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18 Cards in this Set

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proclamation line of 1763

act that forbade American settlement west of Appalachian Mountains. This was important because this was to be one of the causes of the American Revolution.

Townshend acts

act of 1767 that taxed glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea imported from Britain. it was important because we wouldn't have fought back to Britain to gain freedom

Boston massacre

1770 even which British troops fired into an angry crowd, killing 5 people. This is important because this is where America seen Britain trying to control them, and it's a leading factor to the American Revolution.

crispus attucks

African American killed during Boston massacre, making him the first known victim of the American Revolution. He is important because he emphasizes patriotism.

sons of liberyu

organization of American colonists, dumped a shipful of tea into the harbor. They protected everyone's rights and fought taxation by the British. they were also a factor of the American revolution

George washington

leader who organized the continental army in July 1775. He forbade the joining of new black troops, and forbade them to fight in battles. he is important because if he died the British would have won the war.

Declaration of Independence

document adopted by the continental congress on July 4, 1776 that called for independence. it is important because it helped the African Americans feel equal.

Isaac Newton

used mathematics to portray an orderly, balanced universe that ran according to natural laws. It's important because it stands for the natural laws that we have in today's world

John Locke

he believed there were human rights all people shared, it is important because the contradictions were clear with locke's beliefs

Thomas Paine

founding father of the US, American revolutionary leader, supported the American colonists fight for independence. he was important because he wrote "common sense" the first pamphlet to advocate American independence

Juniper Hammon

Long Island slave, published religious poetry in 1760s.

Josiah Bishop

black ministers to white church congregations in Virginia and New England

Phyllis Wheatly

slabs who took her masters to court and won her freedom, she was a patriot


people who remained loyal to Britain

lord cornwallis

he led several successful campaigns during the American Revolution

Prince Hall

prominent black leader


nonviolent people that wanted to abolish slavery, known as society of friends, always emphasized conscience and human brotherhood.

John Woolman and Anthony Benezet

philadelphia teacher, convinced society 1758 to condemn slavery and slave trade.