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13 Cards in this Set

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Dà bŭ yuán jiān 大補元煎

J君: Powerfully tonify Yuan Qi

J君: Tonify KD and LV Yin. Nourish LV Blood. Tonify KD Jing.

J君: Nourish Yin. Astringe-stop sweating, preserve Yin.

J君: Nourish SP Qi. Astringe-stop sweating, preserve Yin. Tonify KD Yin & benefit ST.

C臣: Nourish Blood.

C臣: Tonify & warm KD yang.

Z佐: Nourish & benefit Blood. Tonify LV & KD.

S使: Tonify Qi.

Dx: Yuan Qi and Blood Deficiency

J君: rén shēn 人參

J君: shú dì huáng 熟地黃

J君: shān zhū yú 山茱萸

J君: shān yào 山藥

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: dù zhòng 杜仲

Z佐: gǒu qǐ zǐ 枸杞子

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

B.372 C.X
Great Tonify the Basal Decoction

Dà(great) bŭ(tonify) yuan(primary, first) jiān(pan-fry)

uterine prolapse, soreness and weakness of low back and knees, severe lower abdominal distension, frequent urination worse at night, tinnitus, loss of hearing, dizziness

T:pale red
P:submerged frail
Gān căo xiè xīn tāng 甘草瀉心湯

J君: Clear heat. Purge fire. Guide qi down.

J君: Clear Heat, purge Fire. Guide Qi down.

C臣: Descends Stomach Qi downward. Dissipate nodules.

C臣: Guide Qi up (Heat dissolves Stagnation).

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi. Nourish Yin. Harmonize.

Dx: Stomach disharmony with Spleen Qi Deficiency

J君: huáng qín 黃芩

J君: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: bàn xià 半夏

C臣: gān jiāng 乾薑

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

Reg-ST Intest
B.130 C.269 Nat
Licorice Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium

Gān(sweet) căo(herb) xìe(drain; flow out swiftly as in diarrhea) xīn(heart, mind) tāng(decoction)

epigastric distension/fullness/hardness, fatigue, restlessness, irritability, erosions in throat, aversion to even smell of food, dry heaves, vomiting, borborygmus, diarrhea with undigested food

T:normal or enlarged body, light red with white or slightly yellow thin greasy fur
P:bowstring, rapid, slippery
Gān mài dà zăo tāng 甘麥大棗湯

J君: Harmonize Middle Jiao. Tonify Heart. Release Urgency

C臣: Clear Heat. Tonify Heart and calm Shen.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi and Heart Qi.

Dx: Heart Blood Deficiency with Liver Qi Stagnation

J君: gān cǎo 甘草

C臣: xiǎo mài 小麥

Z佐: dà zǎo 大棗

B.471 C.731 NatCal
Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction

Gān(gān cǎo) mài(xiǎo mài) dà(big) zǎo(Jujubae) tāng(decoction)

mental disorientation, anxiousness, impulsiveness, fretful sleep, upset, depression to point of crying, manic, very emotional, unusual behavior, insomnia, night sweats, mental illness

T:red with scanty fur
Huáng lián wēn dăn tāng 黃連溫膽湯

J君: Clear heat, purge Fire. Dry Dampness.

J君: Powerfully move Qi, break Stagnation. Transform Phlegm.

C臣: Move Qi. Transform Phlegm.

C臣: Break up excess Phlegm-Heat Stagnation.

S使: Guide Spleen Qi up, guide Stomach Qi down.

S使: Promote urination, drain Damp. Strengthen Spleen.

Dx: Severe Phlegm-Heat in GB/ST

J君: huáng lián 黃連

J君: zhì bàn xià 製半夏

C臣: zhú rú 竹茹

C臣: zhǐ shí 枳實

S使: chén pí 陳皮

S使: fú líng 茯苓

B.785 C.X
Warm Gallbladder Decoction with Coptis

Huáng(yellow) lián(links, successive) wēn(warm) dăn(gallbladder) tāng(decoction)

nausea, vomiting (greenish-yellow, burning sensation), acid regurgitation, large appetite, dizziness, irritability, tinnitus, headache, jaundice, bitter taste, hypochondriac pain, easily frightened, hard to make decisions, always changing mind, very sensitive, gallstones, timidity, rattled nerves, may be seizures

T:greasy yellow fur
P:rapid slippery or wiry
Lóng dăn xiè gān tāng 龍膽瀉肝湯

J君: Purge Liver/Gallbladder Excess Heat

C臣: (dry-fried) Clear Heat (Upper Jiao).

C臣: Clear Heat from Sanjiao.

Z佐: Promote urination and drain Damp. Drain Damp-Heat.

Z佐: Promote urination and drain Damp. Drain Damp-Heat.

Z佐: Promote urination and drain Damp. Drain Damp-Heat.

Z佐: Clear Heat and cool Blood. Nourish Blood and Yin.

Z佐: (wine washed) Clear Heat and cool Blood. Nourish Blood and Yin.

S使: Guide to Liver and Gallbladder Channels.

S使: Harmonize draining and tonifying herbs. Harmonize Upper Jiao and Lower Jiao (guide up and descending herbs). Tonify Qi (strengthen immunity).

Dx: Liver/Gallbladder Excess Heat

J君: lóng dǎn cǎo 龍膽草

C臣: huáng qín 黃芩

C臣: zhī zǐ 山梔子

Z佐: zé xiè 澤瀉

Z佐: chē qián zǐ 車前子

Z佐: mù tōng 木通

Z佐: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

Z佐: dāng guī 當歸

S使: chái hú 柴胡

S使: gān cǎo 甘草

A-Pyret-Heat Organs
B.199 C.371 NatCal
Gentian Decoction to Drain the Liver

Lóng(dragon) dǎn(gallbladder) xiè(drain, to flow out swiftly) gān(liver) tāng(decoction)

red eyes, headache, irritability, anger, bitter taste in mouth, genital swelling/itching, hypochondriac pain, dizziness, tinnitus (high pitched), deafness, ear infection, foul smelling leukorrhea, dysuria, burning urination

T:red with yellow fur
P:wiry rapid forceful
Suō quán wán 縮泉丸

J君: Warm & Tonify KD, stop enuresis.

C臣: Warm Lower Jiao & disperse Cold.

Z佐: Nourish Spleen Qi. Tonify Kidneys. Stabilize Jing.

Dx: Lower Jiao Deficiency Cold causing urinary disorders

J君: yì zhì rén 益智仁

C臣: wū yào 烏藥

Z佐: shān yào 山藥

B.438 C.795
Restrict the Fountain / Shut the Sluice Pill

Suō(restrict, shut, contract, withdraw) quan(fountain, spring) wán(pill)

enuresis, frequent and prolonged urination, dripping of urine after urination, clear urine

T:pale with white fur
P:submerged frail
Xiāo yáo săn 逍遙散

J君: Smooth liver qi.

C臣: (dry fried) Tonify Blood.

C臣: Tonify Blood.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Guides to Liver. Releases Surface. Supports chái hú.

S使: (baked) Harmonize.

S使: Harmonize.

Dx: Liver Qi Stagnation with Blood Deficiency

J君: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: bái sháo 白芍

Z佐: bái zhú 白朮

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

S使: bò hé 薄荷

S使: pào jiāng 炮薑

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

B.120 C.247 NatCal
Rambling Powder

Xiāo(liesurly, easy going) yáo(distant, far away) săn(powder)

dizziness (empty, mental fatigue), headache (dull, empty), PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, mental fatigue, poor memory, forgetfulness, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth/throat, poor appetite

T:pale, maybe dusky with twf
P:bowstring, thin
Yī guàn jiān 一貫煎

J君: Clear Heat, cool and move Blood. Nourish Yin and benefit Blood.

C臣: Nourish Yin. Benefit Heart.

C臣: Nourish Yin.

C臣: Tonify, benefit, and invigorate Blood.

C臣: Nourish and benefit Blood. Tonify Liver and Kidneys.

Z佐: Move Qi. Break Liver Stagnation.

Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency, Blood Dryness, and Liver Qi Stagnation

J君: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

C臣: shā shēn 沙參

C臣: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: gǒu qǐ zǐ 枸杞子

Z佐: chuān liàn zǐ 川楝子

Ton-Reinf Yin
B.381 C.657 Nat
Linking Decoction

Yī(one, single) guàn(linking, to string) jiān(pan fry)

hypochondriac, epigastric, and chest pain, dry and parched mouth and throat, acid reflux, dry hair, dry eyes, wrinkles, headache, bitter taste in mouth, nausea, vomiting

T:red dry
P:thin weak or wiry deficient
Bàn xià bái zhú tiān má tāng 半夏白朮天麻湯

J君: Transform Phlegm. Descend Stomach Qi down

J君: Extinguish Wind.

C臣: Dry Damp, strengthen Spleen.

Z佐: Promote urination, drain Damp. Strengthen Spleen.

Z佐: Regulate Qi. Transform Phlegm.

S使: Benefit Spleen, tonify Qi, nourish Yin, and benefit Blood.

S使: Benefit Spleen, tonify Qi, nourish Yin, and benefit Blood.

S使: Benefit Spleen, tonify Qi, nourish Yin, and benefit Blood.

Dx: Internal Wind-Phlegm

J君: bàn xià 半夏

J君: tiān má 天麻

C臣: bái zhú 白朮

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: jú hóng 橘紅

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: gān cǎo 甘草

B.811 C.1247 NatCal
Pinellia, White Atractylodes, and Gastrodia Decoction

Bàn(half) xià(summer) [ie herb's harvest time] bái(white) zhú(atractylodis, Asteracea family incl cang zhu, e zhu) tiān(heaven) má(hemp) tāng(decoction)

dizziness, vertigo, tremors, convulsions, spasms, heaviness of head, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loose stools, no chills or fever, stifling sensation in chest

T:white greasy fur
P:slippery wiry
Bŭ yáng huán wŭ tāng 補陽還五湯

J君: Powerfully tonify Sp/St Qi and Yuan Qi

C臣: Move and invigorate Blood. Slightly tonify Blood.

Z佐: Invigorate Blood. Move Qi.

Z佐: Invigorate Blood. Move Qi.

Z佐: Invigorate Blood.

Z佐: Clear Heat, cool Blood.

S使: Extinguish Wind. Opens channels.

Dx: Post stroke

J君: huáng qí 黃耆

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

Z佐: chuān xiōng 川芎

Z佐: táo rén 桃仁

Z佐: hóng huā 紅花

Z佐: chì sháo 赤芍

S使: dì long 地龍

B.568 C.905 Nat
Tonify the Yang to Restore Five[-Tenths] Decoction

Bŭ(tonify) yáng(yang) huán(restore) wŭ(five) tāng(decoction)

hemiplegia, deviation of mouth, slurred speech, drooling, confusion, maybe memory loss, atrophy, urinary and/or bowel incontinence, difficulty walking

T:deviated, dusky purple, pale enlarged scallops with white fur
P:deep weak choppy slow thin
Shēn líng bái zhú săn 參苓白朮散

J君: Powerfully tonify Spleen Qi

J君: Dry Dampness. Benefit Spleen.

J君: Promote urination, drain Damp. Benefit Spleen.

J君: Tonify Spleen Qi.

C臣: (dry-fried) Promote urination, drain Damp. Strengthen and cool Spleen.

C臣: Promote urination, drain Damp. Strengthen and cool Spleen.

C臣: Stop diarrhea.

C臣: Stop diarrhea.

Z佐: Move Qi and reduce Damp and Cold. Harmonize Stomach.

S使: (dry fried) Guide Qi up to Lungs. Prevent prolapse hold organs. Balance descending of fú ling, bái biăn dòu, and yì yĭ rén.

Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Dampness

J君: rén shēn 人參

J君: bái zhú 白朮

J君: fú líng 茯苓

J君: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

C臣: bái biǎn dòu 白扁荳

C臣: yì yǐ rén 薏苡仁

C臣: shān yào 山藥

C臣: lián zǐ 蓮子

Z佐: shā rén 砂仁

S使: jié gěng 桔梗

Ton-Repl Qi
B.314 C.535 Nat
Ginseng, Poria, and White Atractylodes Powder

Shēn(rén shēn) líng(fú líng) bái(white) zhú(atractylodis, Asteracea family incl cang zhu, e zhu) săn(powder)

loose stools/diarrhea, vomiting, borborygmus, low appetite, weak extremities, weight loss, sallow complexion, epigastric/chest fullness and stifling sensation

T:pale with white greasy fur
P:thin, deep, soft, and soggy
Tiān wáng bŭ xīn dān 天王補心丹

J君: Tonify Kidneys and nourish Kidney Yin. Tonify Blood and moisten Dryness. Clear Heat, purge Fire

C臣: Nourish Kidney Yin and clear Deficiency Heat. Generate fluids, moisten Dryness, and soften Hardness.

C臣: Nourish Kidney Yin and clear Deficiency Heat (Lower Jiao).

C臣: Nourish Kidney Yin and clear Deficiency Heat (Upper/Middle Jiao).

C臣: Cool and move Blood.

C臣: Nourish Yin and tonify Blood.

Z佐: Tonify Qi, benefit Heart, and calm Shen.

Z佐: Tonify Qi, benefit Heart, and calm Shen.

Z佐: Tonify Qi, benefit Heart, and calm Shen.

Z佐: Astringe Yin and Heart Qi.

Z佐: Astringe Yin and Heart Qi.

Z佐: Nourish Heart, calm Shen, and improve sleep.

Z佐: Nourish Heart, calm Shen, and improve sleep.

Z佐: Nourish Heart, calm Shen, and improve sleep.

S使: Guide Qi up to Heart (Upper Jiao).

Dx: Heart Yin and Blood Deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency

J君: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

C臣: xuán shēn 玄參

C臣: tiān mén dōng 天門冬

C臣: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

C臣: dān shēn 丹參

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: lóng yǎn ròu 龍眼肉

Z佐: suān zǎo rén 酸棗仁

Z佐: wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子

Z佐: bǎi zǐ rén 柏子仁

Z佐: yuǎn zhì 遠志

Z佐: zhū shā 硃砂

S使: jié gěng 桔梗

B.459 C.725 NatCal
Emporer of Heaven's Special Pill to Tonify the Heart

Tiān(heaven) wáng(emporer) bŭ(tonify) xīn(heart) dān(cinnabar, pellet)

insomnia (wakes up easily), palpitations, wet dreams, nocturnal emissions, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, constipation, scanty urination, mouth and tongue sores and ulcers, panic attacks, anxiety, thirst

T:red with geographic or peeled fur and maybe cracks
P:thin deep rapid
Wēn jīng tāng 溫經湯

J君: Warm Liver and Stomach channels

J君: Warm Yang, open channels. Aid Blood circulation.

C臣: Warm, tonify, and harmonize Blood.

C臣: Invigorate Blood. Move Qi.

C臣: Astringe and control bleeding.

C臣: Treat False Heat.

C臣: Tonify Qi.

C臣: Harmonize. Guide to channels.

Z佐: Tonify Blood, stop bleeding.

Z佐: Nourish Yin, tonify Blood.

S使: Descend Stomach Qi downward. Reduce nodules (blood clots).

S使: Warm and harmonize Middle Jiao, expel Cold.

Dx: Deficiency Cold causing menstrual problems/Chong and Ren Mai Deficiency Cold

J君: wú zhū yú 吳茱萸

J君: guì zhī 桂枝

C臣: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: chuān xiōng 川芎

C臣: bái sháo 白芍

C臣: mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮

C臣: rén shēn 人參

C臣: gān cǎo 甘草

Z佐: ē jiāo 阿膠

Z佐: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

S使: bàn xià 半夏

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

B.577 C.919 NatCal
Flow-Warming Decoction

Wēn(warming) jīng(pass through, classics, scriptures) tāng(decoction)

sharp fixed local stabbing lower abdominal pain during all of menstruation better with heat and pressure, menses – pale dark purple, scanty, delayed (2-6 months between periods), may be short (3 days) or long (9 days) of flow, with thin clots; dry lips and hair, dry itchy skin rashes, infertility, impotence, low libido, warm palms and soles, cold fingers and toes

T:dusky purple
P:fine choppy