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45 Cards in this Set

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How is cattle feces different than ovine or caprine feces?

Cattle feces are mostly water (only 3 loops in spiral colon - so less ability to extract water)

What causes an osmotic diarrhea?

Increased delivery of solutes to the LI.

What is the pathophysiology of gastric maldigestive diarrhea?

there is a disruption in the fermentation or acid digestion of the food, resulting in large, poorly digestible feed productions. This can result from poor feed, medications, anorexia, rumen acidosis, ulceration.

What does the diarrhea look like in gastric maldigestion diarrhea?

Rarely profuse, large pieces of undigested feed in feces.

What can lead to a grain overload diarrhea?

Those animals with a ruminal acidosis and increased D and L lactate --> D lactate to the LI --> osmotic pull (so D+ is seen 1-3 days post acute insult).

How do you treat a grain over load diarrhea?

Correct acid/base imbalance, e- imbalances and to put back on a healthy, fibrous diet

Which disease can cause diarrhea via a vaccine failure or a novel strain?


How is BVDV spread?

Via respiratory

What causes the biphasic fever seen with BVDV?

Fever #1 - with viremia (moving into the WBC), Fever # 2 with tissue inflammation

Where on the intestinal villus does BVDV attack?

The rapidly dividing cells of the crypt

What does the attack of the epithelial cells lead to?

Peyer's patch necrosis, ulceration, panleukopenia (BM infiltration), necrosis of crypt cells.

Where do you find lesions on BVDV?

GIT from mouth to colon, nasal mucosa, ocular and oral mucosa, coronary band, +/- respiratory (more rare)

What can BVDV cause in about 5% of the infected?

A thrombocytopenia --> DIC

When should you suspect BVDV?

When there are multiple animals with a hemorrhagic diarrhea and a biphasic fever!

How do you diagnose BVDV

Dead animal - PCR/IFA/IHC

Survived? Titers (convalescent)

Blood (LTT) for looking at the BUFFY COAT (virus is in the WBC)

how do we prevent BVDV?

VAccinations! Killed virus (more potent) - for calves, heifers and beef steer. MLV for pregnant animals (need to booster frequently)

Which BVDV vaccine is best for farms with a constant birthing? (Like dairies)

the MLV vaccine.

How does mucsoal disease develop with BVDV?

From a PI animal -- either mutation in self disease, an introduced cytopathic strain or a vaccine (that may or may not be related to self disease). This is more of an acute presentation of a chronic disease

What does dysentery mean?

Bloody diarrhea

Who is most at risk for developing winter dysentery?

Adult cattle that are housed in tight quarters indoors

How long does it take Winter dysentery to develop?

2-8 days

How many in a herd will get and how many will die from winter dysentery?

It is a HIGH MORBIDITY and LOW mortality

How is Winter dysentery spread

Thought to be respiratory, may be fecal/oral.

What is the biggest contributor (probably) to winter dysentery?

Poor management (using the same truck to spread manure AND feed)

What are the CxS of Winter Dysentery?

a profuse, watery, HEMORRHAGIC diarrhea (+/- fever - rare), small to moderate drop in milk production, may have anorexia.

What cells does the corona virus of Winter dysentery attack?

Those cells at the villus tip - resulting in a CLUBBED, shortened villi.

What sample do you need to collect to dx winter dysentery?

FECES -- run ELISA, PCR, e- microscope. Can also check for AnG

How does MCF cause diarrhea?

because it causes a severe, widespread VASCULITIS, it affects most epithelial surfaces, including that in the GIT.

What other lesions are present in MCF


*Corneal Edema, conjunctivitis




Can MCF be latent?


What is toxic diarrhea?

A diarrhea that is associated with a suspected endotoxemia (mastitis, coliform infection, metritis, gram - infections in a site beyond the GIT)

What disease can you confuse endotoxic diarrhea with?


What is different about endotoxemia diarrhea and salmonella?

The D+ in endotoxemia is generally less severe, usually also see other signs of endotoxemia - fever, tachycardia, poor CRT, injected mob, tachypnea.

How do you diagnose endotoxic diarrhea?

Find the suspect infection

What if you do not find a causative infection for the endotoxic diarrhea?

You will treat as if it is a salmonellosis.

What is so damn bad about arsenic?

It is not able to be broken down further (so it will always be it's dangerous self)-- can be shed in milk - so goes to calves and humans that may be drinking that milk.

What are sources of arsenic?

Wood preservatives, medicines, industrial products, lead things.

What causes the damage with arsenic toxicities?

*Direct surface irritant

*inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation

*Binds cysteine -- affecting METABOLICALLY active cells -- crypt cells, liver, renal.

Where are the lesions in arsenic?

Gut, liver, kidney. -- Necrosis, fat deposition

What are the CxS of arsenic?

colic, vomition, rumen atony --> bloat. Can have a fetid (due to blood) diarrhea (watery, hemorrhagic) + ulceration. Ulceration leads to GI perf and DEATH

Liver: seizures, obtundation, coma, icterus

REnal: nonspecific

Why is dx arsenic so hard?

B/c it leaves the body FAST -- so if you are just off by a few days, it won't be there anymore.

How can you tx arsenic?

dBAL - British anti-Lewisite - 4-5mg/kg IM, then 1-3 mg/kg q4h for 24 hours - cost prohibitive!!!

So what do you really do for arsenic poisoning?

Supportive treatment - gastric lavage, binding compds.

What must you do w/ the milk from a suspected arsenic animal?

Discard it!! Also pull calf from cow~

What is the key for arsenic
