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73 Cards in this Set

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Emancipation proclamation


13th Amendment

Formally freed slaves.

Basic human rights included:

Plantation marriages legalised

Ability to worship freely

Ability to own property

Ability to become educated

Ability to travel freely

14th Amendment


Granted former slaves equal protection under the law

15th amendment


Prohibited denial of the vote based on race

Andrew Johnson

Succeeded Abraham Lincoln


Was Lincoln's deputy

Wanted to re admit the southern states to the union and return to a pre war state. He issued thousands of pardons to southern rebels.

Vetoed on all major legislations which were overruled with a 2/3 majority. He was almost impeached.

Radical republicans

Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner. They realised black Americans played a vital part in the economy.

Carpet bagger and scalawag

Northern people who went to the south to enforce reconstruction policies and their southern assistants

Blanche K Bruce

Elected to congress in the 1870s but did not recognise the need for black civil rights.

Frederick Douglass

American ambassador in Haiti in the 1870s. He set up an anti slavery society and newspaper before the 13th Amendment.

Freedman's Bureau

Set up by general Oliver O Howard.

Helped unemployed and homeless black people.

Founded in 1865.

Trained black lawyers, scientists and teachers.

Closed in 1872.

South Carolina's Freedman Convention


Right to a fair trial



President Ulysses S Grant

Succeeded Johnson

Complied to Radical Republican wishes

Black codes

Allowed in the south.

No inter racial marriage

Segregated schools

No vote.

Rutherford B Hayes

Compromise of 1877

Did not win the electoral vote but if he withdrew troops from the south and ended reconstruction he could be president. He's nick clegg.

Black societies

25% of black Americans owned own land in 1910

Money made by black businesses would stay in their economy creating small societies and a small middle class.


10% moved north before 1917 and harlem became a black area in NY

Jim Crow Laws

Formal segregation

Excused it as it was said to relieve tension and prevent bloodshed

Poll tax

Monetary payment in advance in order to gain the vote

Property qualification

Only property owners could vote

Literacy tests

Had to be able to interpret a section of the constitution

Grandfather clauses

Fathers and grandfathers had to have voted before reconstruction

World War 1

300,000 served in the war

40,000 saw active service

Half went to France where they were treated with more respect

White returning soldiers saw their jobs were taken by black Americans and tension rose

Henry Johnson

First man in his regiment to win the french war cross

Rescued fellow soldier and suffered 21 wounds

Jesse owens

Won 4 golds in the Olympic games in Berlin 1936

Hattie McDaniel

Won first Oscar as an African American

Marian Anderson

Black classical singer was refused the right to sing in Constitution Hall which caused a large protest which eleanor Roosevelt supported

World War 2

GIs went to the UK which was not segregated

Emmett Till

Killed 1955 for saying bye baby to a white woman

2 men never found guilty

Open casket funeral in Chicago

Lots of media attention

Education in 1949

$179 spent on average white child $49 spent on average black child

Thurgood Marshall argued that the legal system should tackle this

Little Rock

Arkansas 1957

Governor Faubus used national guard troops to prevent the 9 black children from entering the Central High School

Mobs gathered and threatened to lynch the children

Eisenhower talked with Faubus but all he did was remove the national guard so only police could prevent the mobs from getting to the students

Eisenhower put 10,000 national guard troops under federal control and some guards were used to escort the children to and from lessons

School was shut down after the eldest black child graduated

Civil rights act under Eisenhower

1957 1960

New sector in justice department to look into cases of abuse of civil rights

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Dec 1955

Rosa Parks, NAACP secretary, refused to give up her seat for a white man and was arrested.

Du Bois and other civil rights activists met in MLKs church

Decided on bus boycott which gained unanimous support

Lasted for a year

Resulted in Browder vs Gayle Nov 1956

Greensboro, North Carolina


SNCC students began a campaign to end segregation of restaurants in town

Organised sit ins at lunch counters

Nashville, Tennessee


500 students organised sit ins in restaurants, libraries and churches

College expelled them but 400 teachers threatened resignation

Mayor Ben west desegregated the town

Freedom rides


CORE organised with SNCC greyhound rides which tested the desegregation of buses

Caused lots of violence

Black Panthers

Huey Newton and Bobby Seales

Influenced by Malcolm X

Wanted to end police brutality

Developed 10 point programme

Attracted people from the SNCC

Black pride

The slaughterhouse case


Concerned a meat monopoly

Ruled that each state controlled own civil rights

US vs Cruickshank


Enforcement Act was unconstitutional

Plessy vs Ferguson


Ruled that segregation of railway carriages was constitutional

Mississipi vs Williams


Ruled poll tax constitutional

Guinn vs US


Outlawed grandfather clauses in Maryland and oklahoma

Scottsboro boys


Two women accused 9 teens of rape on a train

8 sentenced to death. 1 sentenced to life in prison

1 woman retracted her statement

Trial was sent to the supreme Court but was sent back

2 boys were under 14 1 was disabled and 1 was blind

Last boy let out in the 1980s

Buchanan vs Warley


Found residential segregation to be unconstitutional

Moore vs Dempsey


Failed to uphold death sentences of 12 black Americans because their trials had been dominated by mobs

Gaines vs Canada


Ruled "separate but equal"

Lloyd Gaines allowed to go to university of missourri but was shot and killed

NAACP pushed for equal salaries for black teachers

Smith vs Allwright


Outlawed white primaries in texas

Brown vs the Board of Education


Earl Warren declared "separate but equal" unconstitutional

Used Thurgood Marshall's argument that segregation was psychologically damaging

By 1957 less than 12% of schools had been integrated

Browder vs Gayle


Ruled segregation of buses to be unconstitutional

Green vs Connally


Integrated schools did not gain federal funds so in the end 90% of black children went to black schools

Regents of the university of california vs Bakke


White student said that he hadn't been accepted into university due to positive discrimination

Warren Harding


Said south had a superior understanding of the problems with black Americans

Calvin coolidge

Said black rights were sacred


No friend to black civil rights

Laissez faire


Preoccupied with saving America so let eleanor take the platform

Banned racial discrimination in federal employer and set up fair employment practices commission to monitor this


Desegregated the army in 1948

Set up presidents committee on civil rights 1946

Lyndon B Johnson

Passed voting rights bill 1965

Richard Nixon

Policy of positive discrimination

1% to 12% of industrial workers in philadelphia were black

Equal opportunities act 1972

Bussing of black kids to white schools but this led to white kids moving away

Laissez faire

Jimmy carter

Appointed 37 black federal judges

Ronald Reagan

Voted against voting act in 1965

Introduced welfare cuts

George Bush

Vetoed 1990 civil rights act

7% of judicials were of an ethnic minority

Springfield race riots


2 white women reported assault from black men

2 men arrested

Mobs form trying to lynch them

6 people shot and killed, 2000 blacks driven out

Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln

Chicago race riot


Boy swims in white section of Lake michigan and is drowned

No arrests

15 whites and 23 blacks killed

Tragedy of Elaine


Farmers met and demanded better prices for cotton crops

2 white officials arrived and 1 person was killed

Riots ensued

Los Angeles


Rodney King beaten by police and riots ensued

The KKK pre 1900

Formed Dec 1865

Opposed blacks voting republican

Spread to all southern states by 1868

Disbanded in 1869

KU KLUX ACT 1871 made it an offence to conspire in disguise

The KKK after 1900

Revived in 1915

1921: 100k members

1924: 5 million members

1930: 30k members

Grand dragon DC Stephenson raped and murdered his secretary

Booker T Washington

Attended Hampton university and established Tuskegee Institute in 1881

Viewed as a house negro

Atlanta speech 1895 wanted white men to see Black men as economic partners

In the end secretly gave money to finance the challenge of segregation laws

Ida B Wells

Friend was lynched in 1884

Challenged idea that women were always innocent in some rape cases

Became a writer for New York Age and spoke to the National Association of Coloured Women

WEB Du Bois

Believed Washington was dangerous and Washington said he was jealous

Niagara movement 1905

Formed NAACP

1920: 90k members

1930: 50k members

Aimed to investigate racism and publicise and take legal action

Newspaper 'crisis'

Marcus Garvey

Initially inspired by Washington

Set up Universal negro improvement association 1914

Aimed for economic progress and equality

Speech in Harlem 1917

Launched newspaper 'the negro world'

Provisional president of Africa

Thought attempts at integration were pointless

Idea of black star line back to Africa but he bought faulty boats and faced bankruptcy in 1921

Held talks with the KKK in 1922 and people saw it as a betrayal

A Phillip Randolph called him 'a half wit moron'

5 years in prison for fraud

Arrested in 1922

Martin Luther King

Father was a garveyite

Set up Southern Christian Leadership conference

Organised night time rallies

Assassinated in 1968

Malcolm X

Northerners didn't like mlk because they did not want passive action

Jailed 1946-1952

Converted to nation of Islam

Wanted to be separated from white Americans as he believed he was just African

Elijah Muhammed did not like how political malcolm had become

Malcolm travelled and met white Muslims and he stopped hating white people as much and went on a march with mlk

Assassinated 1965 by nation of islam

Woodrow Wilson


Dismissed all black advisors

Segregated all government divisions

Convict leasing

Poor banks lease out black convicts for labour