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36 Cards in this Set

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when did the governor position lose power,why
1876 when new constitution was written in reaction to the powerful governors of the reconstruction era
term length governor
4 years, no term limits
gender of governors
all male, 2 female
ethnicity of governors
age of all goverors
all over 50
pay of governor, when did this number come about
in 1953, when the people allwoed legislature to set the governor's salary
governor's bonuses
- live in mansion
- limo
- plane
- 200 person staff
- access to tunnels that connect downtown austin
what is impeachment
removal of governor by legislature
who was the only governor impeached, when did he serve

why impeached
jim ferguson, 1917

impeached because he forced UT staff pro-prohibition (he was anti) to pay fines and pocketed money. thrown out 25-3

ran again after impeached but lost to wife Maw Ferguson
who takes over if a governor is impeached or dead?
lt. governor
1999 amendment about lt. gov taking over
if the lt. governor takes over, must resign Lt. Gov office
restrictions on gov's power 1876
- low salary
- plural executive
- no appointment/removal (ecept secretary of state)
what offices can the governor appoint
secretary of state, if a space is vacated, agency heads (boards, commissions)
how are appointments approved?
2/3 Senate approval
(Senatorial courtesy - governor will not appoint if the Senator from person's region says no)
(if Senate is not in session, they approve whenever they are back in session)
governor relations with public
"chief persuader"
- head public opinion (press conferences so people will write their legislators)
governor relations with legis
- press conferences so people will contact legislators
- schmooze with legislators
- relationship with SH and LG
governor's best power
veto power (esp. because most bills are passed in the last 10 days of session, so legislature has no time to override veto)

not used too often if he is a good "chief persuader"
father's day massacre
perry's first legislative session in 2001, 82 vetoes even with Republican Congress
what do number of vetos generally depend on?
whether you have a Congress that identifies with your party
what is the most important position after Lt. Gov and gov?
attorney general
who is attorney general
greg abbott
attorney general's duties?
- represent state in litigation issues
- keep public informed of safety issues
who is the comptroller of public accounts?
susan combs
what does the comptroller of public accounts do?
- state's tax collector

- revenue forecasting function so that the legislature only spends what it takes in
- make sure people pay taxes for the amount they forecast
who is land commissioner
jerry patterson
what does land commissioner do?
- manages, leases state land
- authorize exploration of land resources (oil, gas)
who is agricultural commissioner
todd staples
when was the agricultural commissioner position created?
in 1907
what does the agricultural commissioner do?
- promote and regulate agricultural interests
- balance economic and environmental interests
- animal quarantine, pesticide regulation, food regulation
what number is TX in agricultural production
2nd to CA
who is treasurer?
no one, the position was dissolved by a woman
number of people on RR commission
reelection for RR commission
rotating schedule or reelection, 6 year term
RR commissions's job
- RR
- pipeline transport of oil, gas
number of people on state board of education
what does state board of edu do?
in chare og textbooks