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14 Cards in this Set

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Who was the main leader of Albania?
- King Zog
Zog was elevated to King by
- will of the people
Zog was called _____________ instead of King of Albania
- King of Albanians
- In 1928 constitution declared that Albanian govt. was a ________________ but it was far from a democracy
- democratic parliamentary monarchy
t/f King Zog had the final say in all national matter and had complete control?
King Zog was very influenced by what dictator?
King Zog
t/f King Zog was fascist
t/f King Zog was communist
Name 5 things King Zog called for?
- all citizens to follow him and love the country of Albania
- nationalism
- total discipline from citizens
- total control and power in Albania
- totalitarianism
To whom did his message appeal?
- himself
- his followers
- zogist salute used by many citizens but many did not want to be seen as his enemy
What government and economic effects did Zog have on Albania?
- he set up Albania to be fascist
- he made Albania's economy dependent on Italy
How did Zog connect Italy with Albania
- in striving to become the only one with power in Albania, he took help from whoever offered
- Italy supported him
How did Albania react to Italian influence?
- Albania rebelled
- Italy cut Albania's budget, causing Albania to have to go back to italy
What was the eventual cause of Italian influence in Albania?
Italian invasion and fascism in Albania