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117 Cards in this Set

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German Coast Uprising, 1811

* Charles Deslandes
* Nearly took down New Orleans
* 500 slaves dressed in military uniforms and armed set out to conquer the city
* Largest act of armed resistance against slavery in history of the US
* Resisting slavery AND expansionism
* More than 100 men slaughtered by federal troops & French planters
* US wrote the event out of history
* Didn't come out til 2009

Margaret Garner

* Escaped slavery in Kentucky in 1856 w/ husband, in-laws, and 4 children, but pursued by slave catchers
* Killed her children
* Convicted not for murder, but for theft
* Garner & surviving children returned to slavery
* inspired beloved


marriage or cohabitation between a white person and a person of another race

"Justifications" for Slavery

1. Religion- Blacks did not deserve the same treatment as they were descendants of Ham, a Biblical character who was dark skinned and was cursed. Slavery was also mentioned in the Bible and Jesus never said anything bad about it.

2. Racial Inferiority: Samuel Morton, an American scientist, said the Caucasoid skull and brain were bigger, therefore smarter than the slaves who had smaller brains

3. Patriarchy: Southerns said they saw their slaves as "family" and they should be blessed as they are taken care for by the master. Otherwise, they would just be foolish and helpless children.

Santo Domingo Slave Revolt

began in 1791, most successful slave rebellion, led to the creation of Haiti in 1804

Nat Turner

lead slave rebellion in 1831 in virginia. Ironically, he originally was a "uncle tom" like man who was very loyal and well-behaved. However, in a religious dream, he was told by god to rebel and kill the whites.

House Slave

most closely watched, less physical work but more constant torment, abused for petty offenses

Joseph Cinque

Farmer from west Africa in 1839 that rode on the Amistad, a Spanish slave ship (after illegal) he told the Africans "we may as well die in trying to be free" they killed the captain and cook and the Navy captured the ship and they were taken prisoner in New haven, Connecticut

Fanny Coppin

her freedom was purchased by her aunt, First African American woman to be a principal

andersonville prison

a new prison was built to hold 10,000. at the end of the civil war it held 45,000. the water was polluted and many died of starvation and dehydration.

Slavery Punishments

* Sales of slaves
* Beatings
* Cultivation ignorance (denying education)
* Espionage (slaves being constantly watched by an overseer)
* Altering slave names/changing identity
* Rapes

Harriet Jacobs

lived in Edenton. Hid from her master in Edenton because of his sexual advances, escaped north to New England and learned to read and write.

- Wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.

frederick douglas

a slave who escaped slavery from Maryland and became a leading abolitionist against slavery. He was a living example that slaves could have the mental capacity to be a great spokesmen like himself, unlike popular belief in white society at this time. Many Northern whites were shocked that he could have been a slave, for being so well spoken. Firm believer in equality of all people

NY Draft Riots


-soldiers running low

-worst riots of US

-Irish in American attacked and killed 105 ppl - mainly free Blacks, NY shopkeepers

-Failure, of 776,829 only 46,000 showed up

Martin Delany

"father of black nationalism" served as co editor of Frederick Douglass' newspaper, the North Star, for a little while but their opinions are too different. Douglass wanted slavery abolished and acquisition of equal rights for black people, "assimilationist," and Delany thought whites will never give blacks freedom due to ethnocentrism, so championed emigration as means to acquire freedom. first to central/south america, later to Africa.

Black Nationalism

back to Africa movement; Malcolm x, martin Delaney, marcus garvey

David Walker

free black who moved to Boston, wrote book urging slaves to rebel and warning whites of divine punishment - Appeal to the Colored Citizens

The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the US

1852, book by Martin Delany

Emancipation Proclamation

-Lincoln began freeing slaves in 1862 after battle of antietam

-since slavery legal in the constitution, could only free slaves in rebel territories

-suspended writ of habeas corpus and arrested those who opposed him

-Northern Democrats started to oppose Lincoln b/c they think he was trying to est. a dictatorship

-over 4000 military tribunals held throughout the war

13th Amendment


15th amendment

December 1865

Ended Slavery

Extended citizenship to slaves

suffrage for black males

Post Civil War Hopes

North abolished slavery w/ the 13th Amendment

-newly freed Blacks told they would receive captured land on an experimental basis

-"40 acres and a mule" …however this never happened

* Sherman had issued Special Field Orders, No. 15 to provide for the settlement of 40,000 freed slaves and black refugees on land expropriated from white landowners in South Caroline, Georgia, and Florida
* Were revoked later that year by Pres. Andrew Johnson

Special Field Order 15

* Sherman issued it
* Said that freemen could have 40 acres of abandoned land each
* Lasted only a short time, when planters were pardoned, they got their land back

1895 atlanta exposition

After the war, southern urban centers were industrializing and expanding. Atlanta conference was suppose to show off advancement. Booker T. Washington gave famous speech in which he called for blacks to seek equality through self improvement and economic betterment, instead of political and social rights. reference to the 5 fingers of a hand, blacks and whites could be separate but when required come together into a fist.

Booker Washington

spoke at 1895 Atlanta Exposition

Plessy Vs. Ferguson

rules that "separate but equal" accommodations were acceptable (1896)

William Sherman

"Tecumseh," scorched earth-burned Atlanta to the ground, ending the civil war, promised freed blacks land

Ulysses Grant

union general appointed by lincoln

Forty Acres and a Mule

later revoked by Andrew Johnson

Black Codes

southerners allowed to pass these by Andrew Jackson,

* Described Af Ams as agricultural laborers
* Would need licenses to hold professional jobs and permission to enter cities
* If an Af Am didn't have a job, then he can be arrested and hired out as laborers to pay off their fine

Ku Klux Klan


* 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee by 6 well-educated veterans of the Confederate Army
* Band of brothers
* Groups spread loosely throughout the South
* Confederate Brig. Gen. George Gordon developed
* White man's gov.
* Re-enfranchisement and emancipation of the white men of the South
* Restitution of the Southern people to all their rights
* Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard

-against black and white republicans

-in 1870 and 1871, fed gov passed the Force Acts, used to prosecute Klan crimes

-contributed to segregationist white Democrats regaining political power in all the Southern states by 1877

-paramilitary arm of Southern Democratic Party

Colfax Massacre

Louisiana 1873,

-150-250 black voters killed along with 3 white republicans

-terror used as oppression


many ppl from the North went South b/c it was so poor that there are many opportunities for a person with even just a little money

-farm for $23

-outsiders identified by these carpet bags

-w/ support of the Black vote, they played an important role in the Republican state governments

-some used their positions to enrich themselves through bribes etc. at the expense of native Southerners

-term now synonymous with any outsider who meddles in an area's political affairs for his own benefit

Buffalo Bill Cody

wild west show,

-story he told was of a peaceful white settlement of the West threatened by Native American savage attacks

-"March of Destiny" was a major theme: hardy indvds march into empty lands or lands occupied by Indian savages

-played on a set of images

Little Big Man

Crazy Horse's lieutenant, left and sided with whites, held down Crazy Horse's hands while he was killed

John Slocum

Introduced the Shaker church to the Puget Sound.While being ill his wife prayed over him and started shaking, when he awoke heinterpreted her shaking as a spiritual manifestation that saved him from death.

Kicking Bear

image of native americans we always see, changed ghost dance to include possible elimination of whites, first cousin of Crazy Horse, told sitting bull about ghost dance & removed on 0ct. 16, 1890

Ghost Dancing

spread by sitting bull and kicking bear, seen as insurrection, ghost shirts thought to protect from bullets

big Foot

ghost dancer and man of peace, killed in Wounded Knee Massacre, accused of being a disturbance

Battle of Little big horn

Custer's Last stand, wanted to surprise the Sioux as revenge of Black Hills war, Sioux expected them and killed them all



-Chiricahua Apache chief

-known for breakaway and recapture scenarios

-leader of last Am Indian fighting force formally to capitulate to the US

-aggressive, courage in the face of difficulty

-migrating people, custom to raid neighboring tribes

-surrendered Sep 4, 1887

-never allowed to reunite w/ his tribe

Crazy Horse

Sioux chief, fought in Black Hills war and Battle of Little Bighorn then pursued,, eventually killed by trickery, told Gen. Cook was going to meet w/ him but led to his death

Red Cloud

Lakota Sioux warrior. One of the most important Indians in the 19th Century. Realized he needed an organized Indian group.

Sitting Bull

Lakota Sioux chief, Black Hills War & Battle of Little Bighorn, got fed up and took his ppl to Canada for awhile in 1877, came back and was imprisoned then toured with Buffallo Bill, "Indians! There are no Indians left but me!" when he heard his people signed a treaty giving over land

Chief Joseph

a leader of the Nez Perce tribe. He was a good fighter. he led his people across the country and almost made it to Canada.

Nez Perce

Lived to the northwest on the Columbia Plateau. For food they relied on the many rivers and streams. They made long spears and nets to catch Salmon. They used movable shelters while they were fishing.


1868, similar to John Slocum, began Ghost Dance religion, said the earth would perish and come alive again and be controlled by Indians

Wounded knee

1890 Sioux met up w/ Major Samuel Whitside & 7th cavalry who took them to Wounded Knee and to take their horses and guns away

-120 men, 230 women and children

-waited til morning to disarm prisoners, causing Whitside to be replaced by Col. James Forsythe and Indians surrounded by cannons & the cavalry

-Sioux angry but did as ordered except for 1, Black Coyote who was deaf and didn't understand (complained about how much it had cost him)

-one of the soldiers grabbed him and his gun went off, but not loaded anymore

-soldiers started firing at everyone

-Spotted Elk and 152 were dead, many more died later (est. total = 300/350)

-25 US cavalry killed by friendly fire

-blizzard came and they had to wait to bury the dead

-surviving Indians left in bitter cold

-mass grave

Chief Sealth

-promoted understanding between whites and NAms and whites but resisted wearing of "Boston clothes"

-city named after him in 1853

-Sealth refused b/c he thought it would be bad luck, but changed it to Seattle and paid the Duwamish some money

-best known for leadership and orator skills

-environmental movement

-died June 7, 1866

Chief Leschi

hung on Feb 19, 1858 for one of the deaths that occurred during "Battle of Seattle"

-Sheriff allowed himself to be arrested rather than execute Chief Leschi

-exonerated in 2004

Treaty of medicine creek

reaty signed December 1854 between Western Washington tribes, including nisqually and puyallup, and territorial governor Isaac Stevens. ceded most of land for $32,500, designated reservations, and the permanent right of access to traditional hunting and fishing grounds. original reservations were too small so war broke out, in 1856 a second treaty was signed. afterwards, land allotments and grants slowly taken away.


Shawnee chief

-known for integrity and humanity

-w/ his brother helped start a Pan-Native American independence movement

-strife w/ white settlers on the frontier

-appealed for united Indians

-famous for speech condemning The Treaty of Fort Wayne

-confronted Gov. William Harrison to demand that land purchase treaties should be rescinded

-lost his temper when Harrison refused

-during war of 1812, Tecumseh's confederacy allied w/ British in Canada &helped capture Fort Detroit

-known for rhetorical skills and his famous curse (on behalf of his brother)

* Thought to have begun w/ death of Pres. Harrison
* Said to have proclaimed death of all presidents elected every 20 years (on the zero year)


were Indian tribes in Florida who fought the First and Second Seminole war. After they lost theFirst Seminole war, many were sent to Oklahoma but some refused to leave. In 1835, with the leadership of Osceola, they started the Second Seminole war. Harbored native americans

Noble Savage

Idealized concept of an uncivilized, innately innocent person who hasn't been exposed to the corruptions of civilization.
Society taught them how to be civil.

Leonard Peltier

American activist and member of the American Indian Movement (AIM) who was convicted and sentenced in 1977 to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment for the murder of two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents during a 1975 shootout on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

James Hubbard

tried to escape from Jefferson's plantation w/ fake papers

Black Hawk

-Sauk warrior

-fought w/ British during War of 1812

-started Black Hawk Wars

-first NAm autobiography published in the US


Shoshone guide helped Lewis and Clark, captured as a young girl and bought later by a French fur trader


came into conflict w/ New England colonists

Commital Ground

alliance about kindship in the form of patriarchy, French father and his children. Problem: w/ Indians the father doesn't have the power to command

Civilation vs. Savagery

English used savagery to justify mistreatment of Native Americans


Chief of Powhatans

tried to be friendly to english

his daughter is poco


married john rolfe

Cultivation of Tobacco

developed in 1613 and became a cash crop for Britain, created hostility and burned cornfields of Native Americans to root them out. Said NAms were savages because they hadn't been using tobacco as a commercial enterprise.

Captain William Tucker

in treaty of 1623 he persuaded Indians to take a drink that was really poison, 250 died

Small Pox

Small Pox

caused high casualties in New England tribes and seen as Devine Intervention and Puritan destiny


didn't want to separate from the church of England but wanted to purify it, all pilgrims are puritans but not all puritans are pilgrims

Thomas Jefferson (on Indians)

hoped to civilize Indians, through treaties, enemies in war or partners in peace

Indentured Servants

slaves because of a crime committed or in return for their passage to North America, usually for 7 years


Narragansett chief, believed pilgrims starved Indians

Chattel Slavery

slaves considered property and denied all rights

The seven years/ French and Indian War

french thought ohio river valley was theirs;

G. Washington lead militia to talk to french;

french starts violence and war spreads to europe;

england throws money to colonists which makes them win; europe war continues after colonists win in america; treaty of paris - french lose all american territory. Colonists feel they no longer need Britain's support, Indians feel betrayed by shift of power to the British.

IroQuois Nation

U.S. Rep. Gov. modeled after them, inhabited the Ohio River valley but after years of bloodshed they had to sell the area to the English (=angry French, prelude to 7 years war)

Pontiac's Rebellion

Pontiac's Rebellion


-Bloody campaign waged by Ottowa chief Pontiac to drive the British out of Great Lakes region back to the Alleghenies, created resentment among other Indian leaders b/c Pontiac was paid so much attention, assassinated by a Peoria Indian in 1769

Shay's Rebellion

Shay's Rebellion

group of farmers lost their homes b/c they couldn't pay taxes and attacked a federal arsenal, wake up call t government

Giddy Multitude

Giddy Multitude

white and black indentured servants, feared by upper class whites because they were such a large group



assumption that black women were promiscuous, used to justify rape



African American woman deprived of her sexuality, seen as an overweight caretaker of white people who loved the master's children more than even her own




happy, simple, laughing, black man used to make slavery seem like a good thing for blacks because they couldn't take care of themselves



animalistic black kids, portrayed as less than human

Uncle Tom

Uncle Tom

timid servant to his master, faithful and loyal

John Punch

1640, three runaway indentured servants in virginia, two white and one black (john punch). all punished with lashes but white men had their service extended a year, but john punch had to serve for life.

Bert Williams

Bert Williams

vaudeville, first African American to make an entire living by performing

Anthony Jackson

Anotonia/Anthony Johnson

African American who worked as an indentured servant for 14 years but was freed and owned land and acquired 5 servants of his own (some white)

Crispus Attucks

Crispus Attucks

first person killed in Boston Massacre, freed African American who fought on the side of the colonists

jefferson (on african americans)

Jefferson (on African Americans)

conflicting ideas.. Benjamin Banneker, Sally Hemings, slavery tormented his conscience but he felt that U.S. must be homogenous to stay strong, believed they could never coexist

Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley

born in boston as a slave and taught how to read/write, started writing revolutionary poetry. Jefferson questioned her intelligence and made her take literacy tests to prove it was actually her poetry

Benjamin Banneker

Benjamin Banneker

African American scholar considered a friend to Jefferson, wrote him a letter about how wrong slavery was and Jefferson agreed w/ him to his face, but then put him down after his death

Naturalization act of 1790

Naturalization Act of 1790

limited to

"free white persons" of "good moral character"

-women were included, but the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the US"

-citizenship inherited exclusively through the father (discouraged women from marrying anyone of color)

-only independent (land owning) white men over 21 could vote



Democracy (ideologically) for the sovereign rights of people and the right of government to control government.Values: liberty, independence, a balanced government, and virtue. Ideology grows in 1760. Condones rebellions when they are conducted in community interest.

Common Sense

Common Sense

written by Thomas Paine in 1776, questioning the legitimacy of the crown's rule of the colonies, pushed towards revolution, very influential, sold 500,000 copies

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

1776, reflected Whig doctrine, changed by Jefferson to remove passages condemning slavery and being harsh to the English

The wolf by the ears

"the wolf by the ears"

Thomas Jefferson's description of slavery, we cannot safely hold them or let them go

Market Revolution

people bought and sold goods rather than making them for their own use, required transportation inc. railroads and Erie canal

sally hemmings

Sally Hemings

slave of Thomas Jefferson who he had an affair w/ and fathered 5 or 6 children

indian frontier war

Indian-Frontier War

Most indians sided with the British during the revolution because the colonists stole their land; led to war on the frontier

Northwest Ordinance

Northwest Ordinance

no slavery north of the Ohio River, 1787

War of Fallen Timbers

War of Fallen Timbers

1794, Battle where natives lost british support. Indians compelled to give concessions to US. resulting treaties establish principles for Indian Policy. 1.) Indians own land. 2.) Indians are not a defeated people. and 3.) negotiations honored cause both are legitimate nations.

Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek

Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek

september, 1830. treaty for acquiring choctaw's land and removing them beyond the mississippi. Choctaws turned down the offer and most chief left meeting outraged. US wouldn't take no for an answer, finally secured treaty by intimidation;resistance will be squashed by federal government, otherwise must move or be governed by state law. had to cede all 10, 423, 130 acres to federal gov. individual families given chance to stay and take land grant, however, federal agents collaborated with land speculators to steal grants. allowed squaters to take land. thousands of choctaws migrated, faced conditions similar to trail of tears. cost of land was 5, 097, 367.50 and gov sold this for 8,095,614.89. promised choctaws they would not profit off land so natives sued them and won 2,981,247.39 but most went to paying lawyers.

1808 Federal Law

1808 Federal Law

Atlantic Slave Trade banned, led to rise of rape of slave women and breeding

Indian Confederation

Indian Confederation

Pawnee chief Tecumseh formed an indian confederation determined to establish an independent Indian nation. Fought on side of the British in War of 1812. almost won.

Louisiana Purchase

Louisiana Purchase

1803. france sold territory to Jefferson. Jefferson abandoned the strict construct of constitution by buying land, and creating national bank.

Cotton Gin

Cotton Gin

invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, made slavery vastly profitable. Slavery was actually declining prior to this because it was far to costly to extract the seeds from large amounts of cotton. Large scale cotton production was thus limited and the few large cotton centers were on the coast were a specific type (sea cotton) had few, easily extractable seeds. Cotton gins changed everything and were soon owned by every plantation.

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson

-became pres. In 1828

-initially sounded like an old Jeffersonian:

* anti-national banks, opposed national improvement projects like roads
* Believed in the "self-made man" "rugged individualism" and these images dominated the US (but racialized and gendered

-At Issue: growth of slavery

-his plantation=The Hermitage

Chickasaw Tribe

Chickasaw Tribe

considered civilized, forced to move from MI, TN, AL in 1832 to Indian Territory in Oklahoma

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

1814,Jackson commanded the U.S. military forces that defeated a faction of the creek nation. revenge for fort mims massacre. In 1814, Jackson killed around 800 creeks because “attempts to civilize Indians had failed. Referred to Indians as “savage dogs” even though they attacked innocent people.

Jackson viewed Indian termination as inevitable part of progress In defeat the creeks lost 22 million acres of land in southern Georgia and central Alabama

Cherokee Tribe

Cherokee Tribe

largest tribe, most greatly affected by the Indian removal act, Trail of Tears, Treaty of New Echota

Creek tribe

Creek Tribe

killed in battle of horseshoe bend, part of the indian removal act

Land allotment

Land Allotment

-Through treaties

-Jefferson-->Jackson finished/perfected it.

-Dancing Rabbit Creek (Choctaw)

-Trail of Tears--> Indian Removal Act of 1830-->Cherokee

Choctaw Tribe

Choctaw Tribe

mississippi tribe, agricultural people who employed the slash-and-burn method to clear areas for planting corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, and watermelons. Green corn dance, a ceremony to bless the fields. practiced communalism. by early 19th century, turned to raising cows and pigs in enclosed farms, also cultivated cotton for the market. lost land in treaty of dancing rabbit creek

Alexis De Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville

French citizen who traveled to U.S. horrified by how whites were able to deprive indians of rights and exterminate them. observed mistreatment of blacks. writer of "democracy in America"

Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears

Jackson called for the forced removal of the remaining Creeks, Cherokees, and Pawnees. 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act." Supreme court ruled that the land was sovereign and the cherokees had rights to it. but treaty of New Echota forced upon them and signed by few resulted in the militarily forced removal of the cherokee farther west to Indian country. 4,000 of 16,000 died. forced into stockades at bayonet point. given no time to pack belongings

Chief john Ross

Chief John Ross

real chief of the Cherokee. lead movement to try to repeal treaty of new echota and remain in south east.

Treaty of New Echota

Treaty of New Echota (1833)

Major Ridge, John Ridge, Elias Boudinot led the group of Cherokees supporting moving west. ON June 22, 1839, all three of them were killed in retaliation for signing the treaty. only 6 signed the treaty. Petition signed by 15,000 cherokees led by chief john ross signed a petition in protest., led to trail of tears

J.F Schermerhorn

J.F. Schermerhorn

appointed by Jackson as Indian Commissioner in charge of Trail of Tears

General Winfield Scott

General Winfield Scott

led trail of tears

Pawnee tribe

Pawnee Tribe

chief Tecumseh formed an indian confederation, forced to move west in Indian Removal Act

Railroad Tracks Mileage

Railroad Tracks Mileage

30,000 from 1830-1860

Indian Appropriation Act of 1871

no tribe would be recognized any longer as an independent nation with which federal government could make a treaty

The Great Awakenings

The Great Awakenings

-"Great Awakening" = movement where they believed ppl were perfectable if they followed the Bible

-growth of America = growth of Christianity

-church membership rose sharply

-second in 1830