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68 Cards in this Set

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Administrative functions: maintenance
efficiency of the organizaion
Administrative function: service
quality which includes goals motivating staff
Social inventions formed to accomplish administrative tasks and goals
Organizational behavior
the study of human behavior in organizational settings
A desired state of affairs or wishes for the future held by people or organizations.
How the goal will be explicated and exactly what will be achieved
Case analysis
focus is on a particular organizaion without going beyond the bounds of the organizaions
Controlled survey
survey data has always played an important part in understanding organizations
Used scientific principles to explore change strategy
games are used to help people better conceptualize and plan organizational strategy
Hawthorne Studies
first experiment studied different levels of lighting on worker productivity. 2nd studied how workers could make more mone by producing more pieces. Found that workers set a quota and forced others to observe it. Today Hawthorne is questioned but it does have merit.
Says motivation arises from a hierarchical set of needs and we must satisfy needs at on level in order to move on to the next.
Organizational Hierarchy of Needs
Self-actualization - challenging job achievemet
Esteem Needs - Status, job title
Belongingness needs - friendships
Security needs - stability pension plans
Physiological needs - sustenance based salary
Accrual Accounting
alternative to cash accounting, in which each purchase is considered a debt, even though the actual monies have not been spent. Bill has not been received. Similarly, payments owed are regared as assets even when payment has not been received
Administrative activities are amed at educating, informing the community and gaining professional support for how the community and/or service should be developed or changed.
designation of funds to a specific group, agency or program
Autonomous Practice
Professionals who practice but are not under the auspices of an agency or other formal organization. Most of the time these professionals set their own goals and objectives, However they are obligated to perform under professional ethical guidlines
Block Grant
System of allocating money to communities for social welfare and or public health programs. It is not predetermined which specific programs the monies will go to, but it is instead upto the discretion of the community organizations to determine where the funds are needed.
recored of funds, credits, and debts which is kept by an agency
A formal organization w/ specific tasks and goals and a clearly defined hierarchy. Organizational procedures, rules and regulations are also clearly defined. Agencies should not have over lapping functions.
recent pull for cocial organizations to become more ridid, centralized, in terms of policies and procedures.
Teh concentration of administrative forces in a group,organization or political body
Continuing Education
Training provided to professionals to update and or enhance thier skills and knowledge in the field.
Correlational Studies
Used in program evaluation, usually to look at the connections between program variables and intended outcomes.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
A managment budgeting plan to evaluate programs based on the cost of the program. The most difficult part of a cost benefit analysis is operationally defining outcomes.
Giving authority/responsibility to those individuals or levels closer to the problem or activity
Department of Health and Human Services
Formed in 1979 the umbrella organization of several departments which deal w/ public health and social services.
Dqual Employment Opportunity Commission
Commission established by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Enforces equal emplyment opportunities.
Feasibility Study
Evaluation of the resources needed to achieve a specific goal or task and whetther the agency can complete this task w/ these resources.
Force -Field Analysis
The analysis of the factors and or forces that support or impose and intended program.
Formative Evaluation
Assessing a program as it is developed
Group Think
a group of individuals that are influenced by a charismic leader
Halo Effect
Where the rater allows the feelings about an individual gained in other areas or events to influence a current and separate rating
Hawthorne Effect
That the prospect of change will produce some type of an effect without the change being implemented.
Used insocial panning, involves compromising and reaching agreements based on the needs/wishes of various political forces.
A system in which as little controlling influence as possible is exerted on program service, managment and or staff
Line item budget
Financial planning technequ in whicheach proposed expense for a given year is identified and compared to the year before
Need Hierarchy
theory that all human behavior is motivated by needs in the following hierarchical order, physiological, safety, social, ego, and self-actualization.
Outcome Evaluation
Method to determine whether an agency or service have met its goals and objectives.
Program Based Bidgeting
budgeting approach that categorizes expenditures and resources according to the agency's service area.
Quality Assurance
Quality improvment continuous quality improvement
Organizational procedures to assess whether services or products meet required standards
when individual act a certain way because they are being watched.
Scientific Managment
Management theory, which advocates the use of scientific methods to acheive, improved worker productivity and effficiency
Selective Eligibility
Policy in social service delvery in which benefits and sevices are only given to individual who meet certain defined criteria.
Summaritive Evaluation
review of existing programs that compares them to other existing programs. These results are generalized to other exisign program or planned programs
Sunk Cost
Associated w/ social welfare planning and administration, the amount of time and effort used to develop, preserve and facilitate current relationshiops or standard ways of operating service. This can not be recounted for in terms of dollars
Title VII
Provision of theh 1964 Civil Rights Act that prohibits discrimination in hiring, placement, etc. on the basis of race color, religion , sex or status
Universal Eligibillity
When services provided in the same amount are given to all people in the country regardless of need, circumstance or status
Zero-Based Budgeting
Budgeting technique in which cannot use the base from a previous years allocation, every program component begins w/ a zero budget allocation, and must identify where each dollar will go.
social program closest to a universal program. Not means-tested and individuals are either 65 years old or disabled to qualify. Pays 80% of designated charges.
Medicare Part A
Medicare Part B
Hospital Insurance
Supplemental insurance covers physicians fees and must be purchased. Medicare is part of the 1935 Social Security act (Title XVIII)and the 1988 Medicare amendments required states to pay the premiums, deductibles and co-payments for all those under the poverty level.
Title XIX of the Social Security Act. Original intent of providing the inancing to enable the poor to gain access to health care system and hereby institute a single level of care for the entire population. State must match funds and federal goverment contributes approximately 55% and the stat 45%. Since many states choose to contribute less, each state can vary in what is provided.
Medicaid vs Medicare
Medicaid is a transfer program that uses "in kind" benefits like food stamps. Transfer vs. entitlement program. Transfer programs get their payments "in Kind" and it is considered charity money, Medicare are not "in kind" because entitlement w/ the benefits being earned.
Benefits of Program Evaluation
Teh key to optimizing organizational effectiveness. It satisfies the need for profesisonals accountability and programs must account to their funding sources.
Program Evaluation
Outcome Model
the evaluation of expectd results takes place. Qualitative outcome study might examin a client's perceptions of a program through use of a survey and ask questions
Prog Eval
Goal Attainment
Rather than evaluating expected outcomes, this approach would only examine the outcomes specified int eh goals and objectives of the sevices.
Just want to know if the objectives are being ment, must have clare goals and objectives.
prog eval
Systems Analysis
Method studies the impact of other organizaitons and the environment of a program and investigates variables that maght be related to program change
the program and the services within the system cannot be separated inteh analysis.
prog eval
Cost Analytic Model
This model uses cost as the independent (cause) variable to discern its effect on other variables thought to indicate change from program use.
Benefits that translate into cost savings
prog eval
Descriptive and Quality Assurance Models
These methods monitor adherence to standards by administrators and staff in the implementation of a program. Almost every hospital has them especially if they are accredited facilities.
Staff Development and Job Satisfaction: administrative role of adequately meeting the needs of staff
Procurement planning recruitment, selection, staff planning and orientation of employees
Development of the work force including training and continuing education
Provision of motivational factors
Maintenance factors: benefits, services and working conditions that maintain employee commitment
SW administrator: 1st step
define the fob responsibilites
Once defined search for the most appropriate candidate.
Determinant of Job satisfaction
Increases w/ age
Value base is intrinsic and up to individual.
Expect to be personally fulfilled
Occupational levels increase w/ occupational age
Higher IQ's are less satisfied w/ jobs when job requirements do not challenge
Higher education level, higher Job satisfaction.
Gender - mixed
Personality factors. High self-esteem and high needs for achievement voice most satisfaction. those who want autonomy voice greatest dissatisfaction
Work Factors: job satisfaction
Job characteristics based on scientific managment show greatest degree of dissatisfaction where humanistic principles show more worker satisfaction
Superviosors that are warm supportive and approachable are best, not a friend. High in task orientation.
Work factors continue
Pay is very important. worth = pay.
Job security
Job dissatisfaction is linked to poor mental health. ulcers, smoking heart attacks high blood pressure
Supervisor hints
Never use a client's case record to support securing a grant or creating a grant proposal.
Hints for supervisor
When director shifts resonsibilities to senior professional employees, they must also shift the authority to preform the tasks.
Hints: empathy
High stress thig turnover jobs - workers may lose empathetic stance when dealing w/ clients. Supervisor should always try to model empathetic communications for employees. and stress the importance of being empathetic and non-judgmental
hints; annual performance
always allow for the worker to participate in a verbal and written process throughout the evaluation period.