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13 Cards in this Set

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Among African American there is__________, but when controlling_____________.

......higher rates of domestic violence....

....for low SES, rates of domestic violence are the same as other groups.

Are all African American cases of DV the same?

No, of course not; there is high in group variability (e.g. the experience of a rich women would be different than that of a low SES women)

Think back to when SES was controlled for...

Differences in experience as compared to white women

1. Duel discrimination

2. Racism

3. Lack of access to resources (material) (think: low SES)

4. Because low SES and racism: unequal educational attainment and vocational attainment**

**major determinant of being able to get out

How many African American women will experience DV?

1/3 (as opposed to 1/4 whites)

What is the top health issue, according to some reports, for African American women?

Domestic Violence!!

What is the homicide and suicide risk within African American DV?

1. 1/3 homicides

- 29% of female victims

2. Leaving

3. 80% of killers have a history of abuse

4. Leading cause of death for 15-34 year olds

5. DV increases risk of suicide

Risk factors of African American women?

1. Low SES (material)

2. Exposure to community violence and IPV in their family (social)

Obstacles and barriers?

1. Low SES (material)

2. Internal barriers (low self esteem, fear of racism, etc)

Do African American women’s faith traditions help or hinder their ability to get out?

They may help or hinder, it depends. E.g. for Yvette her faith tradition seemed to be a source of strength.

Issues w/t legal system?

1. According to some reports, they are 33% less likely to be granted a protection order

2. Furthermore, African American women tend to report less satisfaction w/t the legal system

African American women are less likely than other groups to report the abuse; why?

1. Fear of being seen as a “traitor”

2. Fear of the system being racist toward their abuser

- also they may feel their abuser’s abuse is a product of trauma from him experiencing racism (i.e. he desires to take back is power in some way)

3. Fear of reinforcing societal stereotypes that African Americans are violent

4. Desire to keep family together

What should responders/counselors be sensitive toward?

1. Understand cultural and situational context

2. Realize the damage done by racism but also say that abuse is not acceptable, even if the abuser is traumatized by racism

3. Understand reluctance

Think back to the barriers...

What should interventions for African American women involve?

1. Involve African American women (e.g. as counselors and advocates)

2. Be sensitive to and involve their culture and religion

3. Involve action-oriented therapies (help them set behavioral goals)

4. Affirm that though it’s true their abuser may be traumatized by racism, abuse is never the answer.