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106 Cards in this Set

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rapto, raptare, raptavi, raptatum verb
drag violently off; ravage
recedo, recedere, recessi, recessum verb
is set back; retire, withdraw; depart; recede; vanish
recens, recentis adjective
fresh, recent
recipio, recipere, recepi, receptum
get back, recover, regain
recondo, recondere, recondidi, reconditum verb
hide, bury
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum verb
carry, bring or put back; tell; propose; record; ascribe; restore; repay; render an account; answer; pedem refero return, go back
reflecto, reflectere, reflexi, reflexum verb
turn back; turn round
refugio, refugere, refugi verb
run away; flee to; shrink back; recoil from
refulgeo, refulgere, refulsi verb
radiate light; gleam
religio, religionis noun feminine
religious offering; ritual
reluceo, relucere, reluxi verb
shine out
remetior, remetiri, remensus sum deponent verb
go back over
renovo, renovare, renovavi, renovatum verb
reor, reri, ratus sum deponent verb
think, suppose, imagine, deem
rependo, rependere, rependi, repensum verb
pay in return; weigh or balance (against); weigh out in return; purchase, compensate
repente adverb
suddenly, unexpectedly; all at once
repleo, replere, repleui, repletum verb
fill again; fill up, replenish; restore to its full number
requiro, requirere, requisiui/requisii, requisitum verb
ask about; seek; search for; need;
restinguo, restinguere, restinxi, restinctum verb
quench, extinguish; slake; neutralize
resto, restare, restiti verb
remain, be in store
revincio, revincire, revinxi, revinctum verb
hold down or restrain with bonds; hold firmly in place
robur, roboris noun neuter
any hard wood; oak; oak-wood; trunk (of such wood); strength, power, might; man-power; courage; resolve
rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptum verb
break down; force open; violate; rupture; break off
ruo, ruere, rui, rutum verb
collapse, fall, go to ruin; rush (headlong) (towards), hurry (on); sweep headlong; disturb violently; overthrow
sacro, sacrare, sacraui, sacratum verb
salsus, salsa, salsum adjective
salted; salty, briny; salted with humour, witty, funny
saltus, saltus noun masculine
leap, spring, jump
sat adverb (also satis)
sufficient, enough; adequately, sufficiently; satius better, preferable
sata, satorum noun neuter plural
crops, cultivated plants
satus, sata, satum adjective
sprung (from); native
saucius, saucia, saucium adjective
wounded; physically distressed, afflicted; pierced; stricken
scando, scandere verb
climb, mount, ascend
scilicet adverb
no doubt
scindo, scindere, scidi, scissum verb
split, cleave, tear apart; separate
seco, secare, secui, sectum verb
cut, cut off; cut up; make an incision in; cleave a path through; form by cutting
cf secateurs ...
securis, securis noun feminine (alt acc fem = securim)
axe, hatchet; authority
sedes sedis f.
seat, home, residence
seges, segetis noun feminine
corn-field; crop
sententia, sententiae noun feminine
opinion, sentiment; judgment; advice; vote; meaning; period; sentence
sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi/sepelii, sepultum verb
bury, submerge, overcome; suppress
serpens, serpentis noun feminine
snake, serpent
a serpent does this ...
serpo, serpere, serpsi verb
crawl; move slowly on, glide; creep on
seu conjunction (also sive)
or if; seu ... seu whether ... or
simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatum verb
imitate, copy, represent; simulate, counterfeit, pretend; act the part of; cause to resemble
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum adjective
left, on the left; left arm
sino, sinere, sivi/sii, situm verb
sinuo, sinuare, sinuavi, sinuatum verb
bend into a curve; bend; billow out
cf 'sinuous'
sinus, sini noun masculine
sisto, sistere, steti/stiti, statum verb
set up, erect, place firmly; stand still; stand firm
socer, soceri noun masculine
father-in-law; soceri parents-in-law
solidus, solida, solidum adjective
solid, firm, sound
sollemnis, sollemne adjective
solemn, ceremonial; traditional, customary, established
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutum verb
release, loosen
Hint think of 're-solve'
sortior, sortiri, sortitus sum deponent verb
spira, spirae noun feminine
spissus, spissa, spissum adjective
thick, dense; closely packed, crowded
squaleo, squalere, squalui verb
be covered with a rough or scaly layer; be dirty
stabulum, stabuli noun neuter
stall, shed, fold, stable; bee-hive; stabling
statio, stationis noun feminine
statuo, statuere, statui, statutum verb
place, put up; set up, appoint; determine, resolve (to); decide; judge
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratum verb
flatten; lay low, defeat utterly
cf stratum, strata
stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum verb
draw; unsheathe
studium, stud(i)i noun neuter
enthusiasm, faction, eagerness for
stupeo, stupere, stupui verb
be stunned or benumbed; be astonished or stupefied (at)
suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasum verb
advise, recommend, urge; advocate
subeo, subire, subivi/subii, subitum verb
to be reminded of; come to help; advance; occur to one's mind; go under
subfero, subferre, sustuli, sublatum verb (also suffero)
hold up; submit to, endure, to suffer
subicio, subicere, subieci, subiectum verb
place below; place under; lay before
sublabor, sublabi, sublapsus sum deponent verb
collapse; sink or ebb away; creep up
succedo, succedere, successi, successum verb
advance on, come to the foot (of), come up (to);
succurro, succurrere, succurri, succursum verb with dat
run or move quickly to the rescue (of); come into one's mind
sudor, sudoris noun masculine
sweat, perspiration
suffero, sufferre, sustuli, sublatum verb (also subfero)
hold out; submit to, endure, to suffer
sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectum verb
imbue, tinge
sulcus, sulci noun masculine
furrow; rut; trail of a meteor; track, wake
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptum verb
take up
supera, superorum noun neuter plural
supero, superare, superavi, superatum verb
rise above
supremus, suprema, supremum adjective
last, latest, dying; highest; topmost
suscito, suscitare, suscitaui, suscitatum verb
stir up; dislodge, cause to rise
tabulatum, tabulati noun neuter
floor, storey,
tantus -a -um
so great, so much
tego, tegere, texi, tectum verb
cover; hide, conceal; roof over; shield, protect
cf tegum -i nt roof
tellus, telluris noun feminine
land, earth; ground
tempero, temperare, temperavi, temperatum verb
exercise restraint, exercise moderation (in respect of); be moderate in one's conduct (towards); restrain oneself, refrain (from); temper; cause to moderate violence, etc.; modify; control physically; control, regulate
tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum verb (also tento)
attempt, try; prove; handle, feel; test; try out; attack; brave; make an attempt on
tenuis, tenue adjective
thin, slender; slight, faint; fine; weak; trivial
tenus preposition with ablative
as far as, up to, reaching to - eg 'up th the hilt of his sword'
terebro, terebrare, terebravi, terebratum verb
bore through, drill a hole in
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum verb
terrorize, terrify
testor, testari, testatus sum deponent verb
call to witness; be a witness, testify (to); declare solemnly; invoke as a witness
texo, texere, texui, textum verb
weave; plait (together); construct with elaborate care
cf 'textile'
thalamus, thalami noun masculine
inner chamber; bedroom; marriage
torus, tori noun masculine
so many
trabes, trabis noun feminine
beam, tree-trunk, timber; ship
traicio, traicere, traieci, traiectum verb
tremendus, tremenda, tremendum adjective
terrible, awe-inspiring
tristis, triste adjective
grim; depressed, gloomy, unhappy; bitter
trisulcus, trisulca, trisulcum adjective
divided into three forks or prongs
trucido, trucidare, trucidaui, trucidatum verb
slaughter, butcher, massacre
tuba, tubae noun feminine
(straight) trumpet; war-trumpet
tueor, tueri, tuitus sum deponent verb
protect; look at, scan, view; keep safe, watch over; preserve from danger; defend; look after; uphold;
turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatum verb
agitate, disturb, confuse, trouble, disorder; make muddy or turbid
turris, turris noun feminine (alt acc sing : turrim)
cf 'turret'