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21 Cards in this Set

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What happens to pyruvate when O2 is present vs when it isn't?

-O2 present, pyruvate enters mitochondria to enter aerobic pathways

- No O2, pyruvate becomes lactate

Name the four benefits of aerobic metabolism

1) No acidic conditions within muscle cell

2) Higher ATP yield

3) Can use carbs AND fats (wider substrate use)

4) Waste products are H2O and CO2

(easily used or exhaled)

What is the primary source of energy at rest?

Aerobic metabolism

What are the two enzymatic systems involved in Aerobic metabolism

- Kerbs cycle

- Electron transport chain (ETC)

What is the function of the Krebs cycle?

- oxidize substrate (remove H+ and electrons)

- produces small amount of ATP

What is the function of the Electron Transport Chain?

- produce the majority of ATP during aerobic metabolism

What acts as the final H+/electron receptor at the end of the ETC

O2 from the air, forms H2O

What enzyme starts the Krebs cycle?

acetyl coenzyme A (Acetyl CoA)

What is another name for the Krebs cycle?

Citric Acid Cycle (TCA)

What are the products of Krebs cycle from one glucose molecule?

2 ATP, 4 CO2, 6 NADH 2 FADH2

What is the role of NAD+ / NADH?

Electron carrier from one reaction to another

Breakdown of Pyruvate in aerobic conditions forms what enzyme?

Acetyl- CoA

What is a Cytochrome?

An electron transferring protein found in the ETC

What does Phosphorylate mean?

Addition of phosphate to ADP to form ATP

What does the respiratory assemblies accomplish?

The moving of H+ ions from inner to outer membranes activates enzyme ATP synthase which phosphorylates ADP to ATP (caused by kinetic energy)

What is the final receptor of the ETC?

O2, which forms H2O and prevents acidity increasing allowing ETC to continue

What molecule continues the Krebs cycle?


How do electrons travel?

down their electronegativity gradient

How many ATP are gained from ETC


How many ATP are gained overall from Aerobic metabolism?

32 from glucose or 33 from glycogen

What are the fuel sources during low intensity and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise

low intensity

- Blood glucose

Moderate intensity

- Blood glucose and intramuscular glycogen