils between the known point direction and the target direction

For the hand method for determine deviation what do the different fingers mean

5 fingers is 300 mils

A fist is 180

4 fingers is 125

3 fingers is 100

2 fingers is 70

1 finger is 30

To get the shift factor for shift from a known the number is rounded to the nearest what

Decimal ex: 2,700=2.7

RALS stands for

Right add, left subtract

What is it called when you are spotting the round impact

Spotting the round

Successive bracketing is how many rounds


2 rounds above

2 rounds below

1 round on target

Hasty bracketing is how many rounds


1 above

1 below

1 round on target

When is creeping fire used

When rounds are danger close

How do you establish a bracket if the round impact is more than 400m, between 200-400m or between 100-200m

More than 400m add or subtract 800m

Between 200 and 400 add or subtract 400m

Between 100 and 200 add or subtract 100m

For adjusting fire during bracketing the OT is round to what

The nearest even whole number

What is it called when the OT is rounded to the nearest even whole number during bracketing

Artillery expression

When adjusting rounds what order is the lateral, range and vertical shift given

Lateral first, range and vertical last

Ex: right 100, drop 400, down 35 over

Right 100, drop 400, down 35 out

When is bracketing complete

When you add or drop 50m and fire for effect

When is the fire mission complete

When rounds complete, over is announced

Give an examp,e of a ended fire mission

Rounds complete, over

Rounds complete, out

End of mission, 20 casualties, rest of platoon dispersed, over

End of mission, 20 casualties, rest of platoon dispered, out

Where is the type of target location initially given

In the first transmission, in the warno ex:grid, polar, shift from known point

What is the most important part of call for fire

Target location

When is danger close announced

In the third transmission with method of engagement

What is the adjustment point

Where you want the round to land

What is attitude

The long axes of a linear target

What are the 3 types of effects for the end of mission




What incrimants is creeping fire adjusted in

100m incrimants

What are the 5 rules of direction

Observer to target


Grid direction

Nearest 10 mils

4 digits when giving mils

What are the types of fire missions

Adjust fire

Fire for effect

Immediate suppression or smoke


What goes into adjustment of fire

Select an adjustment point

Spot the impact of the round

Determine range correction

Determine lateral shift

What is the minimum distance for a lateral shift
