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10 Cards in this Set

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What is the cause of image noise due to too few particles?
quantum mottle
What is the minimum # of partilcles to have an effective V/Q scan?
What is contrast?
The difference between counts in an object and in the background.
How is this expressed mathematically?
Contrast = Imax - I min/Imax +Imin
where Imax = max count rate
Imin = min count rate
What is the quanitative method for measuring resolution on a gamma camera?
bar phantom
What is the ACR criterion for Tc99m planar bar resolution?
2.5 to 2.9 mm
What is a better quantitative method of measuring resolution?
FWHM of line source
What is the more complex method of resolution measurement called MTF?
Modulation Transfer Function
spatial frequency response calculated in the frequency domain
A perfectly represented image would have an MTF of ___ while ___ indicated no record of the object
A perfectly represented image would have an MTF of 1.0 while 0 indicated no record of the object
How is the total MTF calculated?
It is the sum of the individual MTF's for each system component
How is a ROI calculated?
Area = # pixels X pixel height X pixel width
Why is background subtraction necessary?
Counts are received above and below organ of interest and background subtraction attempts to correct for these unwanted counts
What is the equation for calculating EF? (cardiac)
(EDcts - Bkg) - (EScts - Bkg)/EDcts - Bkg = EF

will the result be higher or lower if you do not include background counts?
it will be falsely low
How is the time activity curve generated for kidney clearance?
Counts in ROI = Max cts X e(-k-t)
where k is the rate constant for kidney clearance
In cardiac SPECT what does the bulls eye or polar map represent?
Bulls eye is the apex of the heart and the area going out to the edges represent the lateral, inferior and septal walls of the heart