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36 Cards in this Set

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Three Constraints of Life
1. Resources and restrictions of Earth.
2. Our individual limitations necessitate cooperation with others.
3. Human beings are made up of two sexes.
The three Tasks of Life
1. Occupational, social and sexual.
2. Effectiveness in solving these tasks leads to mental health.
3. Neurosis, psychosis and criminal behavior are retreats from these tasks.
1. Humans are indivisible.
2. Humans live in contexts.
1. Inferiority
2. Superiority
1. all behavior is purposeful
2. all behavior is directed toward the goal
3. Dreikurs proposed that all goals relate to belonging
Style of Living
1. Personality is unified toward the goal.
2. Personality is a way of being, not a collection of traits. (way person USES traits)
Community feeling and social interest
1.Suggest what is possible in life
2. forms the basis for a moral and ethical code.
3. calls us to the goal of being more fully human
Family Constellation
1. System that includes parents, children and extended family.
2. focus on birth order positions.
Early Recollections
1. Reflect the individual's life style.
2. Reflect life style changes.
Adler's Holistic Perspective
1.Individual and society
2.Mind and Body
3.Conscious and unconscious
4.Internal conflicts
What is the Problem with Persons? (Adler)
1. Not hereditary
2. Striving
3. Childhood roots- realize limitations
4. When teleology becomes pathology.
What is the solution for person? (Adler)
1.Gemeinschaftsgefuhl or social interest
2.the loftiness of Adler's concept
3.Does the conflict btw social interest and striving for superiority violate the unity of personality?
define= Gemeinschaftsgefuhl
Social interest
Religion and Adler's Theory of Personality (pt.1)
1. Psychic error and sin
2. Self-transformation and self-salvation
3. Observations on "religiosity"
Religion and Adler's Theory of Personality (pt.2)
4. Appreciation for religion
5. The idea of God
6 Individual Psychology and religion
Foundational Theories of Adlerian Therapy
1.All behavior has social meaning
2.human personality has unity and definite patterns
3. behavior hsa
+environment+demands of life= neurosis
equation for neurosis
+environment+demands of life)beliefs= neurosis
alterations by student presenter.
adlerian therapy theory
1.striving for significant explains motivation
Principles of Adlerian Counseling
1. Seeing the purposive nature of all behavior- emphasis on understanding motives
2. people are creative, decision-making beings- Individuals have control over their lives No such thing as "i can't...," only "I will not..."
Goals of Adlerian Therapy
1. Fostering social interest
2. Helping clients overcome discouragement and inferiority
3. modify view of goals-changing lifestyle
4. changing faulty motivations
5. getting sense of equality with others
6. become contributing members of society.
Role of Therapist
1.Care for and encourage client
2. Assessment
3. Expose errors in thinking or purpose of behaviors
4. Teach client how to correct thinking and behavior
Process of Psychotherpy
1.Establishing Relationship
2. Exploring Individuals' Dynamics
3. Self-Understanding and insight
4. Reorientation
Overview of Change:
Therapist as Model-> Change-> Catching Oneself-> The "Aha" Experience-> Post-therapy.
Conflict Resolution
1. Empty Chair
2. Double Unbind
3. Role Playing
4. The Midas Technique
Assuming Another's Perspective
1.Higher Standards than God
2.Social Consequences- putting a person's private logic into social context.
3.Alternative Explanations
Confrontation Tactics
1.Immediate Behavior and Movement- pointing out nverbal beh. and having it addressed.
2. "When?"- client will state that change is needed, therapist asks for a timeline.
Paradoxical Tactics
2.Spitting in the Soup (showing symptom- and encouraging the client to be confronted with symptoms)
Encouragement Tactics
1. Lessons from the Past
2. Minus to Plus (reframing negative sitatution to something more positive)
Change Tactics
1.Acting "As If"
2.Task Setting/Homework (sometimes belief comes after change)
Cautious- fear what might
Anxious- fear what will happen
Depression- fear what has happened.
kinds of clients and their fears
Humor in Adlerian Therapy
Twisted adages
Imagery Tactics
1. Pushbutton Tactic
2. Restructured Early Recollections
3. Creating Images
Motivational Tactics in Adlerian Therapy
1. Selling what they need
2. The "Stick and Carrot"
Anxiety-Reducing Tactics
1.Naming the Demon
2.Taking Over
Application to:
2.Marriage Counseling
3.Family Counseling
4.Group Work