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55 Cards in this Set

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is a sense of pride in and devotion to one's country
How did imperialism produce nationalism?
Got idea of nationalism from the Europeans. Tribes have to unite.
Pan Africanism
many nationalists embraced the idea of Pan Africans, which called for unifying all of Africa. Pan Africanism began in the early 1900s with the slogan "Africa for the Africans" Unite Africa --> to be free
the movement encouraged Africans to value their heritage and it strengthened Pan Africanism
A senegalese poet that during the 1930s took lead in the negritude movement(pride). Senghor rejected the negative view that colonial powers held about African cultures. Instead, he urged both AFricans and Europeans to take a new look at AFrican traditions
Ghana gained their independence by...
became the first Black African nation to win independence. They won by boycotting(british) Peacefully. The mother country is Gr8 britain
refusing to their goods
Algeria gained their independence by...
Mother country is France. ALgerian nationalist rejected the idea of Algeria being a part of France. They rejected this idea and fought hard for freedom. More than 100,000 Algerians and 10,000 French died in the eighth year struggle.In 1962 Algerians forced the french to withdraw. Long Bitter WAR --> 8 yrs ---> gained independence
The 2 political reasons that imperialism produced nationalism?
1) loss of freedom
2) divide tribes
The 4 economic reasons that imperialism produced nationalism?
ALL of these are mercantilism:
1) M.C. draining wealth from colonies, took their raw materials and payed cheap prices, DRAINED natural RESOURCES
2) high prices for manufactured goods(high taxes) no taxes
3) high taxes
4) can only trade with their own M.C.
The 2 social reasons why imperialism produced nationalism:
1) treated as inferior --> racism --> ethnocentrism. Assimilation = made them follow their customs --> wanted to wipe out their culture
2) brought diseases --> Africans weren't immune to these disease
Did nationalism win?
Where white settlers settled there was fighting. Jomo Kenyatta demanded political and economic reforms from the British. They hoped giving rights to blacks. Some Africans moved torward armed resistence known as Mau Mau. The British accused Kenyatta of leading secret Mau Mau groups that attacked white settlers. Kenyatta was inprisoned but bloody fighting continued. In 1964 the British finally agreed to withdraw. Kenyatta became the first president Kenya.
Angola and Mozambique
In Southern Africa, Portugal(m.c.) refused to give up its colonies of Angola and Mozambique. NAtionalist groups in both colonies waged guerilla wars against the Portuguese. In guerilla warfare small bands or fighters stage hit and run attacks against a large power. Angola and Mozamabique finally won independence in 1975.
What are the 4 positive effects of Colonial rule in Africa?
1) built roads, bridges anshipsharbors for seagoing d railroads and dredged harbors for seagoing ships
2) setup schools
3) introduced new crops and farming methods
4) medicines and hospitals
What are the 5 negative effects of Colonial rule in Africa?
1) belief that Europeans were more superior- ethnocentrism
2) technology- have a desire to want it, but cant have any of it
3) Direct rule- didnt prepare them how to self govern
4) put waring tribes together; split up tribes
5) traditional economy =- drained raw materials
something left behind or handed down
civil war
a war within the same nation
2 Effects of the civil war:
They felt little loyalty to distant national governments. Economic differences created further divisions. Set up artificial boundaries had different tribes in the same place (waring tribes)
2) cold war (1945 - 1991) The US and USSR gave money and guns to overthrow ...
4 results: Today many nations have serious problems in building national unity because:
a) There's loyalty to the tribe not to the gar away national gov"t NO UNITY
b) communication problems: each tribe had many different languages
c) people vote by tribe, not by merit = qualifications
d) famines; fighting across your land, cannot go out and and get crops; fields destroyed from the fighting
Examples of civil wars:
UN peace keepers in the Dominican Republic of Congo
One Party Rule
there is no real choice between the different parties and one party keeps getting reelected. This reflects the African idea of ruling military by consensus.
Military Rule
The army takes control of the government. They do this because they need to restore and get rid of corrupt leaders.
is the move toward a multi party system
What are 2 African economic systems?
mixed economies
an economic system in which the major means of production are owned and operated by the government but the small businesses, farms, and factories are owned by individuals. This didn't work so next they went to mixed economies.
Mixed economies
The governments exercise control over many aspects of business but they also e courage private investment . African nations wanted to build factories and produce goods for there own use.
they won there independence form Belgium. Government: didn't want them to secede bc their country was very rich. In the congo the province of katangol tried to break away(secedes) away from the COngo. Frighting went on for three years until Katangol defeated Mobutu Sese Seko. From 1965 to 1967 Seko held power. Example: power
years of civil war disrupted farming and this lead to widespread famine in Somalia and Ethiopia.
In Rwanda ethnic tensions resulted in the massacre of 800,000 people. In wes Africa civil wars left thousands dead and badly hurt the economies of liberal and sierra leone. Tutsi- hates tribes- hutus trying to wipe out Tuts. Genocide= deliberate killing of an ethnic or religious group.
Most africans are _____ farmers?
Subsistence farmers
grow enough crop for themselves with little or no surplus
population explosion
rapidly raising birthrate
3 Reason for population explosion
birthrates have risen in Africa
better healthcare had slowed the death rate
"each extra mouth comes attached to 2 extra HANDS!" :)
7 challenges to the development of AGRICULTUrE
1- Africa today is that gov't is neglecting farmers needs & farmers stopped planting food and have grown crops for exports.
2- gov't has also kept prices for food crops low
3- rapidly rising birth rates
4- After years of good rainfall much of Africa was hit by a series of sEVERE droughts. UNPREDICTABLE RAINFALL
5- crops withered and herds died or killed bc there was no food for them. NOT FERTILE
7- civil war
Africa is a young continent
HALF POPULATION is under 15!
stressing material things and not stressing OLD CULTURE
Problem with Africa being a young continent:
then they need more schools, more clothes, more food, healthcare, etc.
Solutions for Africa being a young continent.
foreign aid; persuade the amount of babies being born
the process of people moving to cities in search of a BETTER living
3 Causes of urbanization
1- rule poverty
2- attraction of city
3- weakening of tribal ties and values
REsults of urbanization
1- colonial days- the elite were white colonial officials
now = small part moves off the farms. when they leave they often move to shanty towns.
2- ppl lived in nuclear families rather then extended. Traditional bonds & lineage are decreasing WEAKENS TRIBAL TIES & VALUES
3- westernization
adoption of western culture
Westernization might be a problem for SOME africans because...?
lose African traditions MATERIALISM
Regional Corp: AFrican Union
an organization of African nations to promote pce & prosperity in all of Africa
Regional Corp: UN
an organization of world nations to promote pce
Union of South Africa
1910- mother country= Great Britain but Boers gained control of local gov't
(bc higher birthrate more people among the white settlers )
By 1948 Afrikaaners (descendants of Boers) come to power. white - by voting= have more people
They belong to the NAtional party- members are white farmers who believe in racial superiority
Afrikaaners passed Apartheid laws
rigid seperations of races in S. Africa
Life under Apartheid
1- Homelands- seperate areas set aside for the blacks to live in. Land= infertile . 78 % = black - majority - lived in/ on a very small part of the land
2- Pass laws- divided, seperated families, had to carry a passbook
3- no vote- for blacks only whites were allowed to vote
4- segregation- schools --> inferior, all whites on beaches aged and black are seperated in parks bathrooms restaurants buses etc.
Who Opposition to apartheid
Nelson Mandella
Alpert J Luthull
Desmond Tutu
Nelson MAndella
became the first black president of South Africa in 1994. The elderly leader has spent 27 years in prison for opposing of the old white dominated S. African govt. ANC opposed aprtheid
Albert J Luthull
urged nonviolent resistence. HE wont the noble peace prize in 1960.
Desmond TuTu
another black African leader won the noble peace prize. Just like Luthull, Tutu strongly opposed apartheid but rejected violence. He is not a member of the ANC