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18 Cards in this Set

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Hazardous /ˈhæzədəs/

full of risk; risky; dangerous

A hazardous journey.

Big headed- arrogant- full of one's self

Arrogante - creido

Modest /ˈmɒdɪst/

having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc.;free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions.

* She was very modest about the award.

* A modest house in the country.

Sole /səʊl/

being the only one; exclusive;

* This company owns the sole rights to this trademark.

* Chocolate is my sole pleasure in life.

*Nancy's son is the sole beneficiary of her will.

Eligible /ˈɛlɪdʒəbəl/

being a proper or worthy choice; suitable.

*meeting the stipulated requirements; qualified

*Anyone over 21 is eligible to play this game.

*an eligible mate.

Idoneo; apto; cumplir con los requisitos.

Mildly /ˈmaɪldlɪ/

1)gentle or soft in feeling, manner, etc.

2)not severe or extreme; temperate.

3)not sharp in taste or smell.

4)moderate in strength, degree, or force.

1)a mild disposition.

2)a mild winter.

3)a mild cheese.

4)a mild drug; a mild feve

Moderadamente; suavemente;ligeramente.

Burly /ˈbɜːlɪ/

large in size;stout;sturdy

(Fornido; corpulento)

a couple of burly cops.

Wide-eye /ˈwaɪdˈaɪd/

with the eyes open wide, as in amazement or astonishment; innocence, or sleeplessness; credulous

Con los ojos bien abiertos;

Stiff /stɪf/

Fig (wind: strong)

(Rigido; agarrotado;tieso;estar adolorido)

1)Rachel went for a long run yesterday and she's feeling stiff today.

2) A stiff wind was blowing outside, shaking the branches of the trees.


1)a quality, esp. of one's personal nature, that sets one apart from others.

2)an inherited feature or characteristic.

1) his bad character traits.

2) a recessive trait.

Rasgos; cualidades; atributos.


Headed; sailing or going outward.

De ida; saliente; el que sale

*We're going on holiday on saturday; our outbound flight leaves at 8:23 on saturday morning.


Covering or including everything.

From one extreme limit of a thing to the other.

En general; en total

*Overall, he did a fairly good job.

*the overall cost was more than we'd estimated.


Extraterritorial; en el extranjero.

2) paraiso fiscal; baja fiscalidad

1)some financial institutions operate offshore.

Pity /piti/

1)sympathetic or kindhearted sorrow for, or sensitiveness to, another's suffering, distress, or misfortune.

2)a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret.

Pena; compadecer.

1)felt pity for her.

2) What a pity you couldn't go!

Wise /waiz/

1)having or showing understanding and good judgment.


2)having or showing deep knowledge or learning.

Sabio; inteligente.

1) a wise decision.

2) It was not very wise of him to be rude.

Wild /waild/

1)living in a state of nature and not tamed.

2)growing or produced without being grown and cared for by humans, as flowers; not cultivated.

3)without people living there;not inhabited;undeveloped.

salvaje; silvestre;desolado

1)wild animals running free in the forest.

2)wild flowers.

3)wild country.

Afraid /əˈfreɪd/

1)feeling fear;filled with apprehension.

2)feeling regret, unhappiness, or the like.

3)feeling reluctance, unwillingness, distaste, or the like.

Tener miedo; estar asustado.

1)afraid to go.

2)I'm afraid we can't go on Monday.

3)He seemed afraid to show his own children a little kindness.


1)feeling unhappiness or grief.

2)expressing or causing sorrow.

3)awfully bad; sorry.

1)to feel sad.

2)a sad song.

3)a sad attempt to make a joke.