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133 Cards in this Set

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what poitns are level ren 8
ki 16, st 25-2, sp 15-4, gb26-directly below liv13
what points level with ren 4
ki 13-.5, st28-2, tituo-4
what points are level with ren 3
ki 12-.5, st29-2, zigongxue-3 cun lat to cv3-uterine point
equilateral triangle with ren 8 as top
what is level with ren 2
st 30-2 cun lat
what point is sorta level with ren 9
liv13, at the free end of 11th rib
what point is level with ren 10
st 23-2 cun lat
what point is level with ren 12
what point is level with ren 14
st19-2 cun lat
belwo the nipple in the 5th intercostal space
st 18
below the nip in the 7th intercostal space
below nip in 6th intercostal space
1 cun lat to nipple
in 2nd inter costal space, 2 cun lat to midline
midway between ren 20 and ren 22
ren 21
.5 cun superior to the suprasternal notch
ren 22
level with the junction of the first intercostal space adn the sternum
ren 20
in the supraclavicilar foss, on the mamillary line
st 12
in teh center of the hollow of the delto pectoral triangle
in the first intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the midline, 1 cun inferior and slightly later to LU2
in the second intercostal space, 6 cun lat to the midline
posterior and inferior to mastoid process
gb 12
on the post border of the SCM approx 1 cun inferior to gb12, on a line drawn between bl 10 and SJ 17
SJ 16
on the posterior border of the scm, level with tip of the laryngeal prominence
SI 16
1 cun inferior to LI 18, on the post border of the scm
LI 17
in the supraclavilar are, post to the sup border of teh clavilce and at its midpoint, 4 cun lat to the midline on the mamillary line
st 12
in the depression between the angle of the mandible and the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
SI 17
level with the tip and 1.5 cun lat to the laryngeal prominence, in depression between the anterior border of the SCM and the lat border of the thyroid cartilage
ST 9
on the lat side of the neck, level with the tip of the laryngeal prominence between the sternal and clavicular heads of the SCM
LI 18
2 cun sup and 2 cun lat to umb
st 23
end of the 11th rib
4 cun sup and 2 cun lat to umb
st 21
6 cun sup and 2 cun lat to the umb
st 19
in the depression at the alt border of the rectus abdominis muscle, level wit hunbilicus,
sp 15
level with umb, 2 cun lat
st 25
one cun proximal to olecranon
at the lat end of the cubital crease
LI 11
1 cun above LI 11
LI 12
3 cun proximal to LI 11
LI 13
4 cun prox to sj 10 and 6 cun distal to sj 14
sj 12
in the depression between the distal insertion of the deltoid muscle and the brachialis muscle
LI 14
3 cun inferior to the axillary fold between the lat border of biceps brachii and teh shaft of the humerus
LU 3
midway between the ant axillary crease and LI 15
in depression anterior and inferior to the lat tip of the acromion
LI 15
in the depressio post and inferior to the lat tip of the acromion
SJ 14
Francis Gomarus

Opposed Arminius

2 cun below ant axillary fold, between teh two heads of the biceps brachii muscle
PC 2
3 cun inferior to the axillary fold, in depression between teh biceps and brachii muslce and teh shaft of the humerus
LU 3
1 cun inferior to LUc
LU 4
on the cubital crease, i nteh depression at the radial side of teh tendon of biceps brackii
LU 5
on the transverse cubital crease on teh ulnar side of the aponeurosis of teh biceps brachii muslce
PC 3
at the medial end of the transverse cubital crease when the elbow is fully flexed
HT 3
what 3 points are in the cubital crease
lu 5, pc 3, ht 3
point of the window of heaven
h sea point, water point of the LU channel
lu 5
he sea water poitn of pc channel
pc 3
he sea, water poitn of the HT channel
ht 3
meeting poitn of LI wit hSI and Bl
LI 14
meeting point of LI with yang qiiao vessel
LI 15
meeting poitn of the SJ ch and yang wei vessel
SJ 14
meeting poitn of teh SI, BL chs and yang wei and yang qiao vessel
SI 10
8 influentional points

cv 17
BL 17
BL 11
gb 39
LU 9
8 confluent pts
SI 3
yin wei
yang wei
sj 5
yin qiao
ki 6
yang qiao
lower he sea of LI channel
st 37
lower he sea of SI channel
st 39
lower he sea point of SJ ch
bl 39
lung mother child
9, 5
st m/s
41, 45
bl m/s
67, 65
bl 22 level with lower border of L
du 16 is level with
gb 20
du 16 is ____ cun within hairline
1.5cun in the hairline
midway btwn SJ 17and gb 20 to tx insomnia
1 cun post to SJ 17
whats level with du 20
gb 18
. 5 cun within the hairline, 1.5 cun lat to du 24
BL 4
directly above gb 14, . 5 within ant hairline, midway between du 24 and st 8
gb 15
1.5 cun post to bl 5 and 2. 5cun within the hairline
bl 6
on the nidline, 5 cun post to ant hairline and 7 cun superior to the post hairline
du 20
the triangle formed with ren 8
4 cun lat to c 4
xtra poitn!
3 cun late to cv3
xtra point! zigongxue
4 cun lat to the midline, 1.3 cun below sp 15
lysogenic phage infects bacterium, viral DNA incorporated into bacterial chromosome- when excised, flanking genes may be exciced with it.
specialized transduction
lou connecting of cv
cv 15
four points at the vertex of the scalp grouped around du 20 and locted 1 cun ant, post and lat to it
at the glabell, at the midpoint between medial extrmites of the eyebrows
in the center of teh eyebrow, in depression directly above pupil when eyes are open. relaxes sinews and allevates ps, redness swelling of eyes, drooping of eyelid, frontal headahe
at the temple, in the tender depression approx 1 cun post to the midpoint between teh lat estremity of eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye-disorders of the eyes, redness, swelling o eyes, pain of eyes, deviates of mouth and eye, one sided headache, dizziness, toothace
at the highest point of the naso labial groove
highgest point fo the naso labial groove. benefits nose, nasal congestion and discharge, nasal polyps
at the back of the neck 2 cun superior to du 14 and 1 cun lat to midline.
stops cough and calms dyspnoe...cough, lung consumption, night sweating, spotanetous sweat, steaming bone, pain and stiffnes of pain of the neck
behind the ear, midway between gb 20 and sj 17. calsm spirit and pacifies lv, insomnia, agitation and resltess, paslp, epiliespy, headahce, hypertension
1 cun lat to the ren 24 over mental foramen. deviation of the moutha nd eye, pain of the face, toothache, swelling of gums, jaundice
in the depression 4.5 cun late to lower border of l4 (in the eys of teh back)
on the mmidline of lower bac,in depression below the spinous process of teh fifth lumbar vertebra. pain of the lumbar region, diffult urination, fetus pressing bladder
sp 20 is ____ cun lat to cv in what intercostal space
6 cun lat, in second intercostal space
on teh mid axillary line, in 7th intercostal space
sp 21
what is level with hiatus of teh sacrum...2 points
du 2 and bl 54
bl 41 is level with
t2, bl 12
weiguanxiashu is level with T
bl 31 is in
first sacral foramen which is level wiht bl 27
bl 53 is level with
bl 32, second sacral foramen, bl 28
level with lat malleolus between teh tendons of extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum long
ST 41
3 cun below st 37, and 1 cun below st 38, one finger breadth lateral to the crest of teh tibia
st 39
midway between the popliteal crease and teh lat malleolus, two finger breadths lat to the crest of the tibia
in the depression approximately 1 cun posterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
gb 34
in the hollow below the patella and medial to the patellar ligament
medial xiyan
in teh hollow below teh patella and LAT to the patellar lig
ST 35
7 cun superior to teh prominence of teh lat malleolus and the anterior border of teh fib
gb 36
5 cun superior to the prominence of teh lat malleolus at teh anterior border of the fib
gb 37
7 cun direcctly superior to BL 60
bl 58
in the depression anterior and inferior to the lat maleolus
gb 40
in the depression between the prominence of teh lat maleolus and the achilles tendon
bl 60
1 cun below teh prominence of the medial malleolus in teh grooe formed by two ligamentous bundles
KI 6
at the junction of straight lines drawn along the anterior and inferior borders fo teh med malleolus
sp 5
anterior and inferior to the base of teh first metatarsal bone
sp 4
posterior adn inferior to the head of teh first metatarsal bone
sp 3
ding chuan
. 5-1 cun lat to du14