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18 Cards in this Set

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What is acute renal failure? causes?
- inability of kidneys to filter out wastes and fluid, reduced GFR


Prerenal failure
- decreased blood flow to kidneys
- hypoveolemia, hypotension, redouced CO, HF, etc
- vascular disorders

intrarenal failure
- parenchymal damage (acute tubular necrosis), infection (pyelonephritis), toxins
- CKD, diabetes, HF, htn, cirrhosis

postrenal failure
- obstructions
normal value of creatinine
< 1.0 mg/dL
anuria vs oliguria
oliguria <500 mL/day
anuria <80 mL/day
manifestations of renal failure
decreased GFR results in

- most commonly, oliguria (<500mL/day) and
- inability to concentrate urine urine (sp gravity < 1)
- BUN steadily increases (as protein metabolites build up) (azotemia)
- creatinine increased, indicates reduced renal function
- hyperkalemia --> dyrhythmias
- metabolic acidosis (buildup of acid waste) --> ABG, kussmaul resp

- also anemia, due to reduced erythropoietin production
Prevent acute renal failure
- adequate hydration
- prevent shock, infection, precursors fo sepsis
- monitor CVP, urine output
What drugs are nephrotoxic
- aminoglycosides - gentamycin, tobramycin
- polymyxin B, amphotericin B
- vancomycin, cephalosporin, amikacin

- also, long term NSAID use

- and radiocontrast studies
assessment of chronic RF (ESRD)
- dec GFR -> inc phosph --> dec Ca

sodium, water retnetiion
Complications of ESRD
- hyperkalemia
- pericarditis, effusion, tamponade due to inc urea
- htn
- anemia (dec erythropoeitin production)
- bone disease (inc phosph, dec calcium)
Nursing monitor for worsening of ESRD
renal failure
- nausea, vomiting, changes in UO, ammonia breath

- muscle weakness, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, arrhythmia
treatments for ESRD
Ca, and Phos binders
- ca carbonate (Os-cal)
- calc acetate (Phos - lo)

Antihypertensive, Cardiovascular
- inotropics digoxin, dobutamine

Epogen for anemia

nursing diagnoses for renal failure and interventions
excess fluid volume
- I&O
- limit fluids

imbalanced nutrition
- regulation protein and fluid intake and potassium
- sodium supplement
- 500ml + previous day's output
dialysis. what is it? how does it work?
- dialysis basically replaces the functioning of the kidneys
- removes urea (nitrogenous wastes), excess water, and toxins
- only water soluble drugs can be removed (meds bound to albumin cannot)

- dialyzer = semipermiable membrane that acts as kidney
- by diffusion, toxins and wastes move into the dialysate
- excess fluids is removed by ultrafiltration (to lower pressure)
signs patient is due for dialysis
signs of uremia- inc BUN
- metallic taste and nausea
- mental confusion, lethargy

also - *pericardial friction rub (pericarditis) due to effects of urea is urgent for dialysis
kinds of dialysis
- hemodialysis - dialyzer

- peritoneal dialysis - dialysate infused into peritoneum. peritoneal membrane acts as filter, toxins move into peritoneum. fluid is then drained.

- continuous renal replacement therapy
Nursing management of hosptialized pt on dialysis
!!! - do not administer htn meds on day of dialysis --> severe hypotension

- do not use blod presure or draws on pt's dialysis arm
- monitor fluids, I&O, uremia, electrolytes
- diet - restrictions on fluid, sodium, potassium, protein
- pruritis care
types of vascular access for dialysis
acute hemodialysis
- double lumen, cuffed hemodialyiss catheter into subclavian, internal jugular, femoral vein

permamnet access
- atriovenous fistula - fusing artery and vein
- atriovenous graft - grafting a vessel between an artery and vein
nursing diagnoses kidney surgery
1. ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing pattern r/t surgical incision pain
- analgesics, splint incision, frequent turning, early ambulation

2. actue pain

3. impaired urinary eliminiation

4. risk for fluid imbalance
signs of renal transplantation rejection
- oliguria, inc BP, wieght gain, edema
- fever, tenderness over kidney