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12 Cards in this Set

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Bái hŭ tāng 白虎湯

J君: Clear heat, purge fire. Nourish yin.

C臣: Nourish KD yin. Clear heat.

Z佐: Tonify Qi. Nourish Yin.

Z佐: Protect Spleen (Yang Qi) from Cold nature of formula. Nourish Yin and generate Fluids.

Dx: Heat in Qi Level or Internal Excess Heat or Yangming Jing Syndrome or St/Middle Jiao Heat

J君: shí gāo 石膏

C臣: zhī mǔ 知母

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Z佐: gēng mǐ 梗米

A-Pyret-Heat Qi
B.150 C.321 NatCal
White Tiger Decoction

Bái(white) hŭ(tiger) tāng(decoction)

High fever (102oF +), profuse sweating, severe thirst with strong desire to drink cold beverages, bitter taste in mouth, irritability, headache, red face, constipation, excessive appetite

T:red with yellow fur
P:forceful flooding rapid or slippery rapid
Bŭ zhōng yì qì tāng 補中益氣湯

J君: Tonify Qi. Raise Qi up

C臣: Powerfully tonify Spleen Qi.

C臣: Dry Dampness. Benefit Spleen.

C臣: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Blood.

Z佐: Move and regulate Qi.

S使: Guide Qi up.

S使: Guide Qi up.

Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Qi Sinking

J君: huáng qí 黃耆

C臣: rén shēn 人參

C臣: bái zhú 白朮

C臣: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Z佐: dāng guī 當歸

Z佐: chén pí 陳皮

S使: shēng má 升麻

S使: chái hú 柴胡

Ton-Repl Qi
B.317 C.542 NatCal
Tonify the Middle to Augment the Qi Decoction

Bŭ(tonify) zhōng(middle) yì(augment) qì(qi) tāng(decoction)

hemorrhoids, rectal, stomach, uterine prolapse, chronic diarrhea/dysentery, irregular uterine bleeding, flooding and spotting, low appetite

T:pale with thin white fur
P:deficient soft or surging forceless
Guì zhī tāng 桂枝湯

J君: Expel external pathogenic factors. Release muscles. Open channels.

C臣: Nourish Yin, harmonize Ying and Wei.

Z佐: Induce sweating, release Exterior, disperse Cold. Harmonize Middle Jiao, stop vomiting, descend Stomach Qi.

Z佐: Tonify Qi, nourish Yin, benefits Blood (=harmonize Ying and Wei). Opens channels, relaxes muscles.

S使: Tonifies Qi. harmonize guì zhī and bái sháo, up/down aspect of shēng jiāng.

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Wei Qi Deficiency

J君: guì zhī 桂枝

C臣: bái sháo 白芍

Z佐: shēng jiāng 生薑

Z佐: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

B.13 C.51 NatCal
Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Guì(cinnamomi) zhī(twig) tāng(decoction)

chills and fever, aversion to Wind, sweating, body aches, no thirst

T:normal tongue body with thin white fur
P:floating soft
Jīn guì shèn qì wán 金匱腎氣丸

J君: (baked) Warm Kidneys. Warm Yang Qi

J君: Warm Heart Yang. Aid Blood circulation.

C臣: Tonify Kidney Yin.

C臣: Tonify Kidney Yin.

C臣: Tonify Kidney Yin.

C臣: Promote and control urination.

Z佐: Promote and control urination.

Z佐: Clear Deficiency Heat (Balance warming Yang herbs).

Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency

J君: fù zǐ 附子

J君: guì zhī 桂枝

C臣: shú dì huáng 熟地黃

C臣: shān zhū yú 山茱萸

C臣: shān yào 山藥

C臣: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: zé xiè 澤瀉

Z佐: mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮

Ton-Reinf Yang
B.369 C.668 NatCal
Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet

Jīn(Golden) guì(cabinet, metal depository of important documents) shèn(kidney) qì(qi) wán(pill)

soreness/weakness of low back/knees, weakness of lower extremists, cold sensation in lower half of body, pain/cramps in lower abdomen, difficult urination or lack of urination, early morning diarrhea, low libido, impotence, infertility

T:pale swollen with thin moist white fur
P:deep fine especially at proximal position
Liù wèi dì huáng wán 六味地黃丸

J君: Tonify Kidney and Liver Yin. Nourish Liver Blood. Tonify Kidney Jing

C臣: Nourish Spleen Qi. Astringe – stop sweating, preserve Yin. Tonify Kidney Yin and benefit Stomach Yin.

C臣: Nourish Yin. Astringe – stop sweating, preserve Yin.

Z佐: Promote urination and clear Heat.

Z佐: Promote urination and clear Heat.

S使: Clear Heat and cool Blood.

Dx: Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat (55% Yin Deficiency, 45% Deficiency Heat)

J君: shú dì huáng 熟地黃

C臣: shān yào 山藥

C臣: shān zhū yú 山茱萸

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: zé xiè 澤瀉

S使: mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮

Ton-Reinf Yin
B.365 C.627 NatCal
Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia

Liù(six) wèi(tastes) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) wán(pill)

soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, blurred vision, night sweats, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, five center heat, dry and sore throat, toothache, wasting and thirsting disorder

T:red peeled
P:thin rapid
Píng wèi săn 平胃散

J君: (dry fried) Dry Damp. Move Spleen Qi.

C臣: (ginger dry fried) Dissolve Qi Stagnation. Move Qi downward. Aromatically dry Damp.

Z佐: Move Spleen Qi up, wake up Spleen. Descend Stomach Qi downward.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi.

S使: Tonify Spleen Qi.

Dx: Stomach Damp

J君: cāng zhú 蒼朮

C臣: hòu pò 厚朴

Z佐: chén pí 陳皮

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

B.687 C.1068 NatCal
Calm the Stomach Powder

Píng(calm) wèi(stomach) săn(powder)

nausea, vomiting clear liquid, acid regurgitation, sour regurgitation, belching, bloating, epigastric and abdominal distension, gas, poor appetite, decreased sense of taste, constipation or sticky diarrhea, body heaviness, hypersomnia, fatigue, yawning

T:greasy white or yellow fur
P:slippery deep
Shēng mài săn 生脈散

J君: Powerfully tonify Spleen Qi

C臣: Nourish Yin.

Z佐: Astringe leakage of Lung Qi.

Dx: Heart Qi/Lung Qi Deficiency

J君: rén shēn 人參

C臣: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

Z佐: wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子

Ton-Repl Qi
B.328 C.554 NatCal
Generate the Pulse Powder

Shēng(generate) mài(pulse) săn(powder)

profuse sweating, spontaneous sweating, palpitations, skipped heart beats, chronic cough with sparse sputum which difficult to expectorate, shortness of breath, dry mouth and tongue

T:pale with white dry fur
P:fine weak or deficient rapid
Sì wù tāng 四物湯

J君: Tonify Blood. Invigorate and harmonize Blood

C臣: Tonify Blood.

Z佐: Nourish Yin and generate Fluids.

S使: Invigorate Blood (70%). Move Qi (30%).

Dx: Liver Blood Deficiency

J君: dāng guī 當歸

C臣: shú dì huáng 熟地黃

Z佐: bái sháo 白芍

S使: chuān xiōng 川芎

Ton-Repl Bld
B.333 C.562 NatCal
Four-Substance Decoction

Sì(four) wù(substance) tāng(decoction)

dizziness, blurred vision, lusterless complexion, lips, and nails, generalized muscle tension, insomnia, palpitations, thin body lacking strength, irregular menstruation with scanty flow, amenorrhea, abdominal pain, restless fetus

T:pale with thin white fur
P:thin wiry or thin choppy
Wŭ líng săn 五苓散

J君: Promote urination, drain Damp, and clear Heat

C臣: Promote urination, drain Damp.

C臣: Promote urination, drain Damp.

Z佐: Strengthen Spleen, dry Damp.

S使: Induce sweating, release surface. Warm Yang, transform Qi.

Dx: External Wind-Cold, Internal Damp in Lower Jiao

J君: zé xiè 澤瀉

C臣: fú líng 茯苓

C臣: zhū líng 豬苓

Z佐: bái zhú 白朮

S使: guì zhī 桂枝

B.724 C.1109 NatCal
Five-Ingredient Powder with Poria

Wŭ(five) líng(fú líng) săn(powder)

chills with fever, no sweating, headache, body aches, stiff neck, edema especially in lower body, difficult urination, irritability, loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo, shortness of breath, cough

T:white fur
P:floating slippery
Xī jiăo dì huáng tāng 犀角地黃湯

J君: Clear heat, cool blood.

C臣: Clear heat, cool blood.

Z佐: Clear heat, cool blood. Dispel blood stasis.

Z佐: Clear heat, cool blood. Dispel blood stasis.

Dx: Heat in Xue Level

J君: xī jiǎo 犀角

C臣: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

Z佐: chì sháo 赤芍

Z佐: mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮

A-Pyret-Heat Ying
B.165 C.333 Nat
Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction

Xī(rhinoceros) jiăo(horn) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) tāng(decoction)

high fever (worse in evening, less during day), irritability, restlessness, delirium or mania, thirst but not drink much, insomnia, poor memory, chest pain, abdominal distension/fullness, nose bleeding, blood in stool, blood in urine, vomiting blood, rashes or purple-red maculae;

T:dark red, red prickles with yellow fur
P:thin rapid
Xuè fŭ zhú yū tāng 血府逐瘀湯

J君: Invigorate Blood. Move Qi

J君: Invigorate Blood.

J君: Invigorate Blood. Move Qi.

J君: Tonify and invigorate Blood.

J君: Clear Heat, cool Blood. Tonify Blood.

J君: Clear Heat, cool Blood / tonify Blood.

C臣: Clear Heat, cool Blood / tonify Blood.

C臣: Harmonize.

Z佐: Guide Qi up to chest/Upper Jiao, open chest.

C臣: Break Stagnation, move Qi downward.

S使: Guide Blood down.

Dx: Blood Stasis in Chest (Ht/Lu)

J君: táo rén 桃仁

J君: hóng huā 紅花

J君: chuān xiōng 川芎

J君: dāng guī 當歸

J君: sháo yào 芍藥

J君: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

C臣: chái hú 柴胡

C臣: gān cǎo 甘草

Z佐: jié gěng 桔梗

C臣: zhǐ ké 枳殼

S使: niú xī 懷牛膝

B.564 C.879 NatCal
Drive Out Stasis from the Mansion of Blood Decoction

Xuè(blood) fŭ(mansion) zhú(drive out) yū(stasis) tāng(decoction)

stabbing fixed pain in chest which may radiate to arm worse at night, palpitations, anxiety, irritability, difficulty breathing, angina, chest tightness/distension, sweating, dark complexion, purple spots on face/lips, insomnia, difficulty drinking/eating, afternoon fever

T:dusky purple with purple spots
P:choppy tight/bowstring, deep
Yù píng fēng săn 玉屏風散

J君: (honey fried) Tonify Qi. Guide Qi Up and to Surface

C臣: Dry Damp and strengthen Spleen. Stop sweating.

Z佐: Expel Wind.

Dx: Wei Qi Deficiency

J君: huáng qí 黃耆

C臣: bái zhú 白朮

Z佐: fáng fēng 防風

B.326 C.773 NatCal
Jade Windscreen Powder

Yù(jade) píng(screen, reject, hold back) fēng(wind) săn(powder)

spontaneous sweating, aversion to Wind and Cold, increased susceptibility to invasion of Exterior pathogens, shiny pale complexion, (swollen itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, sinus congestion)

T:pale maybe slightly enlarged with white fur
P:deep, weak, empty, thready