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55 Cards in this Set

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LI11, SP10, SP6 symptomatically treat


Which Lung point, 1 or 2, is used in NADA treatment protocol?

Lung 2

HT7, SP6, KD3 symptomatically treat


Are DU7, BL19, and BL48 on the 10th thoracic vertebra level?


Which of the following luo points doesn't treat mania: HT5, ST40, SI7, PC6


Which xi cleft point treats acute contraction and sprain of the lumbar region?


It is NOT ok to take Ginko Biloba with

thiazide diuretics, coumadin, and NSAIDS

Which jing well point does NOT treat pain at the root of the tongue?


The scalp area tha tis a line starting from a point .5 cm posterior to midpoint of midline and proceeding diagonally across the head to a point at the intersection of the zygomatic arch with the hairline at the temple is the

motor area

SL. sore throat, tiredness, sl. cough, feelings of heat, sl thirst, SOB worse with exertion

DU14, DU11, TB5, LI4

PT w/ meniere's disease is treated with GB20, LR3, TB17, SI19- what 2 points are missing

ST36 and Ren12

A patient has fever, averse to cold, sore throat, float fast pulse, what is tx?

LI4, LI11, DU14, GB20, LU11

Which point is on same level as L5?


A pt has bearing down sensation, prolapsed ST, feels weak, what is Tx?

Ren 6, Du20, ST21

SP qi sinking

amenorrhea due to blood stagnation with pain in lower abdomen with mass aggravated by pressure benefits from what


which point best treats excess alcohol intake with vomiting?


which technique does not sedate?

insert with exhalation and remove with inhalation

The qi from DU1 luo connecting point

ascends bilaterally to nape of neck and spreads over occiput

A patient has timidity, sighing, and lack of courage


which point is located between the middle of the tragus and the mandibular joint


what is the distance between the jing river point of the foot yangming meridian and the lower he sea point of the large intestine?

10 cun

what point is located on the radial side of the wrist, in the center of the hollow formed by the tendons of extensor pollicis longs and brevis?

jing river point of the hand yang mind meridian (LI5)

A patient has tai yin signs and symptoms- tx>?

Ren12, BL20, ST36, ST25, SP6

A patient has chills, cold feelings, listlessness, desire to sleep, diarrhea, pale pee, no thirst, pale tongue with white moss, deep slow pulse. Tx?

BL23, Ren4, Ren6, Ren8, KD7, KD3

deep needling at KD21 esp in thin subjects will

puncture LV on right and peritoneum on left

Ren17, TB10, SI1, ST18, PC6 is an rx for

acute mastitis

which point combo is best for persistent asthma

DU12, BL43

deep needling of SP15 may

penetrate an enlarged spleen or liver

can a patient take evening primrose, black cohosh, and goldenseal if he is on blood pressure meds?

NO, but he can take capsicum

Which jing river point does NOT have an indication for fever with absence of sweating


what is distance bt yuan source and xi cleft pts of hand jue yin

5 cun

moxa with salt is best used for

abdominal pain, vomiting, and prolonged dysentery

where is least sensitive to electric stim


stiff swollen foot, headache, irregular menses, what extra point?

ba feng

what is distance between influential point of marrow and xi cleft point of footshaoyang meridian

4 cun

plum blossom needle cannot be used on infectious disease, areas of traumatic injury, acute abdominal disorders, but it can be used on

intercostal neuralgia

which meridian enters lower gum

large intestine

which window of sky points is wrongly associated with eye symptom


how many ST points are on chest?


vigorous manipulation of ST5 may injure the

facial artery and vein

whats distance between he sea and xi cleft points of the hand yangming meridian?

7 cun

distance bt jing river and xi cleft of hand yangming?

5 cun

which ting spring point clears heat from ying and blood levels?


hiccups- ear acu used on diaphragm point- what to add when it doesn't work

neurogate and subcortex

sudden epigastric pain, vomit, cold feelings

ST21, SP4, Ren13, ST34

high fever w tonsillitis, SI17, LU11- no improvement, what to add?

LI4, LI11

ultraviolet therapy is not used to treat arteriosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, and lupus, but it does treat

Pelvic inflam disease

when should reusable needles be disinfected

before sterilization

lower ab twist pain improves with farts and tummy rumbles. tx?

ren6, gb34, ST27, ST39, SP6

deep perp or oblique needling of KD22 ma

puncture LU or LV

how many Kidney meridian points are there on the lower abdomen

12- KD11-KI16

san jiao jiu is 3 points located where?

equilateral triangle apex at ren 8

where is ST 28

3 fun below belly button, 2 fun lat midline

how should correct fxn of autoclave be checked

biological monitoring

BL32, BL39, Ren3, SP6 BL23 is an rx for

urinary retention