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104 Cards in this Set

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adrenal medulla releases
NE and EPI
sympathetic post ganglion releases
sympathetic post ganglion releases what to sweat glands
what is the biosynthetic pathway of adrenergic
-Tyrosine hydroxylase
-DOPA decarboxylase
-Dopamine B-hydroxylase
Metabolic transformation of NE

What are the two primary degradative enzymes for NE?
MAO: neuronal monoamine oxidase

COMT: non-neuronal catechol-O-methyl tranferase
-Monamine oxidase
-mitochondrial enzyme, outer membrane
-metabolizes NE and Dopamine that is free in the cytoplasm of the nerve terminal
-catechol-o-methyl transferase
-cytoplasmic enzyme
-metabolizes NE, EPI and dopamine that enters cytoplasm of mainly non-neuronal surrounding tissues
Transport into Vesicles and Vesicular Storage of NE (vesicular uptake)
After its synthesis, Dopamine is transported into vesicles on a vesicular membrane transporter...
-this transporter also transports NE into vesicles from the cytoplasm
-inside these vesicles Dopamine and NE are NOT subject to deamination
Neuronal degradative enzymes
non-neuronal degradative enzymes
Receptor interactions of released NE
Following its release from adrenergic nerve endings, NE interacts with receptors found... postsynaptically...
-alpha 1
-alpha 2
-beta 1
Following its release from adrenergic nerve endings, NE interacts with receptors found... presynpatically...
-alpha 2
termination of effect of released NE aka uptake
-following NE release from adrenergic nerve endings, termination of effect is mainly by reuptake into presynaptic terminals
NE reuptake involves two systems...
-first, a transport system that translocates NE from the synaptic cleft into cytoplasm of adrenergic neurons = NEURONAL UPTAKE
-second, a subsequent transport system that translocates NE from the neuronal cytoplasm into vesicles = VESICULAR UPTAKE
-blocks DA/NE into vesicles within presynaptic cell
-blocks reuptake of NE into presynaptic cell
parasympathetic outflow
-preganglionic neuron releases ACh onto nictotinic cholinergic R of postganglionic neuron
-postganglionic neuron releases ACh onto muscarinic cholinergic receptor of organ
-AChE breaks down ACh
sympathetic outflow
-sympathetic preganglionic neuron releases ACh onto nictonic receptor of symp postganglionic neuron
-symp postganglionic neuron releases NE onto adrenergic receptor of effector organ
-reuptake via MAO or COMT
Classification of Adrenergic Agonists
-direct acting
--alpha agonists: nonselective, alpha 1 sel, alpha 2 sel
--beta agonists: nonsel, beta 1 sel, beta 2 sel

-indirect acting
--reuptake inhibitors
Rank order of potencies of agonists
-at alpha Rs: Epi> NE> ISO

-at beta Rs: ISO> EPI> NE
Rank order of potencies of antagonists
-at alpha Rs: phentolamine>>> propanolol

-at beta Rs: propanolol>>> phentolamine
Effects of the sympathetic nervous system
SNS at eye
-pupil: mydriasis @ alpha 1 R

-accomodation: NOT ALTERED

-intraocular fluid: increased formation at beta1 and beta1
SNS at sweat glands
-stimulated at M3
SNS at salivary glands
SNS at Heart
-rate: increased at beta1

-force: increased at beta1
SNS at blood vessels
-contracted at slpha1 and alpha2

-dilated at beta2
SNS at transmitter release
-reduced at alpha2
SNS at juxtaglomerular
-renin release at beta1
SNS at liver
-gluconeogenesis at beta2

-glycogenolysis at beta2
SNS at smooth muscle
-bronchodilation at beta2

-vasodilation at beta2

-uterine relaxation at beta2

-GI relaxation at beta2
SNS at skeletal muscles
-tremor at beta2
SNS effects with beta2
-beta2 effects mainily thru circulating EPI (from adrenal medulla)
-e.g. blood vessels dilated, inc intaocular fluid in eye, liver, smooth muscle (bronchodilation, vasodilation, uterine relaxation, GI relaxation), and tremor in skeletal muscle
1. are derived from beta-phenethylamine
2. is deaminated by MAO
3. NOT O-methylated
4. NOT direct acting at receptors
5. will enter CNS (cuz not polar)
1.* NOT deaminated by MAO (has a-methyl)
2. NOT O-methylated
3. NOT direct acting at receptors
4. will enter CNS
1. is deaminated by MAO
2.* is O-methylated and direct acting (has 3- and 4- hydroxyl groups)
3.* will NOT enter CNS (too polar)
4.* substrate for neuronal uptake
1.*NOT deaminated by MAO (similar to amphetamine)
2.*is O-methylated and direct acting (has 3 & 4 hydroxyl groups)
3.* will NOT enter CNS (too polar) - (similar to NE)
4.** NOT substate for neuronal uptake BUT good beta agonist (large N substitution)
Systemic Effects of NE and Sympathomimetics
-agonists produce their pharmacological effects by...
1. acting directly on alpha and/or beta Rs

2. by acting indirectly thru causing NE release

3. by acting indirectly thru causing reflex effects they cause
Cardiovascular Effects of Selected Sympathomimetics
Cardiovascular Effects of Selected Sympathomimetics

-activates alpha1 Rs...
Cardiovascular Effects of Selected Sympathomimetics

-activates beta1 Rs...
-inc HR & inc contractility...inc CO
Cardiovascular Effects of Selected Sympathomimetics

-activates beta1 Rs...
-inc HR and inc contractility... inc CO
Cardiovascular Effects of Selected Sympathomimetics

-activates beta2 Rs...
-vasodilation... dec PR

-mainly EPI
-vs alpha1 Rs
-reflex tachycardia
Cardiovascular Effects of Selected Sympathomimetics
-causes inc or dec in BP
CVS Effects of Selected Adrenergic Agonists

What are their INDIRECT ACTIONS?
Drugs increasing PR and BP, cause reflex bradycardia...this occurs with...
-alpha1 agonists
Drugs reducing PR and BP cause reflex tachycardia...this occurs with...
-beta2 agonists
Cardiovascular Effects of NE and Sympathomimetics

REMEMBER: An increase in BP activates carotid/aortic baroreceptors and intitiates a compensatory reflex leading to:
1. Reduction in Sympathetic tone (decreases HR and PR)
2. Increase in Parasympathetic tone (decreases HR)
...thus BP tends to return to lower levels
Cardiovascular Effects of NE and Sympathomimetics

REMEMBER: A decrease in BP activates carotid/aortic baroreceptors and initiates a compensatory reflex leading to:
1. Increase in sympathetic tone (inc HR and PR)
2. Decrease in parasympathetic tone (inc HR)
...thus BP tends to return to higher levels
Vascular Effects of NE and EPI

-Vasoconstrictor effects dec blood flow through skin and kidney
-substantially inc renal vascular resistance and reduces renal blood flow (40%)

-Renin release increases due to effect mediated by Beta1 Rs associated with juxtaglomerular cells
Vascular Effects of NE and EPI

-Acting through beta2 Rs, epinephrine causes significant vasodilation which increases blood flow through skeletal muscle and splanchic vascular beds
-Beta2 R activation mediates relaxation of bronchiolar and vascular smooth muscle and of GI smooth muscle (thru inc cAMP)
Adrenergic Alpha R
-potency: EPI> NE> ISO
-multiple alpha R subtypes have been identified

-alpha1 R are mainly postsynaptic
-alpha2 R are mainly presynaptic

-some drugs may be alpha1 or alpha2 selective
Effects of activation of alpha1 Rs

-@vascular smooth muscle
Effects of activation of alpha1 Rs

-@ dilator muscle of the pupil
Effects of activation of alpha2 Rs

-@adrenergic and cholinergic nerve terminals
-inhibits release of NE and ACh
Effects of activation of alpha2 Rs

-@ some vascular smooth muscle
What are some clinical uses of alpha1 sympathomimetics?
1. to reduce regional blood flow
2. as nasal decongestants
3. to dilate the pupil
What are some clinical uses of alpha1 sympathomimetics?

1. to reduce regional blood flow
-with local anasthetics (LA):
--to retard absorption
--to prolong action of LA
--to reduce systemic toxicity of LA
What are some clinical uses of alpha1 sympathomimetics?

2. as nasal decongestants

-avoid excessive use to avoid rebound congestion
-not use more than 5 days cuz nose used to blood vessels constricted
What are some clinical uses of alpha1 sympathomimetics?

3. to dilate the pupil
-sensitive to light photophbia
Example of an alpha1 sympathomimetic
-specific alpha1 R agonist

-increase PR
-causes an inc in BP
-reflex bradycardia; blocked by ATROPINE (a muscarinic antagonist)

clinical uses
1. hypotensive states
2. mydriatic (topical)
3. nasal decongestant (topical)
Example of an alpha2 sympathomimetic

-alpha2 agonists
--stimulation of alpha2 Rs dec sympathetic outflow and inc vagal outflow
--stimulation of alpha2 Rs on NE terminals dec NE release

=2nd or 3rd line drug in hypertension
Other clinical uses of alpha2 sympathomimetics
CNS uses
-appetite suppression (not FDA approved)
alpha 2 sympathomimetics
-cental alpha2 agonist
--opiod withdrawl (dec sympathetic outflow and inc vagal outflow)
--hypertension (2nd or 3rd line)
-peripheral alpha2 agonist
--glaucoma (reduces intraocular pressure)
alpha 2 agonist
-note end in -ONIDINE
Beta Adrenergic Rs
-potency: ISO> EPI> NE

-beta Rs are divided into two major categories:
--beta1: the myocardium
--beta2: smooth muscle (bronchi; vessels in muscle; uterine etc)
What are the effects of activation of beta Rs?

Effects of beta1 Rs
-@heart: inc rate and force

-@juxtaglomerular cells: stimulates renin release
What are the effects of activation of beta Rs?

Effects of beta2 Rs
-@smooth muscle (bronchial, vascular, uterine) - relaxation

-@somatic motor nerve terminals: causes tremor

-@liver: stimulates glycogenolysis
Direct Cardiac Effects of Beta Rs

@SA node
-inc rate (+ve chronotropism)
Direct Cardiac Effects of Beta Rs

@atrial muscle
-inc contractility (+ve chronotropism)
-inc conduction velocity
Direct Cardiac Effects of Beta Rs

@AV node, His-Purkinje system, ventricles
-inc automaticity
-inc conduction velocity
DIrect cardiac effects of Beta Rs
-thus increases heart rate and cardiac output
-Beta1 R activation inc cAMP
-inc risk of arrythmias
Please note p19

Comparative CVS effects of NE, EPI, ISO
-NE @ alpha1 and beta1
--reflex bradycardia

-EPI @ alpha1, beta1, and beta2
-- inc HR via beta1

-ISO @ beta1 and beta2
--beta1 and reflex tachycardia
Please note p19

How an alpha blocker reverses effects of EPI
-nonselective agonist class
--alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2

1. local (with LAs)
2. general (Anaphylaxis)
--nonselective agonist class
--alpha1, alpha2, beta1

1. shock
-selective agonist
--alpha1> alpha2

1. local (nasal decongestant)
-selective agonist
--alpha2> alpha1

1. HTN
2. Gluacoma
-selective agonist class
--beta1 = beta2
-selective agonist class
--beta1> beta1

1. cardiogenic shock
-selective agonist
--beta2 >beta1

1. asthma (acute Rx)
2. asthma (chronic Rx)
-selective agonist
--indirect acting

1. local (nasal decongestant)
Please note p20

Comparative effects of selected sympathomimetics
alpha 1 R
-effector tissues, smooth muscles and glands
-inc IP3 and DAG
-inc Ca2+, causes contraction, secretion
alpha2 R
-nerve endings, some smooth muscles
-dec cAMP
-dec transmitter release, causes contraction
beta1 R
-cardiac muscle, juxtaglomerular apparatus
-inc cAMP
-inc HR, inc F, inc renin release
beta2 R
-smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
-inc cAMP
-relax smooth muscle; inc glycogenolysis, inc HR, inc F
beta3 R
-adipose cells
-inc cAMP
-inc lipolysis
delta1 R
-smooth muscles
-inc cAMP
-relax renal vascular smooth muscle
Pulmonary smooth muscle effects
-EPINEPHRINE is a significant respiratory tract bronchodilator
--caused by a beta2 R activation mediated smooth muscle relaxation

-beta2 R activation also dec mast cell release
clinical uses of beta1 sympathomimetics

- DOBUTAMINE used in short term managment of pump failure following surgery, during acute CHF, or post myocardial infarction
clinical uses of beta1 sympathomimetics

-uncertain long term effficacy
--by enhancing renal perfusion despite low cardiac output
--oliguria may be an indication of inadequate renal perfusion
-in postop cardiopulomnary bypass patients who exhibit...?
Clinical uses of Beta2 Adrenergic Agonists used in Asthma

TERBUTALINE (shorter acting)
SALMETEROL (longer acting)
-at low concentrations, beta2 sel AR agonists have relatively minor beta1 cardiac receptor-mediated effects
-effective in managing asthma... beta2 sel AR agonist may be orally active
-metabolized more slowly compared to standard catecholamines
--cuz not substrate for MOA and cannot enter nerves
-beta2 sel AR agonist include ALBUTEROL, TERBUTALINE, SALMETEROL
Pulmonary Beta2 Rs are targeted by inhalation. This route of administration results in low systemic drug concentration, thus reducing liklihood of cardio-acceleration (beta1) or skeletal muscle tremor (beta2)
-activation of pulmonary beta2 AR result in smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilation
-AR agonists also dec histamine and leukotriene release from lung mast cells
-Beta AR agonists enhance mucociliary activity and diminish microvascular permeability
Adverse effects of beta sympathomimetics

due to beta2 R activation
-skeletal muscle tremor
Adverse effects of beta sympathomimetics

due to beta1 R activation
-excessive cardiovascular stimulation
-sinus tachycardia
-may result in ventricular arrythmias
-and myocardial necrosis
clinical uses of beta-sympathomimetics to delay labor

-RITRODINE (beta2 AR selective) developed as a uterine relaxant
-maybe admin IV in certain patients to arrest premature labor; if successful, oral therapy may be started
-beta2 AR sel agonists may not improve perinatal mortality and may inc maternal morbidity
-in women treated for premature labor, RITRODINE or TERBUTALINE may cause pulmonary edema