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43 Cards in this Set

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What are the four components of missiology?



Social Science


How do we know Luke is an eyewitness to Paul’s missionary journeys? Give me the verse where you first see this.

Acts 16:10-17, Uses the word "we"

What is the prologue to Acts? (list the verses) What is the introduction to Acts? (list the verse)

Prologue to acts Luke 1:1-4,

Introduction to acts Luke 1:1

The “Great Commission” of Acts is 1:8. Where in the book of Acts (give me the verse/section divisions) do you see the Gospel reaching Jerusalem? Judea? Samaria? The ends of the earth?

Jerusalem 2:5

Judea 5:16

Samaria 8:1

Ends of the Earth ch9

Where was Capernaum and why was it significant to Jesus?

Capernaum is situated on the banks of the sea of Galilee and was significant to Jesus because it was

1) the center of his ministry

2) jesus taught at the synagogue there

What is a Sabbath Day’s walk?

Restriction imposed by the jews, that people can only walk certain distance, in order to observe the sabbath.

Did the Apostles do right in choosing Matthias via lots? Should it have been Paul instead? Why or why not?

Paul wasn't an eyewitness to Jesus

1 Cor 15:8-11 "...I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle..."

In the Apostles eye’s they chose the best apostle

What are the three Jewish pilgrimage festivals in the Old Testament? Give the English names, not the Hebrew names. Which one corresponds to Pentecost?

Pesach (Passover)

Shavuot (feast of the week)

Sukkot (feast of the tabernacle)

Pentecost is the greek version of shavuot

Was Pentecost the reversal of Babel? Why or why not?

Pentecost was not the reversal of Babel because it did not result in one universal language being put to use again. Babel resulted in one language being dispersed into several different languages, thus a complete reversal would be to restore a universal language

Pentecost is more of a redemption of babel rather than the reversal

Why was the Azusa Street Revival important? When did it take place?

It took place in Los Angeles California ( April 9, 1906). it was a pentecostal movement that brought together a lot of ethnic groups.

If Acts 2:41-47 is a chiasm, what is the implication of this?

We are to learn, to care, to fellowship, and to worship with the gospel as the center. Prayer is essential to the link between Jesus and his people as they carry out his kingdom work under his guidance and by his strength

Missiologist Ralph Winter redefined the panta ta ethne (“all nations”) not as political nations but instead as what?

As linguistics groups

What is the ninth hour? About what time would it correspond to on our clock?

3’o clock (pm) in our time. refers to one of the Jew’s hours of prayer (they prayed 3 times a day)

Why would the healing of the lame beggar be the first miracle (other than Jesus’s ascension and the Holy Spirit’s coming at Pentecost) that Luke highlights in the book of Acts?

Jesus loves everyone

Vincent Donovan points out two obsessions in the West—what are they?

Individualism and love of organisation

Name three things that Gamaliel was known for

1) Pharisee

2)teacher of the law

3) and held in honor by all the people

In this world today, how frequent is persecution of Christians? Name three major sources of Christian persecution.

State ruining power, atheism, Muslims, Judaism, Hindu, other pagan religions, other Christians, Jews.

What’s the difference between Hellenistic and Byzantine?

Hellenism: The adaptation of greek culture this helped pushed religion because everyone could communicate.

Byzantine where the hellenised citizens of the Byzantine empire (eastern Roman Empire) The new language is the transformation of Hellenism to Byzantine

What’s the biblical definition of ordination? What verse do you see it in Acts?

Acts 14:23- the biblical definition is the appointment of official leadership (elders) in the church

George Liele and Adoniram Judson could both make a case for being America’s first missionary. Even though Liele was chronologically first, why does Judson have a better claim to be considered “first”?

Because Judson is the first traditional missionary traveling overseas and crossing cultures and national boundaries to pursue sanctioned missionary work

John Stott and John Piper both argued for the necessity of evangelism and social justice in missions. How did they differ in their views?

John Stott: Apostles and deacons, are to preach the gospel, feed the poor, proclamation, compassion etc. In the other hand, John Piper said that "christians care about all human suffering, especially eternal suffering".

Can the widows be considered a church office? Why or why not?

Depending on how a church office is defined, yes and no. By biblical definitions there are no explicit references to an official church office for widows. However, Timothy 5 implies there may be an unofficial “office” for widows that meet certain standards (age and behavior). It is unclear what the “list of widows” implies or actually mans.

Tim Chester argued for four things that make social justice distinctively Christian. What are they?

1) Reconciliation

2) eschatology

3) prayer

4) church

Tertullian (one of the Church Fathers) uttered one of the most famous quotes regarding martyrdom. What is his quote exactly?

The blood of the Martyr is the seed of the church”

Who was the first martyr in Acts? In what chapter do you find his martyrdom? Who was the second martyr in Acts? In what chapter do you find his martyrdom?

1st Martyr: Stephan ch 7

2nd Martyr: James ch 12

James and John, brothers and the “Sons of Thunder,” suffered different fates at the end of their lives. What were they?

James died by the sword while John died of old age

What is theophany? Who in Acts is converted this way? Who in the Old Testament is converted this way?

A theophany is a manifestation of God in the Bible that is tangible to the human senses.

Theophany: the only way people comes to the Lord is through the Bible, but there is people that not”. For example Saul.

Define “The Way”

One would be remiss in a study of "way" to not consider how the word is used in the Book of Acts. In basic harmony with usage found elsewhere in the Bible, as noted in the foregoing, "way" is used by the writer of Acts to mean a course or path.

Could also mean way of life literally and figuratively, either a path to salvation and the way we should love and worship the Lord Acts 16:17

Who are the Judaizers? What did they believe?

People who thought that culture and outward appearance are marks of fidelity to God. Ex Circumcision party

What was Paul’s big problem with Peter? List the verse reference.

Gal 2:11-14 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.[a] 13 And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. 14 But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, “If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?”

What was the one thing that Peter and Paul agreed on?

They agree to remember and serve the poor.

Name the five Herods in the Bible and what book and chapter you find them.

Luke 1: herod the great who renovated the second temple

Luke 3:23 Herod Antipas

Matt 14 Herod father of simon

Acts 12 Herod Agrippa I

Ats 25 Herod Agrippa II

What are the differences between the two Antiochs? (name, geographical location, importance)

name: 1) Antioch 2) Antioch of Pisidia

Geographical location: 1) near modern day Antakya, Turkey 2) near Isparta province

importance: 1) chief center of early christianity

2) paul’s first sermon to gentiles

What are the two definitions of “saint”?


1) All Christians are saints, 2) there is especial people that are saints.

Jentezen Franklin lists three types of fasting as found in the Bible: what are they? Name the person they’re based on, and what is involved.

Full Fast


Only Liquids

Daniel Fast


No pleasant food, no meat or wine, no anointment at all, 3 whole weeks

Partial Fast

In what chapter do you see the Gospel going to Africa for the first time? In what chapter do you see the Gospel going to Europe for the first time?

Africa Acts 8:27

Europe Acts 16:14 First Convert in Europe

Why does Saul/Paul have two names?

To appeal to the Jews (Saul) and the Gentiles (Paul)

Who is the first totally pagan Gentile converted in Acts?

Sergius Paulus (Acts 13:6-13)

How many Olympian (Greco-Roman) gods were there?


Why was the Jerusalem Council so important? Why is it central to the book of Acts?

Acts 15 ~ Paul and Barnabas along with certain people make up the Jerusalem Council. They came to discuss what Gentiles had to do to be saved, initially, the only way was circumcision. Paul addresses them and says, “We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” Four things Gentiles must do

1. Abstain from the blood of strangled animals

42. How many ecumenical councils in church history were there? What is the point of ecumenism?

7 Ecumenial Councils ~ All the church leaders got together to come up/talk about Theology. The point is promoting the unity among the world’s Christian churches.

What is the first epistle (chronologically) found in the New Testament?

1 thessalonians(not sure of this answer)

Might be Acts? Check the link: (https://www.blueletterbible.org/study/pnt/pnt02.cfm)

There are a lot of contrasting good-bad examples in the book of Acts. Name three such pairs and what contrast they illustrate.

James(good), Herod(bad)

Hstephan (good) saul (bad)

Ethopian enuch (good) simon the sorcerer (bad)