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20 Cards in this Set

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Pain around St 25=
Pain around Ren 4=
St-25 Large Intestinal abscess
Ren 4- Small Intestine
Etiology and Pathogenesis of Intestinal Abscess
Irreg intake of food, retention of undigested food, undue cold and warmth, or running after a big meal.
= Damp Heat and Stag of Qi and Blood
Differentiation of Intestinal abscess
Sudden paroxysmal pain in upper ab, or around umbilicus. Tenderness, contracture or abdominal wall, diff in extension of right leg. Fever, chills, anusea, vomiting, constipation, dark urine, thin & sticky tongue coating. Rapid and Forceful pulse.
Treatment of intestinal abscess
disperse damp heat, regulate qi circulation and stop pain. Y=
Yangming Meridian
St 25, St 37 (LI He sea), LI 11, Lanwei (2cun below 36)
Sp 10 (bleed)
Fever: Du14, LI4
Vomiting: Pc 6 and Ren12
Moxibustion on Zhou Jian or local point
UB 24 QiHaiShu (ren 6), Ub 25
Types of Goiter
Qi goiter, flesh goiter, and stone goiter
Etiology and Pathogenisis of Goiter
Caused by exasperation, anxiety, or mental depression that leads to stag of Qi and accum of phlegm
Qi goiter- caused by drinking mountainous water and qi stag
Flesh= stag of Qi and accum of phlegm damp
Differentiation of Goiter
Qi goiter= diffusive swelling in neck, soft, gradually increasing in size with unclear margins.normal color. absence of pain. - some big and drooping, with dypsnea and hoarsenss of voice. Changes with emotions
Flesh- below forty, more in women. smooth with no pain. with Exophtalmos, hot temper, irritable, tremoring hands, sweating, stuffy chest, palpitations. Wiry, slippery, and rapid pulse. w/irregular menses
Treatment of Goiter
Activate blood circ and remove bld stasis and disperse agglomeration:
Hand Shaoyang and YangMing

SJ 13**, LI17, SI17, Ren 22, LI 4, ST 36
LQS: Ren 17, LV3, with even
Palpitation: Pc6, Ht7,
Exophthalmos: SJ 23, Bl2, Bl1, Gb20
Hot temper, anxiety: SP6, KD 7
Etiology and Pathog of sprain and contusion
injury of soft tissues. Loocal qi and blood stag in meridians of diseased areas is due to injurty of tendinous tissues and joints by violent mvmt, awk posture of body....
Differentiation of sprain and cont
swelling. pain. old injury reoccuring due to exposure to wind, cold, damp
Tx pts for sprain and contusion
neck- Bl10 (opposite side), SI3.bailoa Shoulder jt: GB21, LI15
Elbow: LI11, LI4
Wrist: Zhong Quan, SJ4, SJ5,
Knee: ST35, ST 44,
Hip: GB30, GB34
Ankle= ST41, GB40, BL60
HIP+ANKLE same meridian name
KNEE=ELBOW. Yin use yin, yang use yang
Xi Cleft points for meridians (SI 6)
Back pain- less needles: DU3, UB23, UB40
Acute: Du26, SI3, HuaTuoJiaJi; Yaotong Xuo. 2nd bl and gb line: same side yao tong xue, and opposite side ling gu da bai
wryneck- awkward sleeping posture or attack of WC on nape= local qi stag- occurs on one side with motor impairment.
DU AND TAIYANG: Ub10, Du 14, SI 14, Gb39 marrow, SI3, Bl 60, Lu7 (head and neck), SI 7
Shao Shan Huo
Fire Mountain tonifyng technique
Yang and Qi Def: St36: insert needle in first level of skin make three rotations, then deeper and 3 more, and deeper then 3 more {repeat 3 X=27 total}
Etiology and Pathogenesis
Deficiency and Excess
Excess: fury or fright= wind fire of Lv and GB that obstructs qi circ in Shaoyang
Deficiency: Kd qi and failure of essential qi ascend to ear
Differentiation of tinnitus
Excess: can not be relieved by pressure. Sudden deafness, distending sensation, and constant ringing in ear
Lv/Gb: flushed face, dry mouth, irritability, hot temper, wiry and forceful pulse.
Deficiency: protracted deafness, intermittent tinnitus aggrav by pressing, dizziness, soreness and aching of lower back, sem. emissions, leukorrhea. Thready and weak pulse
high pitch= def (comes and goes)
low pitch= excess
Treatment of Tinnitus
Shaoyang of hand and foot taiyang
SJ17, GB2, GB43, SJ3, GB12, SJ21
LV/GB: LV2, GB41, GB34
Pathogenic WInd: SJ5, LI4, GB34
Hypofunction of KD: Bl23, DU4, KD3 (moxa)
Du 26, Du 20, Pc 6,
Ear pt: inner ear (bleed for acute)
Rub Kd1 if due to def
Pinch of salt in warm water before bed
Etiology and Pathog of Congestion, swelling and pain of the eye
Mostly due to exogenous pathog wind heat causing obstruction of qi circulation in the meridians or due to LV/Gb fire that flares up causing qi stag and blood stag
Differetntiation of Congesstion, swelling, and pain
Photophobia, lacrimation, sticky discharge. In WH= fever, superficial and rapid.
LV/Gb fire= bitter taste in the mouth, irritability with constip and wiry pulse
Treatment of eye congestion
distal and local pts- reducing method
BL1, GB20 (pt towards eye), Taiyang, LI4, LV2, Qihou, GB43
Wind Heat: SJ5
Fire in Lv: LV3
Bleed erjian
Du 16, 17, and MS12, Ms13
Tou Tian Liang
Cool Heaven, strong clear heat technique
LI 11... main pt Sj5, Gb 20
2. Breath in= needle in (reducing pt)
3. Lift lightly, insert strong- counter-clockwise 3x then up a level with 3 more rotaions for a total of 27 rotations