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56 Cards in this Set

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Binet, alfred(1908)
first ability test formed to test children iq
Stanford iq test replaced binet. He was a Eugenist. administered English tests to Spanish-speakers and non-schooled African-Americans. Terman's biased tests gave "scientific" proof that, for many Whites, justified racial discrimination, segregation, and even eugenics.
Burt, Cyril(1940)
High simialirty of identical twins even when they were separated. role of genes and environment on human development and behavior.
Kamin, Leon(1974)
critic of burt. Kamin is known in some circles for his position that the heritability of IQ could be zero
Jensen, Arthur(1969)
influenced by burt. concludes genetics play a significant role in behavioral traits, such as intelligence and personality.
Shockley, william(1970)
compared identicals twins searated at birth. stated iq was same regardless of environment. thought heridity was truth. beleived poor blacks should be steralized. welfare until people are sterialized. twins study was inclusive after burt's death.
fsu racist
identical twins, originated from the same fertilized ovum, and therefore the same sperm. Only about a quarter of twins are identical.
mendel genetics
transmission of hereditary characteristics from parent organisms to their children
Fraternal. more common dizygotic twins began as two eggs separately fertilized by two sperm, and therefore they do not share the exact same DNA.
early response to iq b.s ( Bond)1935
intimadation was part of reason why blacks didnt perform well.
Martin Jenkins (1935)
studied A Socio-Psychological Study of Negro Children of Superior Intelligence
Robert Williams(1970)
Black Intelligence Scale of Cultural Homogeneity (BITCH). A "culture specific" test is used to determine the taker's ability to function e black group showed a clear superiority over the white group.symbolically or to think in terms of his own culture and environment.
mullato hypothesis
racist idea of higher or more white blood you have the better you perform. no phenotype
Black inteligent test
cultural homgenic, mesure what people did on their genitc test. whites did lower on black test. argued something wrong w/instrument.
grier and cobbs
traditionalist, black rage. through slavery psych of black men has been distorted. black norms-blacks undestand cultural paranoia, rise out of sadness and intimacy with misery, cultural anti-socialism. white laws design to protect whites not blacks.
traditionalist-"why blacks kill blacks". criticize labels of blacks as culturally deprived, socially disadvantaged, and culturally paranoid. whites have more self hate and insecurity than blacks because they use racism to maintain a sense of self. blacks use voilence because America society teaches it as the norm. Post traumatic slaver syndrom. later moved to radical view. advisor on cosby show
Intelectual oppression-abusive use of ideas, labels, and concepts geared toward mental degradation of people. criticize white scientist for acquiring democratic sanity standard. criticize black psychologist like clark and cobbs for following lead of caucasion scholars for conceptualizing and analyzing problems
alien world view is imposed and accepted by people. leaving people at the mercy of definitions negative to their image. image is so much negative that you have no choice but to be strong. baldwin- bio-genetically or afrocentric approach, intra psychic integrity, social or collective character, racial distinctiveness. ASEO(AFRO self extention orientation, ASC (African Self-Consciousness)
Myers, Linda
spiritual/ optimal psychology. rooted in African culture. Spirituality, communalist, proper consciousness. Opressor act out insecurity they feel within, sexism- thinks that black mother are disdain rather than reverred. women may think that they are inferior like some blacks think white are superior
phylosophy of religous ethos. writings on African philosophy, unity of humans w/god is key to af. phylosophy. concept of time. concept of death throguh remembrance.
whites are racist because fear of being genetically wiped out. fuller argued that white supremacy racism, 3rd world is victim. universal system of domination, Euro theories are designed to establish and ensure and expand white domination. genetic extinction fear. color inferiority involves self hatred and alienaton- denying it, descreding and despising black skin, sun tanning to aquire color, birth control on color, projecting hate and sexual desire on people of color.
melanin study is important for black people. blacks are reduced to use one side of brain by society... society reward blacks for using right side only sports , singing dancing etc. blacks are superior intellectually. depends on the educational thinking independently of black children.
whites born w/need to oppress. racism is their unique expression.
REFORMIST. founder of ABP. Instructive intervention-change black attitudes, self-mastery, social competence, and personal fulfillment. social scientist have responsibility to change black condition. ethnocentrism factor-focus on pride, breaks down patterns of self-hate. concerned about damage done by white social scientis who leave people confused. deficient deficit model as social problem-minorty, disadvantaged . etc
REFORMIST. inferiorty complex come about when using traditional school. distorted view. not all traditional view is useless. whites should experience blackness.
concerned w/prevalence of western thought. negro-black conversion-stages persons go trough. nigrescence-person is out of touch with theirself, dominated by euro-american determinants which causes them to degrade and deny blackness. discovery stage-shocking social event to go insearch of black identity. immersion/emersion - rejecting other culture, level off and acceptance of white humanity. Internalization- security, resolution between old and new view. internalization commitment-new identy, problack becomes open and less defensive.
between 1920-1950 how many blks awarded phds in psych
Sumner 1920
Firs black pshd in the 20s
Prosser, Inez 1933
was one of the first African American female to received Ph.D in psychology. The Non-Academic Development of Negro Children in Mixed and Segregated Schools. It was also one of the earliest treatises on the social domain of elementary school children. DIED IN ACCIDENT
first African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology
Clark, ken
segregation damaging problem for environment. supreme court ruling didnt do right. brought blacks to white but didnt bring whites to blacks. miseductaion of whites is just as damaging beacuse of lack of culture education.
established black pschologist causus in the american teacher association
Clark, Mami
wife of ken clark conduct child test with dolls and crayons. first African-American woman and the second African American (after her husband) in the University's history to receive a psychology doctorate.
Foundation of ABPSI
traditional school
defensive posture, no concern for a blk psychology, accepts euro model, critical but offers no substantial correctives. white acceptance.(Kenneth clark, grier, cobbs, and poussaint).
radical school
makes no appeal to whites and direct their attention to blacks. has roots in africa worldview. opposed to the euro view. fanonian, racism as pathology, a cause for black defiance. focus on rebuilding your approach, who were you before slavery.(Akbar, Kambon, Myers, Nobles, Welsing, Wilson, and Wright)
reformist school
represents historical positions and current posture. focus on change in public policy rather than attitude change. advocate afro psych but still combines it with traditional. alter existin theories but more inclusive to blacks.(Thomas, white, Cross, rober williams (bitch test)
changed their stance in the 60s. schools admitted more blacks.
father of social psychology, theory of instincts states that. sterotyped blacks as lazy, easy going, happy,
mendalin genetics
inherit genetics
best type of research effort to use for af. americans
useful and true
G stanley hall
founder of founder of APA, USED mendelian genetics such as hair, skin, etc to claim that white is beter. argued that whites where socially and scientifically superior to non-whites, blacks where stuck in adolecent stage, non-whites evolved first but stop developing. endorsed eugenics.
evolution of races
barrier on study on af. americans.
survival of the fittest, led to many psychologist focusing on psychopathology. influenced development of modern psychology.
Spencer, herbert
conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies
Galton, frances
importance of inheritance is most important. promoted eugenics through heredity. sterializing
Thorndike, edward
ork on animal behavior and the learning process led to the theory of connectionism and helped lay the scientific foundation for modern educational psychology. supported Dewey's functionalism
human behavior is characterized by social and environment variables, these influence behavior, elusive and varying definitons, and interpritaitons by socioeconomic status and cultural predispositions of the
guthries book
even the rat was white:
oedipus complex
Freudian psychoanalysis refers to a stage of psychosexual development in childhood where children of both sexes regard their father as an adversary and competitor for the exclusive love of their mother
deficit theories
used to explain behavior as blacks as individuals and groups.
deficit modeling
interpret absentee of black male as crime rather than emphasizing inequalities of environment.
Clark, Cedric
Black studies or studies of black people