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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 diagnostic techniques?
Hearing / smelling
What are the 10 questions?
Head to toes, thirst, appetite and digestion, bowel movements (odour, blood undigested food), menstruation, pregnacy, urination (colour, frequency, smell), discharges, sleep, emotions. Also ask energy levesl, temperature
What do you observe in patient diagnosis?
Tongue, Complexion, lips, skin and nails, excretion, hair, shape of joints channels and points (esp back shu)
What do you hear or smell in patient diagnosis?
Strenth of voice, body odour, sighing, breathing, coughing, joint movements, heart rate, instestinal movement
What do you palpate in patient diagnosis?
Pulse - level, depth, rate, quality, Nodules and masses, muscle tension, joints, temperature, abdomen, points and channels, observe what is better or worse for pressure
What are treatment principles?
Regulation of yin and yang, strenthen the body's resistance and eliminating pathogenic factors, distinguish Ben (root) from Biao (branch), treat in terms of climatic conditions and seasonal conditions
What is the basis of Point selection
Local points, adjacent points, distal points, points above treat areas below, points below to treat areas above (ie facial acne ST 44), combining front and back, points to treat yin/yang related channels (yuan plus luo), points to treat channel connections, cross needle, symptomatic points, specific points (ie blood stagnation use influential pt of blood)
What are the two types of moxa application? Describe
Direct moxa (inc scarring and non scarring)
Indirect moxa (moxa poles, warming the needle, moxa box, insulating medium)
What is cupping used for?
Warming and promoting free flow of qi and blood, acute muscular trauma, dispel cold, diminish swelling and cold damp conditions, insect bites (Blood letting), acute sprains (after 1st 48 hours), digestive problems
What are the 5 cupping methods?
Flashing cups (for xu, numbness, ext pathogen), fixed/static cups (5-10 mins), sliding cups (musculoskeltal pain), needle and cup (bi syndrome), bleeding cups
What precautions/contraindications should be considered with sliding cups?
patients who bruise easily, pregnancy or abdominal scars, skin ulcers, odema, convulsion, bony areas, high temp
What safe practices should be used with cups
Rinse in warm water, use detergeant, rinse in 70 degree C plus water, leave to air dry, store in clean covered container (if bleeding wash in 1:4 bleach solution and boil in water 5 mins before and after use)
When should a practitioner use plum blossum needle?
skin diseases, acne over large area which has been there a long time, hair loss, numbness, shortsight in children (use bl2, st2, gb20, pc6), shingles, facial paralysis, insomnia (along head, back shu HT, LIV, pc 6 and pc 7, also all along du and bladder channels, acute lumbar sprain, bed wetting (along du sacral channels and bl 23), headache and migranes
What are bleeding techniques useful for?
Dispel excess qi, used for heat and blood stasis, heat on and above face, skin conditions, gout, post stroke aphasia, acute lumbar sprain (bl40)
What are the procedures you should do before needling a patient?
Prepare client on bench, expose and inspect area to be needled, wash hands for 15 secs, swab points to be needled (from head to toe), avoid touch point before inserting needle. Remove each needle and dispose into a sharps container.
What are the factors influencing the arrival of qi
point location, depth, manipulation ie lifting and thrusting, rotation, patient's constitution
How long should you retain needles for?
Weak constitution - shorter
Acute patients can leave up to 1 hour
What are the contraindications in pregnancy?
don't needle low abdomen, lumbosacral area < 3 months, > 3 months upper abdomen, Bl60, Bl67, LI4, Sp6, GB21
What should you do if patient gets needle shock (e: fainting, cold hands and feet, dizziness, pale face and lips, palpitations, adominal sweating)
Remove needles, lay patient down (in recovery position), keep warm, give warm water.
What points can be used in loss of consciousness
Du 26, St 36, Du 20, Ren 4, Ren 6, PC 6
What to do if needle gets stuck
follow angle of needle to remove, inspect needle to ensure it didn't break.
Apply Acupressure to ___ to release 'after effect' of needles.
Apply Acupressure to LI10 to release 'after effect' of needles.