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90 Cards in this Set

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Changing same

a. Black American experience

Presidential Reconstruction

a. Lincoln 10% plan

b. Johnson rejected black suffrage; pardonedthousands of Confederates

Radical Reconstruction

a. Republican Congressmen

b. Potentially one of the most revolutionarymoments in American history

c. Abolished voting qualification

d. Abolished debtors prison

e. Oversaw election of black politicians

f. Introduced public education into the south g. Granted blacks rights of US citizens

Redeemer Reconstruction

a. Southern Democrats b. Violence

10 % Plan

a. State could be reintegrated into the US afterthe Civil War when 10% of the state had taken an oath of allegiance and plannedto abide by Emancipation

Black Codes

a. Laws passed restricting African American’sfreedom and compelling them to work in low wage labor or debt

Civil Rights Act of 1866

a. First US law to define citizenship and affirmall citizens are equally protected by the law

Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

a. Bills protecting African American’s right tovote, hold office, serve on juries, and receive protection of laws

Hiram Revels

a. First African American to serve in Congressb. Born free

c. Republican/Reconstruction

d. Minister

Compromise of 1877

a. Marked the end of Reconstruction

b. President Rutherford B Hayes removed troops fromthe former confederacy

BlackReconstruction (1935)

a. History by WEB DuBois

b. Southern working class were divided after waralong race

c. Failure to unite allowed passage of Jim Crow anddisfranchisement of blacks and poor whites

American Paradox or American Dilemma

a. Gunnar Mydral

b. Commitment to equality and practice of racism


a. lowest of lows

b. the transformation to financialized global. racial capitalism, a new stage of capitalist

White supremacy

a. Built both at home an abroad

b. Regarded non-whites as primitives

c. “white man’s burden”

Spanish-American War

a. By “blackening” the insurgents soldiersjustified their maltreatment

b. Justified violent treatment of AmericanAmericans stateside

Spanish-American War

a. By “blackening” the insurgents soldiersjustified their maltreatment

b. Justified violent treatment of AmericanAmericans stateside

Jim Crow

a. US Supreme Court overturned Civil Rights Act of1875

b. Resultant laws

Anti-miscegenation laws

a. Enforced segregation by criminalizinginterracial marriage

Plessy v. Ferguson

a. Separate Car Act

b. Homer Plessy, practicing civil disobedience,violated the act

c. 1896 Supreme Court ruled separate but equaldoctrine

Ida B Wells-Barnet

a. Early leader of Civil Rights Movement

b. One of founders of NAACP

c. Born into slavery

A RedRecord

a. Described lynching in the US

b. Alarming rates

c. Most Americans outside the South do notrealize growing violence against Black people in South

d. Economic value of slaves

Eight Box Law

a. Literacy test that required separate ballot boxfor each candidate

b. Voter has to insert ballot in the correct box orit would not count

Poll Tax

a. Prerequisite to registration for voting in orderto discourage black voters

Federal Elections Bill (1890)

a. Authorized federal government to insureelections were fair

b. Allow federal courts to appoint supervisors toelections


a. Political ideology that holds that virtuouscitizens are mistreated by a small circle of elites

b. Agrarian

Colored Farmer's Alliance

a. Southern Farmers’ Alliance did not allow blackfarmers

b. Booker T Washington supported economicself-sufficiency


a. Landowners allow tenants to use land in returnfor share of crops produced

b. Often traps African Americans in a cycle of debt

Anthony Crawford

a. Lynched by a mob in South Carolina

b. Was a prominent African American land owner

Lynching Cycle

a. White Fear

b. Growing antagonism

c. Perceived black offense

d. Lynching

e. Outcry

f. Interracial adjustment

g. Integration

Thomas Moss

a. Opened a cooperative venture with otherprominent black men in Memphis

b. Peoples Grocery

c. Lynched by a white mob while in police custody

Armed self-defense

a. African Americans began arming themselves forprotection against white violence

Strange Fruit

a. Famous song performed by Billie Holiday

b. Originally a poem that protested Americanracism and lynching

Red Summer

a. Refers to summer of 1919 of hundreds of deathsfrom race riots

b. Three dozen cities

c. Many times whites attacked African Americans

d. Resulted from post war tensions, competition forjobs, and labor unrest

e. African Americans were strikebreakers

Atlanta Race Riot (1906)

a. Main cause of riot was newspaper-publicizedrapes of four white women allegedly by black men

b. Unkown number of deaths

c. “Massacre of negros” (Le Petit Journal)

d. African Americans hanged from lampposts

East St. Louis Race Riot (1917)

a. Outbreak of labor and race violence

b. 40-200 deaths and property damage

c. Worst case of labor violence in 20thcentury

Tulsa Race Riot (1921)

a. Attack killed 300 black people

b. Destroyed 35 blocks of city, wealthiest blackdistrict in nation

c. Black man accused of raping a white woman, andrumors of a lynch mob incited

d. Omitted from local and state histories

Rosewood (1923)

a. Violent destruction of town

b. Primarily black town was abandoned


a. Idealistic philosophy born of faith in thefuture and pride in black heritage

b. Class is important


a. Idea that African Americans should advocate forthe “lifting” up of their race

b. Responsibility of middle/upper class to gainrespect of white people

c. Educated were responsible for majority

d. DuBois

National Association of Colored Women

a. “Lifting as we climb”

b. Wanted to demonstrate “moral, mental andmaterial progress” of black women

Margaret Murray Washington

a. 3rd wife of Booker T Washington

b. Co-founded NACW

Mary Church Terrell

a. President of NACW

b. One of first African Americans to earn collegedegree

Booker T Washington

a. Dominant leader of African American community

b. Appealed to middle-class blacks, church leaders,and white philanthropists and politicians

c. Long term goal of building the community’seconomic strength and pride by a focus on self-help and schooling

Atlanta Exposition Address (1895)

a. Lynching in South reaches a peak

b. Agreement between African American leaders andSouthern blacks

c. Would work together and submit to whitepolitical rule if blacks received basic education and due process of law

The Talented Tenth

a. WEB Du Bois advocates for black elite

b. 1/10 black men would become leaders of theirrace

c. Advocated classical education rather thanindustrial


a. Black migrants moving West to places

b. Magazine (1921) –Harlem life, New Negro firstcoined in this magazine

c. Between 1865-1880 40,000 black people moved toKansas

d. Benjamin “Pap” Singleton

e. Nicodemus, KS

f. Railroad avoided town and it fell into decline

Benjamin "Pap" Singleton

a. Established settlements in Kansas

b. Former slave

c. Realized blacks would never achieve economicequality in the South

Liberian Exodus Joint Steamship Co.

a. Mass emigration of African Americans from SC toLiberia

b. SC Congressmen proposed a bill that would sendall African Americans back to Africa

c. Liberian Americans became prosperous

d. Before Great Migration

Nicodemus, KS

a. Town that was avoided by 3 different railroadsand failed

Ma Rainey

a. Earliest African American woman blues singers

b. Mother of Blues

Madame C J Walker

a. Employed thousands of women

b. Developed Walker treatment –healthier, andlonger hair

c. Promoted philosophy of self help

d. National Negro Business League –competes withmen

e. Multifaceted struggle


a. Shared global sense of African identity

b. Concern form African Americans everywhere

American Negro Academy

a. Intellectual organization that supported AfricanAmerican scholarship

b. Alternative to Booker T Washington’s TuskegeeUniversity emphasizing vocational training

Anne Julia Cooper

a. American scholar in US history

b. A Voicefrom the South is one of the first works of Black feminism

c. Self determination through uplift and education

d. Moral and spiritual progress will improve thegeneral understanding of African American women

e. Criticized as being submissive

Great Migration

a. Movement of 6 million African Americans out ofthe rural South

b. 3 movements

i. North

ii. West

iii. BackSouth

c. By end of second migration 80% of AfricanAmericans are in cities

d. Followed railroad lines

Illinois Central Railroad

a. New Orleans/Mobile to Chicago –then to Iowa,Omaha, SD

Culture of dissemblance

a. Rejection of stereotype by embodiment of theopposite

b. Creating experience of disclosure

c. Remaining an enigma

d. Black women sexuality –masked sexuality

Negro Press Association

a. Provided news and access to updates 1900s

Jack Johnson

a. American boxer who became first heavyweightchamp at height of Jim Crow

b. Race riots after win against a white man in NY,Philly, NOLA, Atlanta, St. Louis

c. Lynched black citizens

d. 50 cities

e. 25 people killed

Chicago Defender

a. Black newspaper

b. Supported blacks in migration

c. Advertised jobs

"Kitchenette Building" (1963)

a. Term for chopped up houses

b. Written about 1930s Chicago

c. “lukewarm water” hope to get in

d. Discriminatory housing practice for families ininner-city

e. By Gwendolyn Brooks

Hill District (Pittsburg)

a. Historic African American neighborhood

b. Center for jazz

Oscar de Priest

a. Republican politician, US Rep from Chicago b. First to be elected to Congress from outsideSouth

c. Spoke out against discrimination, advocatedintegration, introduced anti-lynching leg

Ku Klux Klan

a. White supremacist resurgence during 1950s and60s

Birth of a Nation (1915)

a. Chronicles relationship between two familiesduring civil war

b. Portrayed black men as sexually aggressivetowards white women

c. Ku Klux Klan as a heroic

Oscar Micheaux

a. African American film director

Harlem Property Owners' Improvement Corp.

a. Tried to prevent “Negro’s steady effort toinvade”

b. Shut them out of housing and work

New Negro

a. Term popularized during Harlem Renaissanceimplying the refusal to submit to segregation

"If We Must Die" (1919)

a. “O let us nobly die”

b. Defended black rights

c. Threatened retaliation

"Closer Ranks" (1918)

a. Impact of war on struggle for citizenship

b. Forecast war will help right to work and vote

c. WEB DuBois

"We Return" (1919)

a. WEB DuBois

b. Return from war, back to struggle of CivilRights

c. Red Summer

369th Infantry Regiment

a. WWI and WWII

b. First all African American black-regiment

Chandler Owen

a. African American writer and member of SocialistParty

b. Later held seat in House

A. Phillip Randolph

a. Leader of the Civil Rights Movement and labormovement

b. Socialist

c. Organized Brotherhood of the Sleeping CarPorters

d. Prompted executive order ending segregation inarmed forces and defense industries

e. Head of March on Washington

Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters

a. First predominately black labor union

National Urban Leaugue

a. Transition from rural to urban life ‘

b. Civil rights organization in NYC

Charles S. Johnson

a. First black university president

b. Worked with liberal white groups in south

c. Contrasted with WEB Du Bois who advocatedmilitancy

Carter G. Woodson

a. First African American to study Afro history b. Father of black history

Universal Negro Improvement Association

a. Black fraternity

b. Uplift

c. Led to establishment of many African Americangroups (paramilitary, Black Cross nurses, motor corps, flying corps, steamshipline etc)

Black Star Line

a. Shipping line incorporated by Marcus Garvey(organizer of UNIA)

b. Facilitated the transport of African Americangoods throughout African global economy

c. Back-to-Africa movement

d. Back to homeland, Ghana

Alain Locke

a. First African American Rhodes scholar

b. “Dean” of Harlem Renaissance

Survey Graphic (1925)

a. Magazine launched during the 1920s

b. Sociological and political research and analysisof issues

c. Published issue on Harlem as Mecca of New Negro

d. Alain Locke edited this

Langston Hughes

a. Poet of Harlem Renaissance

b. “when Harlem was in vogue”

"The Negro Speaks of Rivers" (1921)

a. Langston Hughes rights while on train to Mexico

b. Graduated from high school in Cleveland

c. Beauty of Mississippi and its connection toslavery

d. Unite blacks

Cotton CLub

a. NY night club located in Harlem

b. Prohibition

c. Whites only establishment but featured blackentertainers

Zora Neale Hurston

a. TheirEyes Were Watching God

b. Rejects racial uplift

c. Exposes oppression

Aaron Douglas

a. Painter and illustrator

b. Major figure in Harlem Renaissance

c. African art

d. Semi-abstract

e. Let My People Go

Louis Armstrong

a. Jazz figure

b. “cross over”

c. skin color secondary to music

Social Rape

a. Defeminization of women

b. Chained in Silence

c. Loss of control of appearance

Dyer anti-lynching Bill (1922)

a. Pushed to end lynching and mob violence

b. Halted by Democratic filibuster in Senate

c. Would make lynching a federal crime –felony