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25 Cards in this Set

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vicarious liability for agent
1. principal-agent relationship
2. within scope of agency
principal-agent relationship requires
1. assent between principal and agent
2. benefit the principal
3. control by the principal to supervise manner of performance
liability of sub-agents of borrowed agents
if A, B, C are met
exceptions to independent contractor liability
ultra hazardous activities
estoppel- hold out appearance of agency
factors for scope of agency
1. within job description
2. on the job- detour vs. frolic
3. intend to benefit the principal
detour vs. frolic
detour- mere departure from assigned task- liable

frolic- new and independent journey- not liable
liability of contracts entered by agents
liable for contracts authorized to enter into
types of authorization to enter a contract
1. express
2. implied
3. apparent
4. ratification

if the K must be in writing, the authorization must be too
express authority is revoked by
unilateral act by either party
death or incapacity of principal
implied authority
1. necessary to accomplish authorized task
2. custom of this title or position
3. prior dealings between P and A
apparent authority
1. principal cloaked agent with authority, and
2. third party reasonably relies on the appearance
1. principal has knowledge of all material facts
2. accepts benefit
3. cannot alter the terms of the K
agents liability for K
not liable unless principal is partially disclosed or undisclosed- agent is liable at election of third party
duties to principal
1. duty of care
2. duty of loyalty
3. duty to obey reasonable instructions
duty of loyalty
1. self-dealing
2. usurping an opportunity
3. competing venture
presumption of partnership is created by
contribution of money or services for a share of profits
dissociating partner liability on future debts
liable until notice to creditors or 90 days after filing notice of dissociation with the state
remedy for breach of duty of loyalty
losses from the breach and disgorge the profits
determining ownership of assets used in a partnership
turns on whose money was used to buy the assets, partnership or personal
management of partnership
absent agreement it is equal control
salary in partnership
no salary absent an agreement
except for winding up partnership business
share of profits and losses
absent an agreement:
profits are shared equally
losses are shared the same as profits
dissolution of partnership
notice of one partner to dissociate
priority of distribution in partnership
1. all creditors
2. all capital contributions
3. profits and surplus

each partner is liable on loss equally without agreement and must contribute to satisfy levels 1 and 2
when must the authorization to enter into a contract be in writing
when the contract itself must be in writing