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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the types of hormones the adrenal cortex secretes? (3)
Adrenal Corticosteroids:
1. Glucocorticosteroids
2. Mineralocorticoids
3. Androgens
What is the function of glucocorticoids?
Counter-regulatory to insulin
What is the major glucocorticoid?
What is the major mineralocorticoid?
What is the major adrenal androgen?
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (& androstenedione)
Cortisol has what effect on blood glucose?
Elevates blood glucose:
Promote gluconeogenesis
Cortisol has what effect on muscle protein & protein synthesis? (3)
1. Inhibits protein synthesis
2. Sitmulates breakdown of muscle protein
3. Amino acids avialable for liver gluconeogenesis
Cortisol has what effect on liver? (2)
1. Synthesis of gluconeogenc enzymes in liver
2. Increases glycogen deposition & glucose release by liver
Cortisol is pleiotropic, what does that mean?
It acts on many systems
What are cortisol's pleotrorpic effects? (7)
1. Increase total WBC count
2. Increase resistance to stress
3. Increase total body fat
4. Increase water excretion
5. INcrease brain activity
6. Decrease immune system function
7. Decrease inflammation
In general terms, what are cortisols pleiotropic effects?
Protects from over-reaction from stress & has anti-inflammatory response
What is one way that glucocorticoids aid in anti-inflammatory response?
Inhibit breakdown of membrane phospholipids to from arachodonic acid & prostaglandins
Glucocorticoids act through what type of messenging?
Cytoplasmic receptors which are bound to heat shock proteins & when hsp are released they form hormone-receptor complex dimers that affect gene expression
What parts of the body does aldosterone act on?
1. Distal convoluted tubule of kidneys
2. Sweat glands
3. Intestinal mucosa
Action of aldosterone? (2)
1. Increase Na retension
2. Increase K excretion
Adrenal androgens have opposite action of which hormone?
Opposite action of cortisol:
ANABOLIC-- increase protein synthesis
What may assist in pubertal growth spurt of females?
Anabolic action of adrenal androgens
Adrenal androgens (androstenedione) serve as a substrate for?
Estrogen synthesis in adipose tissue & estrogen-secreting endocrine glands
What is the committed step in steroid hormone synthetic pathways?
Cholesterol --> Pregnenolone
What pathway resides in zona glomerulosa?
Pregnenolone --> Progesterone --> Aldosterone
What pathway resides in zona fasciculata?
Pregnenolone --> Progesterone --> 17-hydroxy-progesterone --> Cortisol
Which pathway resides in zona reticularis?
Pregnenolone --> 17-hydroxysteroid precursors --> Dehydroepandrosterone & Andorstenedione
Which steroid hormones are 17-ketosteroids?
1. Dehydroepandrosterone
2. Androstenedione
Cortisol is bound to which proteins in blood? (2)
1. CBG or transcortin (mostly)
2. Albumin
What elevates the amount of transcortin in plasma?
Female sex hormones (estrogens)
What lowers amount of transcortin in plasma? (3)
1. Liver disease
2. Amyloid disease
3. Multiple myeloma
Aldosterone in blood is mostly bound to?
(small amount bound to transcortin)
Dehydroepiandosterone & androstenedione are mostly bound to?
What portion of hormones is responsible for biological effects?
Free hormones in plasma (10%)
Where are steroid hormones broken down to inactive metabolites?
Peripheral tissues & liver
To inactivate steroid hormones they are first converted to?
Inactive tetrahydro-deratives
Inactive tetrahydro-derivatives are then conjugated to?
Glucuronic or sulfuric acids & excreted in urine
Corticotropin releasing hormone CRH is secreted by?
CRH stimulates what?
CRH stimulates anterior pituitary to release ACTH
ACTH stimulates?
Conversion of cholesterol --> Pregnenolone --> synthesis of all adrenal corticosteroids
How is corticol secretion regulated?
Cortisol feeds back on hypothalamus & anterior pituitary to reduce secretion of CRH & ACTH
ACTH secretion undergoes?
Diurinal variation
ACTH peaks during?
late sleep (diurnal variation)