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55 Cards in this Set

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Symptoms of asthma
wheeze, cough (worse at night)
difficulty breathing, chest tightness, PEF deviation 20% diurnelly or pbronchodilator
What does cxr reveal?
normal or hyperinflation
What is goal of asthma treatment?
tx symptoms, stop exacerbations, decrease damage
How is dx TB made
cxr shows only old exposure
What is the fundamental advantage of the helicopter over conventional aircraft?
A. Its ability to hover low
B. its ability to hover over water
C. its movement independent of foward speed
D. none of the above
C-its movment independent of foward speed
Define fever w/o source
unexp. fever >100.4 x5-7days
Define hyperthermia
increase in body temp w/o increase altered hypothalmic set point.
what is the parameter of increased hr w/fever
10-15 bpm w/ea. 1 deg C
Pt pesents w/fever and petchial chgs soft palate what is the dx
bacterial endocarditis
How do you determine ideal body wt?
100lbs for 1st 5'. Then 5lbs for eac inch female, 6lbs per inche male. Then dtrm frame by wrist:s,m, lg
Do elderly patients experienced increase appetite or decreased appetite if hyperthyroid disease?
decreased appetite, and weakness
Does serum calcium increase or decrease w/wt loss
Is this metastic or a reactive node? hard, painless, matted, fixed, >2-3cm
Is this reactive or metastic node? discrete,mobile, rubbery, mildly tender
What is mcburneys sign
pt pain over appendix
What is psoas sign?
pain lifting flexed rt thigh against resistance could indicate inflamed appendix
What is obturator sign
pain w/internal rotation of rt thigh
Rovsings sign?
RLQ pain palpated on LLQ
Kernigs sign?
legs flexed can not lower leg
passive mvmt on leg causes similar mvmt in opposite
what is the triad of signs indicative meningitis?
nuchal ridgity, kernigs, and brudzinski signs.
What is the length of time for acute cough?
What is length of time for chronic cough ?
>3-6wks and do cxr if unexplained
What is the most common pathogen for pneumonia?
Strep. pneumonia
What is are the lipid goals for someone w/2+risk factors?
LDO <130, 130-159 lifestyle chgs, >160 statin
When providing care for someone on HMG-CoA what should be monitored?
. aspartate aminotransferase
should resins (cholestyramine be prescribed w/high tri's
What is the action of ezetimibe?
blocks absorption of cholesterol
What is BMD measurement for increase in fx
how many of dx criteria do you need for RA dx
What is the single recommended dose of prednisone for migraine?
What is recommended dose of inderal for DM or Asthmatic?
may hide signs of hypoglycemia
start and 10mg and titrate up
Which triptan has longest 1/2 life and slowest onset?
Frovatriptan-24 1/2 life and 2hr onset
What would a pts platelet count be to not give tpa after stroke?
Which cranial nerve is affected in Bells Palsey?
Assessming vision and visual fields involve which cranial nerve?
Paralysis of extraocular mvmts is what cn?
Loss of corneal reflex is seen w/what cn?
cn 3
Loss of corneal reflex is seen in dysfunction of?
What is murphys sign and what could it inidicate?
Pain on inspiration when the examiner's fingers are under right costal margin next to the rectus abdominalis, associated with acute cholecystitis
aspartate aminotransferase-AST is indicative of ?
liver, cardiac, skeletal muscle, kidney
more specific for liver-tylenol toxicity, alcohol
glutamyltransferase in eoth
2x's normal w/ast:alt ratio 2:1
Dietary guidelines for DM
15 cals/ideal body wt
20 if active
25 if heavy phy labor
what does metformin do?
decrease hepatic glucose output
what do sulfonylureas do?
insulin secretagogues (stim beta cells)_ glimepiride, glyburide, and tolazamide
a-glucosidase inhibitors do?
delay carb absorption acarbose (brand name Precose and glycet
ADA recommendations for BP and lipids
BP <130/80
LDL <70, Tri <150, HDL men >40 woman >50
How often should synthroid be chgd?
What is recommended dose for initiatiaiton synthroid
25-100mcgs. Older w/cad 25mcg.
1.6mcg/kgday avg maintenance
Common cause otitis externa?
swimming, allergies
It is inflammation of extenal aud canal
Otitis media
inflammation of eustachian tubes
TM red and bulging
Treatment for otitis media
amoxicillin 500mg tid x10days
What is atb treatment for sinusitis?
Amoxicillin 500mg tid
what distinguishing factor does cervical cancer have?
postcoidal bleed