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130 Cards in this Set

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Front Mu Points

Alarm Points


Front Mu Points Tx

Acute problems related to organ function

Back Shu Points Tx

Tx chronic problems related to organ function

The Inner Line of the Back Shu Points tx -?-

Organ function

The Outer Line of the Back Shu Points to -?-

Issues related to emotional and spiritual aspects of the Zhangfu

Xi Cleft points tx acute problems related to -?-, -?-, or -?-

Pain, Organ function, Meridian function

Xi Cleft Points tx -?-

Acutely painful problems

Lou Points

Connect Yin-Yang meridian pairs,

reinforce the actions of the source point of paired meridian,

And disperse wind and relieve the surface

Source points on Yin meridians

Tonfiy the Zhang (Yin Organ)

Source points on Yang Meridians

Dispel the 6 evils/pathogens

Ting/Jing Well Points Qi ...

Has an outward movement and is very superficial

Ting/Jing Well Points tx

Vital emergencies like unconsciousness and convulsions

Ying Spring Points

Clears Heat (empty and full)

Shu Stream Points

Where Wei Qi gathers

Shu Stream points tx -?-

Joint pain and heaviness in the body

Shu Stream points tx -?-

Joint pain and heaviness in the body

Jing River Points

Where the channel widens

Jing River Points tx -?-

Respiratory problems, cough, and asthma

He Sea Points

Where the Qi goes inward to penetrate the Zhangfu

He Sea Points

Where the Qi goes inward to penetrate the Zhangfu

He Sea Points tx

Rebellious Qi of hand and foot YangMing Mai (LI and ST), and Tonify Yang Organs

What is Hand Tai Yin Mai

Lung Meridian

Greater Yin

What is Foot Tai Yin Mai

Spleen Meridian

Greater Yin

What is Hand Yang Ming Mai

Large Intestine Meridian

Bright Yang

What is Foot Yang Ming Mai

Stomach Meridian

Bright Yang

What is Hand Shao Yin Mai

Heart Meridian

Lesser Yin

What is Hand Tai Yang

Small Intestine Meridian

Greater Yang

What is Foot Tai Yang

Urinary Bladder Meridian

Greater Yang

The Lower He Sea points tonify the -?- organs


The Zhangfu of the Metal element are -?- and -?-

Lung and Large Intestine

The Zhangfu of the Water element are -?- and -?-

Bladder and Kidney

The Zhangfu of the Wood element are -?- and -?-

Liver and Gallbladder

The Zhangfu of the Fire elements are -?- and -?-

Heart and Small Intestine

He Zhangfu of the Earth element are -?- and -?-

Spleen and Stomach

List the 6 evils






Summer Heat

LU-9 is the influential point of the -?- and -?-

Pulse and vessels

UB11 is the influential point of the -?-


UB17 is the influential point of the -?-


St36 is the command point of the -?-


LU7 is the command point of the -?-

Head and back of the neck

UB40 is the command point of the -?-


LI4 is the command point of the -?- and -?-

Face and Mouth

Yellow mucus indicates -?-


Yellow mucus indicates -?-


White or clear mucus indicates -?-


Foamy mucus indicates -?- and -?-

Wind and Cold

Tonification points -?- and -?- Qi

Build up and nurture

Sedation points -?- Qi


Horsey points are used mostly to -?- sedation and Tonification points


On Yin meridians Shu Stream and -?- points are the same


The point after the Horary point is always a -?-


The point after the Horary point is always a -?-


He point before a Horary point is always the -?- point


The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd antiquity points, from the Jing Well points, are always -?-


UB13 is the Shu Point of the -?-


UB14 is the Shu Point of the -?-


UB15 is the Shu Point of the -?-


UB16 is the Shu Point of the -?-

Du Meridian


UB18 is the Shu point of the -?-


UB19 is the Shu point of the -?-

Gall Bladder

UB20 is the Shu point of the -?-

Spleen Shu

UB21 is the Shu point of the -?-


UB21 is the Shu point of the -?-


UB23 is the Shu point of the -?-


UB21 is the Shu point of the -?-


UB23 is the Shu point of the -?-


UB27 is the Shu point of the -?-

Small Intestine

LU11 is the -?- point of the Lung meridian

Ting Well

LU10 is the -?- point of the Lung meridian

Ying Spring

LU9 is the -?- and -?- point on the Lung Meridian

Shu Stream and Source

LU8 is the -?- point on the Lung meridian

Jing River

LU5 is the -?- point on the Lung meridian

He Sea Point

LU7 is the -?- point in the Lung meridian


LU6 is the -?- point of the Lung meridian

Xi Cleft

LI1 is the -?- point of the LI meridian

Ting Well

LI1 is the -?- point of the LI meridian

Ting Well

LU1 is the -?- point on the Lung meridian

Front Mu Point

LI2 is the -?- point in the Li channel

Ting Spring

LI3 is the -?- point on the LI meridian

Shu stream

LI5 is the -?- point on the LI channel

Jing River

LI11 is the -?- point on the LI channel

He Sea

LI4 is the -?- point in the LI meridian


LI6 is the -?- point on the LI channel

Lou Connecting Point

LI7 is the -?- point in the LI channel

Xi Cleft

St25 is the -?- point in the LI meridian

Front Mu

St45 is the -?- point on the Stomach channel

Ting well

St44 is the -?- point in the Stomach meridian

Ting Spring

St43 is the -?- point on the Stomach meridian

Shu stream

St41 is the -?- point in the Stomach meridian

Jing River

St36 is the -?- point in the Stomach meridian

He Sea

St42 is the -?- point in the Stomach meridian


St40 is the -?- point on the Stomach meridian


St34 is the -?- point in the Stomach meridian

Xi Cleft

Ren12 is the -?- point on the Stomach meridian

Front Mu

Sp1 is the -?- point on the Spleen channel

Ting Well

Sp2 is the -?- point on the Spleen channel

Ying Spring

Sp3 is the -?- Point on the Spleen Meridian

Shu Stream

Sp5 is the -?- point on the Spleen channel

Jing River

Sp9 is the -?- point on the Spleen meridian

He Sea

Sp3 is the -?- point on the Spleen meridian


Sp4 is the -?- point in the Spleen meridian


Sp8 is the -?- on the Spleen meridian

Xi Cleft

Liv13 is the -?- point in the Spleen channel

Front Mub

Ht9 is the -?- point on the Heart meridian

Ting well

Ht8 is the -?- point on the Heart meridian

Ying Spring

Ht7 is the -?- and -?- point on the Heart meridian

Shu Stream and Source

Ht4 is the -?- point on the Heart meridian

Jing River

Ht3 is the -?- point on the Heart meridian

He Sea

Ht5 is the -?- point on the Heart meridian


Ht6 is the -?- point in the Heart meridian

Xi Cleft

Ren14 is the -?- point on Heart channel

Front Mu

SI1 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine channel

Ting Well

SI2 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine meridian

Ying Spring

SI3 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine channel

Shu Stream

SI5 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine channel

Jing River

SI8 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine Channel

He Sea

SI4 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine meridian


SI7 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine Meridian


SI6 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine channel

Xi Cleft

Ren4 is the -?- point on the Small Intestine Channel

Front Mu Point

UB67 is the -?- point on the UB channel

Ting Well

UB67 is the -?- point on the UB channel

Ting Well

UB66 is the -?- point on the UB channel

Ying Spring

UB65 is the -?- point in the UB meridian

Shu Stream

UB60 is the -?- point in the UB meridian

Jing River

UB40 is the -?- point in the UB channel

He Sea

UB64 is the -?- point on the UB meridian


UB58 is the -?- point of the UB meridian


UB63 is the -?- point in the UB meridian

Xi Cleft

Ren3 is the -?- point of the UB meridian

Front Mu point