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23 Cards in this Set

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Define aggression

any form of behavior intended to harm someone or something

**acts intended to harm one's self are aggressive

**assertiveness (the ability to assert your rights) is not aggression

Name the two types of aggression



Explain hostile aggression

-reactive aggression

-triggered by anger

-goal: cause pain or damage

-generally impulsive, "hot"

-ex. sarcastic humor

Explain instrumental aggression

-proactive aggression

-aggression is a means to an end

-generally a "cool" or rational decision

-includes aggression carried out to avoid punishment

-ex. most bullies

How does gender affect aggressive behavior?

-men: more physical aggression

-women: more indirect aggression (ex. gossiping, name calling)

-few gender differences in verbal aggression

Name three personality factors that increase the tendency to aggress. What is their focus?



emotional susceptibility (tendency to experience feelings of discomfort and inadequacy)

**unstable high self esteem can produce aggressive responses

**aggressive-prone individuals focus on immediate consequences, not long term

Why is intergroup aggression often more extreme than interpersonal aggression?

group-initiated aggression is often more intense and harmful

leads to delegitimization (effectively removes the target out-group from the perceived world of humanity and thus in-group members do not feel inhibited about mistreating and aggressing against them ("they aren't like us))

-affects of group polarization

Explain the evolution of aggressive tendencies in humans

-men are more aggressive and have a stronger social dominance orientation than females because aggression and dominance seeking have been the primary ways males have gained sexual access to females

-it is a way to secure resources, survive and successfully reproduce

-based on genetic survival

Explain the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

-theory of hostile aggression

-aggression is always the consequence of frustration (caused by the interference of a goal directed behavior)

-catharsis: frustrated energy being released; "freudian energy" gets blocked and must be released, increases aggression

-displaced aggression

Explain the Social Learning Theory

-theory that emphasizes the shaping of aggressive behavior

-states that people learn when to aggress, how to aggress and against whom to aggress

-this social learning of appropriate behavior is shaped by operant conditioning (punishment/reinforcement) that occur through both direct and indirect means

Explain Bandura's BoBo Doll experiment in relation to the social learning theory


Name six factors that influence aggression







Explain priming and its influence on aggression

cues in the environment can create hostile thoughts; how we react comes from how we're primed (ex. guns are for hunting or violence?)

Explain the Excitation Transfer Theory in regards to how arousal influences aggression

arousal from irrelevant source is misattributed as anger which leads to increased aggression; ex. exercise

How are media violence and aggressive behaviors related

violent tv shows, movies, lyrics, video games all increase tendencies towards violence

Explain the culture of honor as an explanation for aggression

a belief system that prepares men to protect their reputation by resorting to violence

How does the culture of honor influence the tendency to aggress?

develops in "lawless" societies where authorities cannot provide protection; honor is the most valued personal quality; usually co-occurs with strong norms of politeness

What types of content contribute to sexual aggression?

rape myth, sexual scripts, pornography

Explain ways to reduce aggression

-induce incompatible responses (ex. laughter)

-internalize anti-aggression beliefs

-offer apologies

-improve social skills through: negotiation, conflict resolution, cooperative problem solving)

-reduce exposure to violent media

-model nonaggressive behavior

**punishment can both increase and decrease aggression

What are the three conditions necessary for punishment to be effective?

1. punishment must be prompt

2. it must be relatively strong

3. must be consistently applied

How is aggression learned through reinforcement? Include the Reinforcement Chain Reaction.

-reinforcement: action or process that strengthens a behavior; "reward"

-Reinforcement Chain Reaction: when aggressive behavior is met with positive reinforcement, it is more likely to lead to future aggressive behavior than when it is met with negative behavior

Explain how alcohol is related to aggression

-alcohol is involved in about 50 % of violent crimes

-it reduces inhibitions against aggression and reduces attention to personal and social standards

-self-fulfilling prophecy for being drunk

Explain the biological explanation for aggression

-those with higher levels of testosterone are more likely to be aggressive

-if there is any enlargement of the amygdala (emotion, fear, rage) then this might increase aggressive behavior---> charles whittman

-no single structure is the master controller of aggression

-serotonin (neurotransmitter) decreases aggression