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56 Cards in this Set

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Non-verbal behaviors Impact on interviews

punctuality, less is more not to much make-up, jewelry, eye contact, don't curb your enthusiasm,

Why people fail to make a good impression at a job interview

punctuality, bad appearance, complaining attitude, failing to ask for the job, answering their mobile phone, lying

Elevator pitch

30-60 secs, who are you, experience, how do you do your job better or differently

How many working hours are in a year


steps for delivery of your presentation

script, practice, evaluation, revision, and presentation

Photographs and slides can

arouse interest and create curiosity, create moods and impressions, furnish evidence, show how, tell why, compare, contrast and show change over a period of time

Advantages of slides

slides can hold the attention of the audience, slide programs are flexible, slides are easy to handle and store, slides are versatile

Simplicity in photography

look for ways to give your center of interest the most visual attention. Select uncomplicated backgrounds.

Rule of thirds

Horizon placement- 1/3 sky and 2/3 land or 2/3 sky and 1/3 land. very seldom will you ever put the horizon in the middle of picture.

center of interest placement

the intersections of these imaginary lines are excellent positions for subject in photo. Leave more room in front of moving subjects. Give them a path to follow.


diagonal- are dynamic

Leading- lead the viewer's attention to the center of interest

Repetitive- draws viewers attention to the center of interest

S curve- is a pleasing and attractive shape to look food

Geomectric shapes-adds strong visual unity to the picture


is simply the arrangement of shapes, colors, or areas of light and dark that complement one another so that the photograph looks well balanced


couples standing at each end of the scale they are evenly balanced


Large object closer and smaller object further away. This type of balance is more interesting


frame center of interest with object in the foreground. This gives a picture the feeling of depth


border- Don't cut off people's hands, feet or heads. Leave adequate space around your subjects

Near- if too close to the subject, it will steal attention from your subject

On a camera- holes

the smaller the number the bigger the hole

ASA or ISO rating

the speed of the film, the larger the number the less the amount of light required to properly expose the film


the size of the lens opening that allows the light to enter into the camera and expose the film

F-Stop or F-Number

The numerical expression of the aperture size of the lens opening

The larger the number the smaller the aperture opening

Shutter Speed

The length of time that the aperture of the lens is open to allow light to expose the film

Depth of field

the two distances that objects are in focus in your picture

Normal Lens

photographs what your eye sees, general purpose

Wide angle lens

allows the photographer to get extremely close to the subject, great to distort,

Telephoto lens

Allows one to bring a subject that is far away much closer

Zoom Lens

Combines a wide angle lens with a telephoto lens. Best of both worlds, except it will have a relatively large aperture opening. The smaller the aperture opening the more costly the lens

Close-up lens

Screws onto the end of your normal lens, they allow you to get your camera extremely close to the subject, produces an extremely short depth of field, relatively inexpensive

What percent of people who conduct interviews have no professional training in the interviewing process


keys to interview preparation

know who you are and what are your assets

Be able to turn your liabilities into assets, listen to the questions being asked, do your homework on the company, proper dress, handshake, vocabulary; sound educated, mannerisms (hands, feet, and eyes), ink pens, portfolio, brief case, be on time for the interview, be aware of power moves

top 10 personal qualities employers seek in job candidates

verbal communication skill, strong work ethic, teamwork skills, analytical skills, initiative, problem-solving skill, written communication skills, interpersonal skills, computer skills, flexibility/adaptability

action words

how you tell others about what you've done is as important accomplishments themselves. These active, energetic words can help make the difference between whether you resume is read or "filed"

Ex: Accomplished, invented, conducted, computed, and collected

How many times should you repeat key strengths


how many successful stories should you prepare


advantages of using graphs

quick way for the audience to visualize, forceful emphasizes main point, convincing, compact way to convey info, and interesting

disadvantages of using graphs and chart

somewhat time consuming, technical in nature

line graph

frequency polygon, used to clarify and compare relationships through time

bar graph

comparative statistics, good for making multiple comparisons


silhouettes represent quantities

pie chart

proportional divisions of a whole in percentages


shows how parts make a whole

flow chart

shows steps in a process

organizational chart

clarification of ranks and classifications of people within a organization

cognitive objective

information is accurate

affective objective

appreciate its value

psychomotor objective

can apply new information

the learning process

experiencing a provocative situation

the problem solving approach

interest approach


an idea is perceived as new by an individual


the process by which innovation spreads


the decision to continue full use of an innovation

types of aadopters

innovators, early adopter, early majority, late majority, later adopter

final step of the adoption process


4 aces of effective teaching

outcome, clarity, engagement, and enthusiasm

what is the first golden rule of selling

establish rapport with your prospect

second golden rule of selling

always acknowledge the presence of every prospect who enters your store

80/20 RULE

80 percent of sales come from 20 percent of product line, 80 percent of production comes from 20 percent of product line