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68 Cards in this Set

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UB1 睛明

Jīngmíng = Bright Eyes
Location: in depression slightly above inner canthus

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.7 cun; No needle manipulation
UB2 攢竹 (攒竹)

Zănzhú = Gathering Bamboo
Location: on medial extremity of eyebrow or on supraorbital notch

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun, prick to bleed
UB3 眉衝 (眉冲)

Méichōng = Eyebrows’ Pouring
Location: directly above UB-2, 0.5 cun within anterior hairline between Du-24 and UB-4

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB4 曲差

Qūchāi = Crooked Curve
Location: 0.5 cun directly above midpoint of anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to midline at junction of medial 1/3 and lateral 2/3 of distance from Du-24 to St-8

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB5 五處 (五处)

Wŭchù = Fifth Place
Location: 1 cun directly above midpoint of anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to midline

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB6 承光

Chéngguāng = Receiving Light
Location: 2.5 cun directly above midpoint of anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to midline

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB7 通天

Tōngtiān = Heavenly Connection
Location: 4 cun directly above midpoint of anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to midline

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB8 絡卻 (络却)

Luòquè = Declining Connection
Location: 5.5 cun directly above midpoint of anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to midline

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB9 玉枕

Yùzhĕn = Jade Pillow
Location: 2.5 cun directly above midpoint of posterior hairline and 1.3 cun lateral to midline in depression on level of upper border of external occipital protuberance

Needling: subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB10 天柱

Tiānzhù = Celestial Pillar
Location: 1.3 cun lateral to midpoint of posterior hairline and in depression on lateral aspect of trapezius

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 0.8 cun
UB11 大杼

Dàzhù = Great Shuttle
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-13 at level of lower border of spinous process of 1st thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB12 風門 (风门)

Fēngmén = Wind Gate
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 2nd thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB13 肺俞

Fèishū = Lung Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-12 at level of lower border of spinous process of 3rd thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB14 厥陰俞 (厥阴俞)

Juéyīnshū = Terminal Yin Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 4th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB15 心俞

Xīnshū = Heart Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-11 at level of lower border of spinous process of 5th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB16 督俞

Dūshū = Governing Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-10 at level of lower border of spinous process of 6th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB17 膈俞

Géshū = Diaphragm Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-9 at level of lower border of spinous process of 7th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB18 肝俞

Gānshū = Liver Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-8 at level of lower border of spinous process of 9th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB19 膽俞 (胆俞)

Dănshū = Gall Bladder Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-7 at level of lower border of spinous process of 10th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.8 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB20 脾俞

Píshū = Spleen Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-6 at level of lower border of spinous process of 11th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.7 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB21 胃俞

Wèishū = Stomach Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 12th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.5 – 0.8 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB22 三焦俞

Sānjiāoshū = Sanjiao Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-5 at level of lower border of spinous process of 1st lumbar vertebra

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun; Caution: injuring kidneys
UB23 腎俞 (肾俞)

Shènshū = Kidney Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-4 at level of lower border of spinous process of 2nd lumbar vertebra

Needling: ⊥ 1.0 – 1.2 cun; Caution: injuring kidneys
UB24 氣海俞 (气海俞)

Qìhăishū = Sea of Qi Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 3rd lumbar vertebra

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB25 大腸俞 (大肠俞)

Dàchángshū = Large Intestine Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du-3 at level of lower border of spinous process of 4th lumbar vertebra

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB26 關元俞 (关元俞)

Guānyuánshū = Gate of Origin Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 5th lumbar vertebra

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB27 小腸俞 (小肠俞)

Xiăochángshū = Small Intestine Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of 1st posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB28 膀胱俞

Pángguānshū = Urinary Bladder Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of 2nd posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB29 中膂俞

Zhōnglŭshū = Mid-Spine Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of 3rd posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB30 白環俞 (白环俞)

Báihuánshū = White Ring Shu
Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of 4th posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB31 上髎

Shàngliáo = Upper Crevice
Location: on sacrum at midpoint between posterior superior iliac spine and posterior midline just at 1st posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB32 次髎

Cìliáo = Second Crevice
Location: on sacrum medial and inferior to posterior superior iliac spine just at 2nd posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB33 中髎

Zhōngliáo = Middle Crevice
Location: on sacrum medial and inferior to UB-32 just at 3rd posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB34 下髎

Xiàliáo = Lower Crevice
Location: on sacrum medial and inferior to UB-33 just at 4th posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB35 會陽 (会阳)

Huìyáng = Meeting of Yang
Location: on sacrum 0.5 cun lateral to tip of coccyx

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
UB36 承扶

Chéngfú = Hold and Support
Location: on posterior side of thigh at midpoint of inferior gluteal crease

Needling: ⊥ 1.0 – 1.5 cun
UB37 殷門 (殷门)

Yīnmén = Gate of Abundance
Location: 6 cun below UB-36 on line joining UB-36 and UB-40

Needling: ⊥ 1.0 – 2.0 cun
UB38 浮郄

Fúxī = Floating Cleft
Location: 1 cun above UB-39 on medial side of tendon of biceps femoris; point is located with knee slightly flexed

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
UB39 委陽 (委阳)

Wĕiyáng = Outside of Crook
Location: lateral to UB-40 on medial border of tendon of biceps femoris

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
UB40 委中

Wĕizhōng = Middle of Crook
Location: midpoint of transverse crease of popliteal fossa between tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosus

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun, prick to bleed; Caution: tibial nerve, popliteal artery and vein
UB41 附分

Fùfēn = Attached Branch
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 2nd thoracic vertebra on spinal border of scapula

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB42 魄戶 (魄户)

Pòhù = Door of Corporeal Soul
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 3rd thoracic vertebra on spinal border of scapula

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB43 膏肓俞

Gāohuāngshū = Vital Region Shu
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 4th thoracic vertebra on spinal border of scapula

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB44 神堂

Shéntáng = Hall of Spirit
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-11 at level of lower border of spinous process of 5th thoracic vertebra on spinal border of scapula

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB45 譩譆

Yīxĭ = Surprise
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-10 at level of lower border of spinous process of 6th thoracic vertebra on spinal border of scapula

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB46 膈關 (膈关)

Géguān = Diaphragm Gate
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-9 at level of lower border of spinous process of 7th thoracic vertebra approximately at level of inferior angle of scapula

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB47 魂門 (魂门)

Húnmén = Gate of Ethereal Soul
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-8 at level of lower border of spinous process of 9th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB48 陽綱 (阳纲)

Yánggāng = Yang’s Key Link
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-7 at level of lower border of spinous process of 10th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB49 意舍

Yìshè = Abode of Thought
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-6 at level of lower border of spinous process of 11th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB50 胃倉 (胃仓)

Wèicāng = Stomach Granary
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du Mai at level of lower border of spinous process of 12th thoracic vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution pneumothorax
UB51 肓門 (肓门)

Huāngmén = Vitals Gate
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-5 at level of lower border of spinous process of 1st lumbar vertebra

Needling: ∠ 0.3 – 0.5 cun; Caution: injuring kidneys
UB52 志室

Zhìshì = Residence of Will
Location: 3 cun lateral to Du-4 at level of lower border of spinous process of 2nd lumbar vertebra

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun; Caution: injuring kidneys
UB53 胞肓

Bāohuāng = Bladder’s Vitals
Location: 3 cun lateral to median sacral crest at level of 2nd posterior sacral foramen

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB54 秩邊 (秩边)

Zhìbiān = Order’s Limit
Location: on level of 4th posterior sacral foramen 3 cun lateral to median sacral crest

Needling: ⊥ 1.5 – 2.0 cun
UB55 合陽 (合阳)

Héyáng = Confluence of Yang
Location: 2 cun directly below UB-40 between medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius on line joining UB-40 and UB-57

Needling: ⊥ 0.7 – 1.0 cun
UB56 承筋

Chéngjīn = Support Sinews
Location: on line connecting UB-40 and UB-57 in center of belly of gastrocnemius 5 cun below UB-40

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB57 承山

Chéngshān = Support Mountain
Location: on posterior midline of leg between UB-40 and UB-60 in pointed depression formed below gastrocnemius belly when leg is stretched or heel is lifted

Needling: ⊥ 0.8 – 1.2 cun
UB58 飛揚 (飞扬)

Fēiyáng = Soaring Upwards
Location: 7 cun directly above UB-60 on posterior border of fibula about 1 cun lateral and inferior to UB-57

Needling: ⊥ 0.7 – 1.0 cun
UB59 跗陽 (跗阳)

Fùyáng = Instep Yang
Location: 3 cun directly above UB-60

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun
UB60 崑崙 (昆仑)

Kūnlún = Kunlun Mountains
Location: in depression between tip of external malleolus and Achilles tendon

Needling: ⊥ 0.5 – 1.0 cun; Caution: contraindicated during pregnancy
UB61 僕參 (仆参)

Púcān = Servant’s Respect
Location: posterior and inferior to external malleolus directly below UB-60 lateral to calcaneum at junction of red and white skin

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB62 申脈 (申脉)

Shēnmài = Extending Vessel
Location: in depression directly below external malleolus

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB63 金門 (金门)

Jīnmén = Golden Gate
Location: on lateral side of foot directly below anterior border of external malleolus on lower border of cuboid bone

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB64 京骨

Jīnggŭ = Capital Bone
Location: below tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone at junction of red and white skin

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB65 束骨

Shùgŭ = Restraining Bone
Location: posterior to 5th metatarsophalangeal joint at junction of red and white skin

Needling: ⊥ 0.3 – 0.5 cun
UB66 足通谷

Zútōnggŭ = Foot Connecting Valley
Location: anterior to 5th metatarsophalangeal joint at junction of red and white skin

Needling: ⊥ 0.2 – 0.3 cun
UB67 至陰 (至阴)

Zhìyīn = Reaching Yin
Location: on lateral side of small toe about 0.1 cun from corner of nail

Needling: superficially 0.1 cun
Moxa on the UB meridian is counterindicated on which 7 points?
UB 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 30