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118 Cards in this Set

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Lung 1
Lung Front Mu, Whatever is wrong with the Lungs-Tonifies Qi in the whole chest, regulates Lung Qi and Chest Qi, Restore rebellious Qi, stops pain, treatment of Po
Lu 2
cloud gate. Clear Cloudiness of the Lung. Can be used for all the functions as Lu 1
Lung 5
water transporting point, clears phlegm, heat, regultaes lung Qi, reg fluids, can resolve or nourish fluids, can send fluid to KD
Lung 6
Xi cleft point, acute pain, emotional stagnation of Po
Lung 7
Broken Sequence, exit point LUO-blood emotions yin and yang, master point of Ren Mai, All things related to Lu channel
Lung 8
Metal on Metal channel. Alarm point
Lung 9
yuan source point, tonifies Lung Qi, Tonifies Lung Yin, influ. blood and vessels, transforms deficiency phlegm in Lungs, tonifies gathering Qi in the chest
Lung 10
ying spring, changes in complexion
Lung 11
stimulates descending and dispersing Lung Qi, courses and counter flows Qi flow in the 12 Channels
Jing well
Fullness in the Epigastrium, febrile conditions, releases to the Exterior, Stimulates the entire channel, treats any organ
Ying Spring,
Febrile disease, changes of complexion
havey sensation of the body, Bi Syndrome/Damp wind, Pain, Diseases that change with seasons, days move from one area of the body to another
Jing River
Cough, asthma, changes of the Voice, Bi syndrome from some sources
He- Sea Points
Diseases related to Diet, Diarrhea due to rebellious Qi, Blood stagnation in the channels, Treats internal organs
3 functions of Antique Points
conditions treated by each point, Qi flow of the channel from Jing-Well to He-Sea, 5 element relationships and correspondances
which points treat internal organs directly
FM,BS,Jing Well and He Sea
Hang Yang Ming Channel
The Large Intestine. receives food and drink to be re-absorbed and excreted. Depends on Lungs for Qi to perform function
Jing Well. Horary Point (same element)
LI 4
command/Face and mouth. Source point on a yang channel treats excess and acute conditions. It is a source point on the Yang Ming Channel. Has more Qi and Blood in network. Significant influence on moving QI and Blood. C/I for pregnancy. Releases the Exterior
LI 10
arm 3 miles. Yang Ming builds Qi and Blood. Important point to enhance this. better for tonification. Xi- cleft point
LI 11
He- Sea Point, Ghost Point. Good for hypertension. Big point for heat. #1 point to clear damp heat
LI 15
shoulder transporting point
LI 20
Welcome Fragrance. All nasal problems, Earth element and this pt is the Mtg of Stomach
Stomach 1
containing tears, night blindness, stop lacrimation
St 4
deviation of mouth, expels int or ext wind locally, dysfunctional eating patterns
ST 8
Head corner, frontal yang Ming headache, clears heat, invigorates channel, dizziness from phlegm
St 9
regulate blood and qi, dizziness, removes masses, relieves swelling
St 12
enormouse downward movement, all yang zang fu channels except Bladder cross here,
st 21
level with ren 12, if there is an accumulation on the abdomen this point is the gateway to the problem, regulates Middle Jiao, harmonizes spleen and stomach
Stomach 25
LI front Mu, Metal emothions- Lung/Large Intestine. Front Mu point, it influences metal
Stomach 28
water passage way, opens water passages
st 29
blood stagnation return the uterus,blood and Qi to their normal condition
st 30
alot of blockages relating to reproduction,penetrating Qi, WHERE QI ENTERS THE CHONG MAI
Xi- cleft point
pain, bleeding related to organ, jumpstart, acute pain,regulating QI and blood
St 34
cleft point, repetitive, excesive conditions that create stagnation, i.e. obsessive behavior,
St 35
great local point, calf's nose, arthritis, good local point
St 36
3 mile of the foot, earth point, he-sea AND lower he-sea, horary point, command point for the abdomen, good for stimulating sp/st t&t, raises yang Qi often used with Du 20 for this function, best Zang-Fu point to tonify post-natal Qi and blood, thoracic blood stagnation (b/c stomach channel is on the thoracic area)
Lower He-sea Point
branch right to the organ, for yang channels only
Stomach 37
Lower he-sea, so you can access LI on the leg
St 39
Lower He-sea on SI- another way to access channnel and organ through the legs, ALL SI conditions
Stomach 40
Luo. Increases function to produce Qi and blood, ability to influence Earth Qi, #1 phlegm point (anywhere in the body) calms and clears mind, clears St heat, clears spirit disposition
St 41
river point, ankle point b/n 2 tendons,much like LI5,
St 42
Yuan Source , Exit point to sp 1, highest point on the foot, source point of earth
St 44
#1 distal point for stomach heat!!! Stomach fire/stomach heat,water point, Eliminates wind from face
St 45
Jing well . Jing well points are arguably the most important points on the human body
Channel Pathology-spleen
heaviness in the body or head, pathogen has moved internally, general feverishness, fatigued limbs, emaciated muscles, stiffness of the tongue,edema in the foot
spleen organs
stomach, heart, spleen, lower surface of the tongue
spleen-yi,self survival, mental and emotional body, holds blood, emotions, patterns
Spleen 1
Jing well, can tonify metal (lungs),stops bleeding, tonifies spleen, entry point, spleen is tai yin with lung, showing another connections between the 2, treats blood
Spleen 3
Yuan source, Earth, Shu-stream, Horary point, can use this point to treat the lungs-its 6 channel partner, tonifies spleen, qi, blood, spleen Qi deficiency, oddball-strengthens the spine-tendo channel, resolves damp,
Spleen 4
Luo, Yellow emperor, master point of the chong mai, major gynecological point, all menstrual irregularities, use this point for Luo/Blood issues, luo connecting of Spleen and can tonify, sedate or harmonize
Spleen 6- 3 yin meeting
major point for all spleen energetics, important for LV and moving the blood (ie liver qi stagnation), tonifies the KD, C/I for pregnancy
Sp 8
xi-cleft point, regulates Qi, Blood and Uterus, tapping into inner thoughts
Sp 9
he-sea, water point, deals with fluids, #1 resolve damp, any water or fluid imbalance anywhere in the body
Side 2: What is the normal host for Xenopsylla cheopsis
Side 3: What disease can be transferred, how
Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis)
Flea infected, bacteria grow in midgut, form bolus of bacteria - flea tries to feed, regurgitates
Spleen 15
regulates LI and st, local LI point
sp 16
obsessive thoughts
sp 21
Great Luo of entire body, moves Blood in connecting vessels
Stomach 8
Stomach 12
enormous downward movement, mtg of st, si,sj, gb and LI, connects to Du 14 to maintain posture
Stomach 21
Level with ren 12, All things stomach. If the stomach is more excess prefer this point to stomach front mu, gastric pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distentiion, anorexia
Stomach 25
LI front Mu,metal emotion, influences metal
Stomach 28
opens water passages, benefits urinary functions
Stomach 29
blood, blood stagnation,The point is close to st 30 where an internal path reconnects to the stomach channel. The point is on the chong Maiand has potent blood related functions
Stomach 30
where Qi enters the chong Mai,promotes essence, tonifies the sea of food nourishments, regulates Stomach Qi
Stomach 34
Xi-cleft point, gastric pain, knee pain and numbness
Stomach 35
calf's nose, good local point, pain numbness and motor impairment of the knee, arthritis
Stomach 36
tree miles of the foot, possibly the best Zang Fu acupoint to tonify post natal Qi and Blood, command point of abdomen, harmonizes Stomach and Spleen all conditions, motor impairment of the lower limb
-release heat. Emotion, blood stores shen
also emotional pain
Yuan Source points
Treat excess and acute, empty excess (ie damp heat or obstruction) improve yin yang function, mental emotional issues, activates source Qi of channel
Front Mu
yang drains excess and acute
store tonify chronic deficiency
5 element theory
clockwise parents tonify children take, counterclock sedation
Stomach 40
number one point for phlegm
Stomach 41
fire on earth channel- tonify. ankle joint pain
Stomach 42
yuan source point,source point of Earth and Yi Shen, motor impairment of foot, transforms damp
Stomach 44
major point- #1 distal point for Stomach heat (organ or channel)
Spleen 1
wood, jing well. stops bleeding. blood issues
Spleen 3
Yuan source, shu-stream, horary point. This point can tonify the earth which tonifies its cheld element (metal), and its six channel partner Lung. Spleen Qi deficiency, strengthens the spine, resolves damp
Spleen 4
Luo, all menstrual irregularties. One of the best Gynecological points, resolves damp,
Spleen 5
sedation point
Spleen 6
Major top 5 point. most commonly used on channel, stregnthens spleen, resolves damp, T&T, promotes function of Liver and smoothes flow of Liver Qi, tonifies Kidney, nourishes blood and Yin, regulates menses and uterus, moves and cools blood, regulates reproductive system
Spleen 8
Xi cleft point, gastric disorders
Spleen 9
#1 point to resolve damp, benefits lower burner, water, He-sea
Spleen 10
removes stasis of blood, cools blood, tonifies blood, menstrual disorders, benefits the skin
Spleen 15
Regulates LI Qi,
Spleen 21
Major Luo of SP, exit pt, this luo-connecting vessel essentially covers the entire body, a big wrapper of blood vessels.
What is the best acupoint for supplementing Qi and Blood?
Sp 6
Which point does not treat menstrual disorders?
Sp 15
Which acupoint does not treat Blood?
Spleen 15
Which point does not treat dysmenohrrea?
Sp 16
Which is not a Yuan Source point?
St 36
WHich is not a Xi-CLeft point
all are Xi-cleft points
Which point does not calm the Shen
all calm the Shen
Which point tonifies Heart Qi
Heart 5
WHich is the He Sea point of the SPleen channel?
Sp 9
WHich point nourishes Yin on the Heart Channel?
Ht 1
Which is the best acupoint for supplementing Qi and Blood
St 36
WHich is the best accupoint for resolving phlegm
St 40
Bleeding gums, toothache, gastric pain, diarrhea or heat anywhere in the stomach channel
Stomach 44
WHich is the best acupoint combination for facial paralysis?
St 4,6
Which is a fire point?
Lung 10
Pain in the tempormandibular joint?
St 7
Gastric pain and vomiting due to excess heat in the stomach?
St 21
Constipation with Pain
LI 4 and St 25
Empirical acupoint for shoulder pain
st 38
WHich is the best point to promote essence
st 30
frequent urination/
ST 28
menstrual creamong due to blood stagnation
st 29
Acute pain of the stomach
st 34
WHich acupoint is a Yuan source, 4 command point and releases the exterior
LI 4
WHich is the best acupoint for supplementing Qi and Blood
St 36
Which type of special acupoint category affects specific Blood, bones, tendons, tissues or Qi?
eight influential
WHich point does not primarily regulate breathing?
Lung 10
Your patient has phlegm, cough and suffers from fatigue,which is the best acupoint?
Lung 9
WHich type of acupoints does not tonify Qi
WHich is the best point for treating pain throughout the body?
LI 4