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8 Cards in this Set

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spicy, salty, cold
B.915 C.757 Dr.149
cí shí 磁石

(1) Anchors & calms spirit [Restlessness*, palpitations, insomnia, tremors, dizziness, vertigo, convusions in children caused by shock, d/t KD yin defic w/ yang rising to upward blazing LV fire, that deranges and disturbs HT - Shen.]
(2) Nourishes KD, augments LV, & improves hearing & vision [Impaired hearing or deafness*, tinnitus, visual disturbaces d/t LV & KD dfic]
(3) Aids KD in grasping qi [Chronic asthma* d/t failure of KD to grasp qi]

cí(magnetic) shí(stone)
magnetite Fe3O4
(1) Restlessness
(2) Impaired hearing or deafness
(3) Chronic asthma
sweet, neutral
B.923 C.760 Dr.151
hǔ pò 琥珀

(1) Arrests tremors & palpitations & calms spirit [Palpitations w/ anxiety*, excessive dreams, insomnia, forgetfulness, anxiety, seizures d/t disturbed spirit, childhood convulsions & seizures]
(2) Invigorates blood, dissipates stasis, & unblocks menses [Pain from palpable fixed masses d/t blood stasis*, amenorrhea, coronary artery dz]
(3) Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Painful urinary dribbling*, urinary retention, esp w/ bloody urine]
(4) Reduces swelling & promotes healing [Swelling & pain in scrotum or vulva area*, sores, carbuncles, ulcerations of the skin; Used topically]

hǔ pò(amber, Succinum)
amber (fossil resin)
(1) Palpitations w/ anxiety
(2) Pain from palpable fixed masses d/t blood stasis
(3) Painful urinary dribbling
(4) Swelling & pain in scrotum or vulva area
sweet, astring, neutral
B.909 C.758 Dr.148
lóng gǔ 龍骨

(1) Settles anxiety & calms spirit [Palpitations w/ anxiety*, emotional distress, restlessness, insomnia, seizures or withdrawal-mania d/t agitated HT & spirit]
(2) Calms LV & anchors & preserves floating yang [Bad temper*, irritability, restlessness, dizziness, blurred vision, d/t LV yin defic w/ yang rising]
(3) Prevents leakage of fluids [Spontaneous sweating*, night sweats, spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding, d/t defic]
(4) Topically for chronic non-healing sores & ulcers [Chronic nonhealing sores & ulcers - topically]

lóng(dragon) gǔ(bone)
Fossilia Ossis Mastodi
fossil bones usually of mammals
(1) Palpitations w/ anxiety
(2) Bad temper
(3) Spontaneous sweating
(4) Chronic nonhealing sores & ulcers - topically
sweet, cool, toxic
CalmSpir-AnchSet, ObsToxic, Not in Clinic
B.1045 C.755
zhū shā 硃砂

(1) Sedates HT & calms spirit [Anxiety*, restlessness, insomnia, palpitations, convulsions, d/t excess, phlegm-heat, or blood defic]
(2) Expels phlegm & sedates jitteriness & convulsions while stopping tremors [Jitteriness*, convulsions, tremors, sezures, childhood convulsions; Due to phlegm-heat blocking PC & HT, or warm febrile dz]
(3) Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & prevents putrefaction [Topical: Carbuncles*, mouth sores, sore throat, snakebite]

Caution: Mercury poisoning, large amounts, long term

zhū(vermillion=brilliant red from cinnabar) shā(sand)
cinnabar HgS
(1) Anxiety
(2) Jitteriness
(3) Topical: Carbuncles
sweet, neutral
CalmSpir-Nour, Clinic-Refrig
B.930 C.765 Dr.R
bǎi zǐ rén 柏子仁

(1) Nourishes HT & calms spirit [Palpitations w/ anxiety*, irritability, insomnia, forgetfulness, night terrors in children, d/t HT yin defic & insuffic blood]
(2) Moistens intestines & unblocks bowels [Constipation in elderly*, in debilitated, & postpartum constipation, d/t blood or yin defic]
(3) For night sweats due to yin deficiency [Night sweats]

bǎi(cedar, cypress) zǐ(seeds) rén(seeds)
Platycladi Semen
Chinese arborvitae seeds
(1) Palpitations w/ anxiety
(2) Constipation in elderly
(3) Night sweats
sweet, neutral
B.937 C.768 Dr.147
hé huān pí 合歡皮

(1) Calms spirit & relieves constraint [Bad temper*, depression, insomnia irritability, poor memory, d/t constrained emtions]
(2) Harmonizes blood, stops pain, & reconnects sinews & bones [Pain & swelling d/t trauma*, fractures; Very mild function]
(3) Dissipates swelling & reduces abscesses [Pain & swelling of abscesses*, both internal and external abscess]

hé(conjoined) huān(happiness) pí(bark, skin)
Albiziae Cortex
silktree bark
(1) Bad temper
(2) Pain & swelling d/t trauma
(3) Pain & swelling of abscesses
sweet, sour, neutral
B.928 C.762 Dr.146
suān zǎo rén 酸棗仁

(1) Nourish HT yin, augments LV blood, & quiets spirit [Palpitations w/ anxiety*, irritability, insomnia, d/t HT blood defic or to yin defic w/ fire rising]
(2) Prevents abnormal sweating [Spontaneous & night sweating]

suān(sour) zǎo(date) rén(seed)
Ziziphi spinosae Semen
sour jujube seed
(1) Palpitations w/ anxiety
(2) Spontaneous & night sweating
bitter, spicy, sl warm
B.932 C.766 Dr.147
yuǎn zhì 遠志

(1) Calms spirit & quiets HT [Palpitations w/ anxiety*, excessive brooding, constrained pent-up emotions, disorientation, insomnia, restlessness, d/t HT KD not communicating]
(2) Expels phlegm, clears orifices, & stops coughs [Emotional & mental disorientation*, spasms, seizures, d/t phlegm enveloping HT orifice, also copious difficult sputum, angina pectoris]
(3) Reduces abscesses & dissipates swellings [Abscesses*, swollen painful breasts, sores, boils; Powder applied topically or internally w/ wine]

yuǎn(profound; great ambition) zhì(will)
Polygalae Radix
polygala root
(1) Palpitations w/ anxiety
(2) Emotional & mental disorientation
(3) Abscesses