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64 Cards in this Set

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Primary Prevention:
Aims to prevent the disease from occurring, reduces both the incidence and prevalence of a disease.
Example of Primary Prevention
Encouraging people to protect themselves from the sun's ultraviolet rays to prevent skin cancer
Secondary Prevention
Used after the disease has occurred, but before the person notices that anything is wrong.The goal is to find and treat disease early. In many cases, the disease can be cured.
Example of Secondary Prevention
A doctor checking for suspicious skin growths is an example of secondary prevention of skin cancer
Tertiary Prevention
Used after the disease is established to limit complications from the disease.
Examples of Tertiary Prevention
Developing and utilizing better treatments for melanoma such as surgeries and medicines are examples.
True or False:

To be eligible for home care services, the patient must be homebound.
Rationale: To be eligible for service, the patient must be acutely ill, homebound, and in need of skilled nursing services.
Which of the following would not be considered an ambulatory health care setting?
A. Inpatient mental health center
B. Urgent care centers
C. Community outreach programs
D. Nursing centers
A. Inpatient mental health center

Rationale: Types of ambulatory settings include medical clinics, urgent care centers, and community outreach programs.
"Great Man" Theories:
assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent – that great leaders are born, not made. These theories often portray great leaders as heroic, mythic and destined to rise to leadership when needed. The term "Great Man" was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership. .
Trait Theories:
Similar in some ways to "Great Man" theories, trait theories assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. If particular traits are key features of leadership, then how do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the difficulties in using trait theories to explain leadership.
Contingency Theories:
focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers and aspects of the situation.
Situational Theories:
propose that leaders choose the best course of action based upon situational variables. Different styles of leadership may be more appropriate for certain types of decision-making.
Behavioral Theories:
based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. Rooted in behaviorism, this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on mental qualities or internal states. According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders through teaching and observation
Participative Theories:
suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others.
Management Theories:
focus on the role of supervision, organization and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of rewards and punishments. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are rewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished.
Relationship Theories:
focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. Transformational leaders motivate and inspire people by helping group members see the importance and higher good of the task. These leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but also want each person to fulfill his or her potential. Leaders with this style often have high ethical and moral standards.
Authoritarian style of leadership
Authoritarian leaders, also known as autocratic leaders, provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. There is also a clear division between the leader and the followers. Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the group.
Democratic style of leadership
Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members, but they also participate in the group and allow input from other group members.
Laissez-faire style of leadership
Delegative leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision-making up to group members. While this style can be effective in situations where group members are highly qualified in an area of expertise, it often leads to poorly defined roles and a lack of motivation.
Multicratic style of leadership
A bit of each style of leadership
Legitimate power
Legitimate power is that which is invested in a role. Kings, policemen and managers all have legitimate power. Raw power.
Referent power
It is the power of charisma and fame and is wielded by all celebrities (by definition) as well as more local social leaders. In wanting to be like these people, we stand near them, hoping some of the charisma will rub off onto us.
Reward power
Reward power is the ability to give other people what they want, and hence ask them to do things for you in exchange.
Coercive power
This is the power to force someone to do something against their will. It is often physical although other threats may be used. It is the power of dictators, despots and bullies.
Expert power
When I have knowledge and skill that someone else requires, then I have Expert power.
Power with connections
having connections with powerful people, networking
Informational power
This is providing information to a person that results in them thinking/acting in a different way.
P Planning
O Organizing
D Directing
E Evaluation
What type of model is PODE?
Not a nursing model- it’s a business model for management administration
What do organizational charts do/accomplish?
They divide the work- categorize according to work/servies
Organizational chart- vertical lines
hierarchy or chain of command
Organizational chart- Horizontal lines
divide labor and specialties
work units & reporting relationships, relates to the division & specialization/division of labor functions attended by specialists
Dashed lines
staff advisory & communication channel
What goes into the Planning- P in PODE?
Long and short term goals
Standard of Care
Maximum results with minimum of time, effort, supplies, equipment. Efficiency
What goes into the Organizing- O in PODE?
Organizing- dividing the work
What goes into the Directing- D in PODE?
Making assignments/ IMPLEMENTING
Giving directions
Encouraging cooperation and participation
Coordinating activities
Supervises and observes
Controls: sees that everything is carried out in accordance with plans that have been adapted, the organization that has been set up and the orders that have been given.
Expects feedback
What goes into the Evaluation- E in PODE?
Assessing to see if goals are being met
American nurses association is a Professional Org that creates Process Standards for Nursing care. They advance and protect the profession of nursing
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses- facilitate the management, teaching, and practice of perioperative nursing
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
The Joint Commission- accrediting agency for condition of licensure and the receipt of Medicaid reimbursement
Board of Registered Nurses- regulates the practice of registered nursing and certified advanced practice nurses in order to protect the public.
Regulatory Agency for Health Agencies. A national social insurance program, administered by the U.S. federal government, guarantees access to health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older and younger people with disabilities as well as people with end stage renal disease
Regulatory Agency for Health Agencies. Medicaid is the United States health program for families and individuals with low income and resources.
California Medical Assistance Program (Medi-Cal or MediCal) is the name of the California Medicaid welfare program serving low-income families, seniors, persons with disabilities, children in foster care, pregnant women, and certain low-income adults.
Social Security- encompass several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is currently estimated to keep roughly 40 percent of all Americans age 65 or older out of poverty.
Quality Assurance- Filed WHEN an untoward incident occurs

Why did this happen? Was someone negligent or did the institution have a poor policy that led to the incident?
Quality Assessment & Improvement- Assessment done BEFORE untoward incident occurs
Continuous Quality Improvement - Committed to continuous change to improve processes
Total Quality Management - An overall management program to implement CQI!!
The two chief functions of the Board of Registered Nurses
Licensing and regulating
5 Rights of Delegation
Right Task
Right Circumstances
Right Person
Right Direction/Communication
Right Supervision/Evaluation
What CAN be delegated?
What CANNOT be delegated?
Team Method of Nursing Care
The Team Leader has a cadre of staff reporting to her and together they work to disseminate the care activities. The team member possessing the skill needed by the individual patient is assigned to that patient, but the Team Leader still has accountability for all of the care.
Functional Method of Nursing Care
AKA Task Method. Nurseswere assigned to TASKS, not to patients. For example, one nurse would be responsible for all the treatments, another nurse for all the medications, and so on.
Primary Method of Nursing Care
one nurse cares for one group of patients with 24 hour accountability for planning their care. In other words, a Primary Nurse (PN) cares for her primary patients every time she works and for as long as the patient remains on her unit.
Case Method or Total Care method of nursing care
Total care for all of pts needs
OASIS” (Outcome and Assessment Information
o Is a group of standard data elements used by Medicare & Medicaid designed to enable a systematic comparative measurement of home health care patient outcomes at two points of time. Data is collected at the start of care, 60-day follow ups and discharge and are incorporated into a comprehensive patient assessment. Home Health Agencies that do not comply with the reporting requirements are liable for a reduction in their reimbursement rate.
process of engaged decision making linked with actions taken in the face of complex, uncharted, or perilour circumstances present in clinical situations for which no standardized solution exists
an engaged process of guiding others through a set of derived practices and procedures that are evidence-based and known to satisfy preestablished outcomes based on repeated clinical situations.
Mission statements
Usually states the purpose of the organization, the line of business or specialty, geographic parameters. May state goals, aspirations, philosophy.
BRN Mission Statement:
Protect the health and safety of consumers and promote quality registered nursing in the state of California.
ADPIE what can RN delegate?
cannot delegate A,D,P or E to LVN. LVN can obtain data & implement.