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76 Cards in this Set

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- a discipline that is scientific and incorporates a variety of rules and procedures. It generates observations and conclusions that are different from those that might issue from non –scientific sources.
systematic observation –
refers to collecting information by consistently asking the same questions and employing the same response categories. It generates consistency and value in the data “generated” that stems from the regularity and predictability that is incorporated into the research instruments that are employed
scientific observation
– is as OBJECTIVE as it can be, which means that is free of bias and does not reflect the wants, needs or interests of the person or persons making the observation.
- Done by trained individuals who have had learning experiences that lead them to achieve levels of skill in what they do that would be beyond the average persons capacity.
- done under controlled conditions
collective phenomenon -
involves many people at one time (similar experiences), sociology focuses on the collective
– term applied to a status with uncertain and diffuse guidelines, engendering equally uncertain and diffuse behavior.
– Social existence without a clear blueprint for behavior.
- Described as juveniles, youths, teenagers
- collective creation for which no individual or group can take responsibility
grouping struggle -
not having a clear idea of what to grasp, miss the mark entirely, adolescent experience is full of examples where people start out where people are prepared and then end up doing something else, struggle toward maturity and adulthood
open minded view point
– try to look at information without jumping to conclusions, non biases, important to be this way
social system
– is a network of interaction that is comprised of two or more interdependent positions
- unit of analysis that is critically important to understanding sociological theorizing
- there must be multiple of positions
- there has to be relationships in which people in the statuses that are identified with the social systems in which they participate are mutually influential
psychological dimension -
refers to the changes that are likely to be associated with physical transformations that are expectable during adolescences
legislative dimension –
refers to the study of laws and the ways in which legal restrictions can have an impact up on adolescent experience
economic dimension –
is important to understand because adolescents who tend to be finically dependent can have relatively large amounts of discretionary income to spend on themselves.
traditional dimension –
focuses on the informal practices in which individuals and groups may engage in dealing with those persons that could be characterized as ‘adolescent’
juvenile –
is a term that has strong associations with legal designations and processes
actions against the criminal code, local bylaws, also have been guilty under the terms of reference under status offense (violation of a law to adolescents ex. Curfew violations)
youth –
is a term that can employed to refer to great many types of individuals including those who are well beyond the adolescents years, as these are normally understood
is a word that has meanings and associations that are not exactly equivalent to what sociologists describe as an “adolescent”.
industrial revolution –
represents the practical application of a variety of findings and sources of knowledge and skill
scientific revolution –
highlighted skills that came out in the future. Communication, numerical and literacy skills were learnt. Took place in the 18th century and came after the industrial revolution. Included the development of many scientific disciplines with which we are now familiar
child savers –
a book about the categories of women and men who felt they were called upon to do something helpful for young people that have not been done before, could do things that others could not, encouraged the start of institutions, important in the fight for compulsory education.
natural man
– most perfect, most natural kind of learning that might take place occurred between a kind, loving, parent and child
teachers –
individuals who are professionally responsible for training and instruction of the young
general education –
emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and skills that may have little direct or practical applicability. It was suitable for preparing young people for a future in which there were no definite occupational requirements.
leisure class -
a class that has enough time to do things they enjoy, comprised of the ideal rich (category of people who have money and don’t have to work and having trouble figuring out what to do with their time
compulsory education
– set the foundation for some social and cultural alternatives that remain evident to this day.
- negative aspect that it tended to remove children from the influence of their parents for significant periods of time
- creates conditions that require young people to be in each others presence for extended periods of time
service oriented society –
many of the things that are offered are not basic necessities but are nonetheliess appealing
post industrial society -
our own society, knowledge based economies, getting and processing information. Tend to be associated with material excesses of various descriptions
onsumer oriented –
advertising motivated economy there is an emphasis on consumer getting what they want immediately and/or without having to endure frustration
Thorsten Veblen
- believe people shouldn’t be engaging in consumption and showing it off
can refer to a relatively enduring constellation of personal characteristics
social structure –
refer to alternations in the ‘arrangements of parts’ that give shape and definition to social relationship
ascribed status
– those that are given at birth and a variety of circumstances. May be related to wealth, education, involvement in work, recreational activity, appearance
part of the self that is instinctual, related to the drives, appetites and physical predispositions that a person might have
ego –
part of the human personality that is responsible for choice, for the expression of will in behavior
superego –
human conscience, part of the self that incorporates the moral teachings of a society, personal values relating to the right and wrong
part of self that is responsible for subjectivity experienced actions that are frequently a reflection of a process of choice
Me –
is the part of the self that is objectivity perceptible and that is comprised of elements that can be acted toward and acted upon oneself or by others
looking glass self theory –
refers to the concept of self that an individual develops by accepting the “mirror like” reactions of others, interpreting these responses and incorporating them into one’s identity
primary relationships –
involve relatively close contact and regular face-to-face communication and a sense that a person is a member of a group in which there is sense of common identity or “we-ness”
secondary relationships –
as opposed to primary relationships, have an element of impersonality and distance associated with them
tertiary relationships –
exist at level beyond primary and secondary ones and entail contact with an image or an entity that is not a real human being
identity moratorium
– refers to circumstance of an individual waiting to find and confirm a significant aspect of his or her identiy
identity diffusion –
refers to the spreading and of identities over a wide variety of statuses and roles
identity foreclosure –
entails someone else making decisions for an adolescent
identity achievement
– is a function of making choices properly negotiating a decision making process and finding satisfactory conclusions
anomie -
a relative state of normlessness. It can happen when there is a circumstance where there are rules that are not understood. One is unclear of what to do.
Reference group
- those that can be looked to for ideas or opinions and be can worth the while. Reference groups can offer information, ideas; examples of behavior to adolescents without there being a required membership
membership groups-
are available to adolescents to a limited degree. Can function as reference groups
self concept –
is formed from the interpretation of the reflected feedback of others.
shifting reference groups -
some can make adjustment easily then others can. Not easy to predict to effects of the adjustment
multiple reference groups –
can include many of the membership groups in which adolescents participate
rites of passage –
ceremonies or observances that indicate movement from one age related status to another
Significant other –
sources of information and opinion, and examples of behavior worth emulating, rather then expecting that a whole group might be unified, with its members similarly important in offering communication about norms, values etc.
- they are special people and play a large part in the lives of adolescents
- may be involved in post relationships
- there thoughts, feelings and opinions would be more important
- friends, family members, teachers, employees, bosses, role models
- all have an influence
Momism and Dadism –
stem from the development of strong emotional dependencies on parentl figures of the opposite sex
- crippling effect from it, so those who are victimized by it have difficulty achieving maturity
- some victims are so emotionally damaged that they end up killing themselves or seriously hurting themselves
super-industrial society –
tends to isolate individuals to break down the continuity that once existed between and among positions and makes it difficult for adolescents to grow into adulthood without facing problems
cooperation –
adolescents may also be taught that they should get along with others and ought to cooperate with them as much as possible
competition –
adolescent may be tough that it is important to get ahead and to be successful as possible
leisure –
refers to the practice of not working at a job or at anything else that appears to be worthwhile in our society in a fundamental way
recreation –
refers to activity that helps to restore a person to a state of readiness to do useful work Teenager terminology – hanging out, chilling, trucking (HAHA LOL)
piety –
refers to religious commitment in belief and practice – being faithful
– entails making one’s own choices about significant options present themselves to a person instead of relying on direction from others
individualism –
refers to a commitment to making choices on one’s own and allowing those choices to reflect one’s own efforts at achieving personal identity
refers to following rules and often acting in accordance with the wishes of those who are in position to make rules
- conforming to rules and expectations is often very anxiety provoking especially for those who are not well prepared to do so
chastity –
refers to restraint or abstinence in relation to sexual practices and may, for any adolescents be linked to feelings of frustration.
responsilbility –
tends to be associated with adulthood rather then childhood. It can be viewed as heavy burden that adults have to carry
dominance –
refers to the exercise of power and the control of situations, behavior and people
submission –
refers to the disposition to be obedient and to conform to the wishes of others
halo effect -
if parents are not competent in one area of knowledge and skill, they may also be deficient in others
in loco parentis -
means “in place of parents” (latin
clash of inferiority complexes-
associated with the process of socializing the young
Last stand of amateur”
loaded term. Standing in the battle/ going to go down. Surrounded by forces. Amatur (likes or loves that is not professional but is personal)
the youth cult
– refers to a set of practices and beliefs in which individuals engage who wish to hold up youth as an ideal and as source of style, information etc. to emulate
nuclear family –
€tend to be much smaller in size
- each member has more functions to fulfill in some respects
- becomes a unit of consumption rather then a unit of production
laissez-faire approach –
return to disciplinarian regimen
ough love concept
–difficult to change from a “soft” approach to a “tough” one
misleading view of people, situations and relationships. Can be related to adolescent fantasies, visualizations of what may be real
disturbance theory –
suggests that imitation of media violence occurs only under specific circumstances
cultures within cultures. They contain all of the elements that larger cultures do but serve the specific needs of those who participate in them
- depends on larger cultural groups for their survival