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97 Cards in this Set

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Chemical messengers that are produced by endocrine glands and delivered by the bloodstream to target cells or organs
Pituitary gland (hypophysis)
1. Adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary)
- Pars distalis
- Pars intermedia
- Pars tuberalis
2. Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary)
- Median eminence
- Infundibulum
- Pars nervosa (Vasopressin "ADH" and oxytocin)
Futher subdivision of Pars distalis
1. Chromophils
- Acidophils (Somatotrophs and mammotrophs)
- Basophils (Cortico-, thyro- and gonadotrophs)
2. Chromophobes
Thyroid gland
Composed of:
1. Follicular cells (principal cells): Secretes Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine
2. Parafollicular: Secrete calcitonin
Parathyroid glands
Composed of
- Cheif cells: Synthesize parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- Oxyphils cells: Inactive phase of cheif cells
Suprarenal (adrenal) glands
Secrete steroids and catecholamines
Suprarenal cortex
Composed of:
- Zona glomerulosa
- Zona fasciculata
- Zona reticularis
Suprarenal medulla
Chromaffin cells: Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Sympathetic ganglion cells
Pineal gland
- Pinealocytes: Melanin
- Interstitial cells
Largest organ of the body and contains of epidermis and the underlying dermis
Composed of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium:
- Keratinocytes
- Langerhans cells
- Melanocytes
- Merkel cell
Keratinocytes is arranged in 5 layers
1. Startum basale
2. Stratum spinosum
3. Startum granulosum
4. Stratum lucidum
5. Stratum corneum
Langerhans cells
Antigen-presenting cells located among the the cells of the startum spinosum
Merkel cells
Mechanoreceptors located in the stratum basale
Produce melanin (brown coloration to skin) and is located in the stratum basale
- Papillary layer (Meissner corpuscles=mechanoreceptor)
- Reticular layer (Pacinian and ruffini corpuscles)
Rete apparatus
Interphase between epdermis and dermis
Eccrine sweat glands
- Merocrine secretion
- Dark and clear cells
Apocrine sweat glands
Found in the axilla, areola and anal region
Sebaceous glands
Secrete oily substance known as sebum, which maintains the suppleness of the skin
Hair follicles
Develop from the epidermis and invade the dermis and hypodermis
Layer of hair follicle
1. Hair:
- Medulla
- Cortex
- Cuticle
2. Internal root sheath:
- Cuticle
- Huxley's layer
- Henle's layer
3. External root sheath
4. Glassy membrane
Arrector pili muscles
Smooth muscle cells that extend from midshaft of the hair follicle to the papillary layer of the dermis
Keratinized epithelial cells arranged in plates of hard keratin
Conducting portion of the respiratory system
Conveys air to and from the respiratory portion of the respiratory system
Olfactory region of the nasal cavity
Comprise the olfactory epithelium and the underlying lamina propria that houses Bowman's gland and a rich vascular plexus
Responsible for phonation and for preventing the entry of food and fluids into the respiratory system
Three layers:
- Mucosa
- Submucosa
- Adventitia
Respiratory epithelium
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium composed of six cell types:
- Goblet cells
- Ciliated columnar cells
- Basal cells
--> Constitute 90% of the cells
Bronchial tree
- Primary (extrapulmonary) bronchi
- Secondary (intrapulmonary) bronchi
- Bronchioles: Contains "Clara cells" protection
- Terminal bronchioles
Respiratory portion of the respiratory system
- Respiratory bronchioles
- Alveolar ducts
- Atrium
- Alveolar sac
- Alveoli: type I and larger II pneumocytes
Oral mucosa
- Lining mucosa
- Masticatory mucosa
- Specialized mucosa
Regions of lips
- Skin aspect
- Vermillion zone
- Mucous (internal) aspect
- Crown
- Cervix
- Root
Overlies the dentin of the crown --> hardest substance in the body
Bulk of the tooth
Overlies the dentin of the roots
Loose connective tissue, that is richly vascukarized and innervated, surrounded by dentin and communicates with the periodontal ligament via the apical foramen
Begins with the appearance of the dental lamina
Stages of odontogenesis
1. Bud stage
2. Cap stage
3. Bell stage
Peridontal ligament
Dense, irregular collagenous connective tissue that suspend the tooth in its alveolus
Bony socket in which the tooth is suspended by fibers of the periodontal ligament
Regions of tongue
- Anterior 2/3
- Posterior 1/3
- Roots
Lingual papillae
- Filiform
- Fungiform
- Foliate
- Circumvallate
Layers of alimentary canal
- Mucosa
- Submucosa
- Muscularis externa
- Serosa (or adventitia)
Esophageal mucosa
- Startified squamous epithelium
- Lamina propria (fibroelastic)
- Muscularis mucosae (smooth muscle layer)
Esophageal submucosa
Houses mucous glands
Esophageal Muscularis externa and adventitia
Composed of both skeletal and smooth muscle cells
Fundic gland
- Mucous neck cells
- Parietal (oxyntic) cells: HCL
- Cheif (Zymogenic) cells: Pepsinogen
- DNES cells: Gastric
Luminal surface of small intestine
- Plicae circulares
- Villi
- Microvilli
- Crypts of Lieberkun
Goblet cells
Manufacture importent component in mucus
M cells (microfolded cells)
Phagocytose and transport antigens from the lumen to the lamina propria
Large intestine
- Cecum (small outpouching called appendix)
- Colon
- Rectum
- Anus
Richer supply of lymphoid elements and contains many more DNES cells in the cryps of Lieberkuhn
Salivary gland
- Parotid
- Sublingual
- Submandibular
Secretory portions
- Serous cells
- Mucous cells
- Myoepithelial cells (basket cells)
Duct portions
Highly branched and range from very small intercalated ducts to very large principal (terminal) ducts
Parotid duct
Saliva its produces is serous
Sublingual gland
Produces mixed saliva
Submandibular gland
Major portion i serous, even though its mixed
- Exocrine gland: Digestive juices "Acinar cells"
- Endocrine gland: Hormones "islets of Langerhans"
Functions of liver
-Endocrine + exocrine --> same cell "hepatocyte" responsible and also for the bile production
Three concepts of liver lobule
- Classical lobule
- Portal lobule
- Hepatic acinus
Perisinusoidal space of disse
The narrow space between a plate of hepatocytes and sinusiodal lining cells
Hepatic ducts
Composed of:
- Cholangioles
- Canals of Hering
- Bile ducts
Bile manufacture
Composed of water, bile salts, phospholipids, cholestrol, bile pigments and lgA (immune function)
Four layers:
- Epithelium
- Lamina propria
- Smooth muscle
- Serosa/Adventitia
Gallbladder function
Store bile
Kidney subdivisions
- Outer cortex
- Inner medulla
Types of Nephrons
- Cortical nephron
- Juxtamedullary nephron
Renal corpuscle
Composed of:
- Tuft of capillaries
- The glomerules
- Surrounded by Bowman's capsule
- Tufts of fenestrated capillaries
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Three compartments:
- Macula densa of distal tubule
- Juxtaglomerular cells of the afferent glomerular arteriole
- Extraglomerular mesangial cells
Collecting tubules
Composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium, convey and modify the ultrafiltrate from the nephron to the minor calyces of the kidney
Renal interstitium
Loose connective tissue housing three types:
- Fibroblasts
- Macrophages
- Interstitial cells
Each minor calyces accepts urine from the renal papilla of the renal pyramid; as many as four minor calyces may deliver their urine to a major calyces
- Ovarian cortex: Connective tissue stroma that houses ovarian follicles in various stages of development
- Ovarian medulla: Richly vascularized fibroelastic connective tissue (contains connective tissue cells, interstitial cells and hilar cells
Ovarian follicles
- Primary
- Secondary
- Graafian
Releasing the secondary oocyte from the graafian follicle is known as ovulation
Corpus luteum
- Formed from remnants of the graafian follicle.
- Temporary an endocrine gland that manufactures and release hormones that support the uterine endometrium
Oviducts (Fallopian tubes)
Conduit for spermatozoa to reach the primary oocyte to convey the fertilized egg to the uterus
Muscular organ:
- Fundus
- Body
--> Both contains endo-, myometrium and serosa/adventitia
- Cervix
- Mucosa
- Muscularis
- Adventitia
External genitalia of "FRS"
- Labia majora
- Labia minora
- Vestibule
- Clitoris
Mammary glands
--> compounds + stages
- Compound tubuloalveolar glands
- Resting and lactating
Mammary gland secretion
- Prolactin --> production of milk
- Oxytocin --> Milk ejection reflex
Located in the scrotum, are paired organs that produce spermatozoa and testosterone
Sertoli cell
Blood- testis barrier, androgen binding protein, nourish etc.
Leydig cells
Located in the vascula vasculosa and secrete testosterone
Genital ducts
(from seminiferous tubules --> ejaculation)
- Tubuli recti
- Rete testis
- Ductuli efferentes
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferens
- Ejaculatory duct
- Prostatic urethra
Accessory genital glands
- Seminal vesicle (Vicous fluid)
- Prostate gland (Give sperm motility)
- Bulbourethral glands (Lubricating lumen of urethra)
Specialized peripheral receptors
- Mechanoreceptors
- Thermoreceptors
- Nociceptors
Three tunics:
- Fibrous (Sclera + cornea)
- Vascular (Choroid, ciliary body and iris)
- Neural (Retina)
1. Pigmented epithelium
2. Layers of rods and cones
3. External limiting membrane
4. Outer nuclear layer
5. Outer plexiform layer
6. Inner nuclear layer
7. Inner plexiform layer
8. Ganglion cell layer
9. Optic nerve fiber layer
10. Inner limiting membrane
- Outer (external audtiory meatus + tympanic membrane)
- Middle (malleus, incus and stapes)
- Inner (Bony + membranous labyrinth)
Auditory sense
Cochlea (housing cochlear duct with organ of corti)
Vestibular apparatus
- Vestibule (Utricle and saccule --> linear movement)
- Semicircular canals (Semicircular ducts expanded portion "Ampullae" --> Rotational and angular movement