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17 Cards in this Set

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spicy, sweet, sl warm
TraPhlg-HotPhlegm, TraPhlg-ColdPhlegm
B.435 C.701 Dr.71
bái qián 白前

(1) Redirects qi downward & expels phlegm [Cough w/ easy very copious sputum & gurgling in throat*, copious difficult sputum, wheezing; For any type of cough w/ phlegm, even dry cough]

Caution: Unproductive cough d/t LU defic, sensitive ST

bái(white) qián(before)
Cynanchi stauntonii Rhizoma
cynanchum root and rhizome
(1) Cough w/ easy very copious sputum & gurgling in throat
bitter, sweet, sl cold
B.378 C.702 Dr.65
chuān bèi mǔ 川貝母

(1) Clears heat, transforms phlegm, stops cough [Cough* - many types, chronic or acute cough, cough d/t constrained qi w/ stifling chest & reduced appetite, cough d/t yin defic fire, dry cough, cough w/ slight sputum difficult to expectorate, cough w/ blood streaks]
(2) Clears heat & dissipates nodules [Nodules*, LU or breast abscess, sores, swellings, scrofula, enlarged glands, lipoma ]
(3) Promotes urination [Depression*, insomnia, palpitations, poor memory]
(N) Often used to tonify; is very expensive

CTX: Cold phlegm sx, damp-phlegm sx

chuān(Sichuan territory) bèi(shell) mǔ(mother)
Fritillariae cirrhosae Bulbus
Sichuan fritillaria bulb
(1) Cough
(2) Nodules
(3) Depression
salty, cold
B.395 C.712 Dr.65
fú hǎi shí 浮海石

(1) Clears LU heat & transforms phlegm-heat [Difficult viscous sputum* ie thick sticky d/t heat accum in LU, coughing blood; Often for long-term dz, great herb to clear LU]
(2) Softens hardness & dissipates phlegm nodules [Nodules*, scrofula, cysts, lipoma, enlarged glands, d/t phlegm-fire ]
(3) Promotes urination, "unblocks upper source of water" [Urinary tract stones*, hot or stony painful urine, small stones sand or grain in urine ]
(N) Pumice stone vs sea coral [*fú hǎi shí is an alt name for fú shí pumice, & is also the name for a sea coral Costaziae Os. Used interchangeably, coral is more effective for goiter & scrophula.]
(N) Smash before cooking

No noted CTX

fú(floating) hǎi(sea) shí(stone) [sea coral]
Costaziae Os
Constaziae skeleton
(1) Difficult viscous sputum
(2) Nodules
(3) Urinary tract stones
sweet, cold
TraPhlg-HotPhlegm, Clinic-NoCateg
B.383 C.705 Dr.161
guā lóu 瓜蔞
(quán guā lóu)
(1) Clears heat & transforms phlegm-heat [Coughs w/ thick & difficult sputum*; Can be used alone for this esp w/ children]
(2) Expands chest & dissipates nodules [Stifling or distended chest*, constriction pain pressure in diaphragm]
(3) Reduces abscesses & dissipates nodules [Abscess* in breasts, LU, intestines; Esp early stage ]
(N) Can moisten intestines & unblock bowels [*This requires a very large dose; Use ⅓ guā lóu pí + ⅔ guā lóu rén ]

CTX: fù zǐ family, diarrhea d/t SP ST defic

quán全(all, whole, entire, complete) guā瓜(gourd, melon, round shaped part) lóu蔞(long shaped part) [ie whole trichosanthes]
Trichosanthis Fructus
trichosanthes fruit
(1) Coughs w/ thick & difficult sputum
(2) Stifling or distended chest
(3) Abscess
sweet, cold
B.386 C.708 Dr.66
guā lóu pí 瓜蔞皮

(1) Clears LU & transforms phlegm [Dry cough w/ difficult sputum d/t phlegm-heat in chest*, wheezing, dry throat d/t WH; For phlegm-heat or for phlegm blocking LU]
(2) Regulates qi & expands chest [Chest bi*, chest fullness, clumping in chest, breast abscess early stage]
(3) Very good for thick, yellow phlegm

CTX: fù zǐ family, diarrhea d/t SP ST defic

guā(gourd, melon) lóu(trichosanthes) pí(bark, skin)
Trichosanthis Pericarpium
trichosanthes peel
(1) Dry cough w/ difficult sputum d/t phlegm-heat in chest
(2) Chest bi
sweet, cold
B.388 C.706 Dr.66
guā lóu rén 瓜蔞仁

(1) Clears & transforms phlegm-heat [Cough d/t phlegm heat*, cough w/ chest pain & thick difficult sputum; Dry LU d/t heat from either exc or defic, both moistens & cools LU]
(2) Expands the chest [Stifling chest*, pain, diaphragm pressure, d/t accum of phlegm in chest]
(3) Moistens intestines & opens bowels [Dry constipation*, defic constipation, dry mouth, thirst, irritability, esp d/t LU heat; Softens stools & moves ]
(4) Promotes healing of sores [Breast abscess & swelling*, sores not yet supportated ie pus & fester]
(N) sweet tonifying [*For excess heat phlegm or yin defic phlegm]

CTX: Nausea or loose stools d/t SP defic

guā(gourd, melon) lóu(trichosanthes) rén(seed)
Trichosanthis Semen
trichosanthes seed
(1) Cough d/t phlegm heat
(2) Stifling chest
(3) Dry constipation
(4) Breast abscess & swelling
bitter, salty, neutral
TraPhlg-HotPhlegm, Not in Clinic
B.400 C.713
hǎi gé ké 海蛤壳
(gé qiào, gé ké)
(1) Clears heat & transforms phlegm [Cough & wheeze d/t phlegm-heat*, yellow difficult viscous sputum, chest & rib pain]
(2) Softens hardness & dissipates nodules [Goiter*, scrofula]
(3) Promotes urination & expels dampness [Turbid UTIs*, vaginal discharge, superficial edema, urinary dysfunction; Mild effect]
(4) Controls acidity & stops pain [Gastric ulcers*, pain d/t excess ST acid, gastric regurgitation, duodenal ulcers]
(N) Clears heat & directs LU qi downward [*Also for Wood insulting Metal ]
(N) For epigastric pain & acid regurgitation

CTX: LU defic w/ cold, yang defic

ACTCM: hǎi海(ocean, sea) gé蛤(clam) ké壳(shell); Bensky: gé(clam) qiào殼(shell) and gé ké
Meretricis/Cyclinae Concha
clam shell
(1) Cough & wheeze d/t phlegm-heat
(2) Goiter
(3) Turbid UTIs
(4) Gastric ulcers
bitter, salty, cold
B.403 C.715 Dr.69
hǎi zǎo 海藻

(1) Reduces phlegm & softens hardness [Nodules in neck*, goiter, scrofula, bulging dz esp w/ scrotum & testicles; Esp in upper body ]
(2) Promotes urination, reduces edema & swelling [Edema in legs & ankles*, leg qi ]
(N) Often paired with kūn bù

No noted CTX

hǎi(sea) zǎo(vegetable)
(1) Nodules in neck
(2) Edema in legs & ankles
bitter, neutral, (toxic)
TraPhlg-HotPhlegm, Not in Clinic
B.408 C.718
huáng yào zǐ 黃藥子

(1) Dissipates nodules, reduces masses & goiter [Goiter*, cancer of ST, breast, uterus, colon; “Use toxin to treat toxin”]
(2) Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & reduces toxic swelling [Infected wounds*, animal bites, snakebites, cancers including esophagus, ST, uterus, & colon; Can use topically]
(3) Cools blood & stops bleeding [Cancer related bleeding*, vomiting blood, coughing up blood, uterine bleeding ]
(4) Stops coughs & calms wheezing [Acute & chronic bronchitis*, whooping cough]

CTX: Toxic, overdose; Caution: Damages liver

huáng(yellow) yào(medicine) zǐ(seeds)
Dioscoreae bulbiferae Rhizoma
dioscorea bulbifera tuber
(1) Goiter
(2) Infected wounds
(3) Cancer related bleeding
(4) Acute & chronic bronchitis
bitter, spicy, neutral
TraPhlg-HotPhlegm, TraPhlg-ColdPhlegm
B.429 C.696 Dr.73
jié gěng 桔梗

(1) Opens LU qi, dispels phlegm, benefits throat [Cough or wheeze w/ profuse sputum*, throat pain, loss of voice, d/t cold or heat; Thins phlegm to expectorate ]
(2) Expels pus [LU abscess*, throat abscess, fevers, chest pain, coughing yellow sputum w/ fishy smell, coughing blood & pus, carbuncles, boils]
(3) Directs effect of other herbs to upper regions of body [Guides herb upward*]
(+) Benefits throat [*Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice ]
(N) Wild is best [*Is often paired with pàng dà hǎi]

CTX: Chronic cough d/t yin defic, coughing blood

jié(platycodi) gěng(stem)
Platycodi Radix
platycodon root
(1) Cough or wheeze w/ profuse sputum
(2) LU abscess
(3) Guides herb upward
salty, cold
B.402 C.716 Dr.69
kūn bù 昆布

(1) Reduces phlegm & softens hardness [Nodules in neck*, goiter, scrofula, thyroid tumors, TB lymphadenitis, sensation of fullness & obstruction in chest d/t phlegm, cirrhosis; Esp in upper body ]
(2) Promotes urination & reduces swelling [Helper: Edema*, leg qi]
(N) Lowers blood pressure, lowers blood cholesterol, inhibits growth of tumor cells

No noted CTX

kūn(kelp) bù(to spread)
Eckloniae Thallus
(1) Nodules in neck
(2) Helper: Edema
sweet, cold
B.405 C.720 Dr.67
pàng dà hǎi 胖大海

(1) Clears LU qi & stops cough [Sore throat*, hoarseness, loss of voice, acute or chronic throat inflammation, phlegm-heat cough; Very good for throat]
(2) Moistens intestines & unblocks bowels [Mild to moderate constipation* d/t heat clumping intestines, HA, red eyes, fever]
(3) Encourages expression of rashes [Helper: Incomplete expression of rashes*; Topical applic]

Caution: Loose stools, diarrhea

pàng(fat, plump) dà(big) hǎi(sea) [expands while cooking]
Sterculiae lychnophorae Semen
sterculia seed
(1) Sore throat
(2) Mild to moderate constipation
(3) Helper: Incomplete expression of rashes
bitter, spicy, sl cold
B.376 C.699 Dr.65
qián hú 前胡

(1) Directs qi downward & expels phlegm [Cough w/ thick sputum*, wheeze; Very strong at transforming phlegm]
(2) Disperses & scatters exterior wind heat [HA*, cough; For WH it is often paired with bò hé & niú bàng zǐ; Compare also to chái hú ]
(N) Raw vs honey-roasted [*Raw is best to release the exterior; Honey roasted is better for chronic cough & deficiency cough ]
(N) Quality [*Better quality is firm, dry, dark skin, pale flesh, with oily spots]

CTX: Cough d/t yin defic fire, cough & wheeze d/t cold thin mucous

qián(before) hú(barbarians)
Peucedani Radix
hogfennel root
(1) Cough w/ thick sputum
(2) HA
sweet, cold
B.389 C.709 Dr.68
tiān zhú huáng 天竺黃

(1) Clears & transforms phlegm-heat [Difficult phlegm to expectorate* d/t phlegm-heat in LU]
(2) Clears HT & settles tremors & convulsions [Convulsions*, childhood convulsions, tremors, spasms, wind-stroke, high fever, delirium, seizures, epilepsy, bad HA, gurlging sounds in throat, d/t phlegm-heat]

No noted CTX

tiān(heaven) zhú(bamboo) huáng(yellow)
Bambusae Concretio silicea
bamboo sugar
(1) Difficult phlegm to expectorate
(2) Convulsions
bitter, cold
B.381 C.703 Dr.65
zhè bèi mǔ 浙貝母

(1) Clears and transforms phlegm-heat [Acute productive cough w/ yellow thick phlegm* d/t LU heat; Often used with qián hú ]
(2) Clears heat & dissipates nodules [Breast abscesses*, LU abcesses, neck swellings, goiter, nodules; Effective, stronger for nodules since draining]
(N) Bigger than chuān bèi mǔ, less expensive [*Does not tonify, mainly a draining herb; Since alkaline often used to treat acid regurgitation]

No noted CTX

zhè(Zhejiang territory) bèi(shell) mǔ(mother)
Fritillariae thunbergii Bulbus
Zhejiang fritillaria bulb
(1) Acute productive cough w/ yellow thick phlegm
(2) Breast abscesses
sweet, very cold
TraPhlg-HotPhlegm, Not in Clinic
B.391 C.711
zhú lì 竹瀝

(1) Clears heat, transforms phlegm, & penetrates to channels [Fainting*, paralysis of hands or feet, hemiplegia, d/t phlegm obstruct sensory orifices ie HT; For phlegm misting HT, can go almost anywhere to clear phlegm ]
(2) Transforms phlegm-heat & stops cough [Cough*, cough w/ thick yellow sputum d/t phlegm-heat]
(N) When for cold-phlegm or for neutral phlegm [Add ginger juice to warm]

CTX: Loose stools d/t SP defic, cough d/t cold

zhú(bamboo) lì(drip)
Bambusae Succus
bamboo sap
(1) Fainting
(2) Cough
(N) Add ginger juice to warm
sweet, sl cold
B.393 C.710 Dr.68
zhú rú 竹茹

(1) Clears & transforms phlegm heat [Cough w/ viscious thick sticky sputum*, stifling chest, coughing up blood, d/t heat in LU, or d/t GB fire]
(2) Clears heat & stops vomiting [Vomiting* bitter or sour matter, bad breath, d/t heat in ST, excess or defic, morning sickness; Phlegm-heat in ST or GB ]

No noted CTX

zhú(bamboo) rú(shavings)
Bambusae Caulis in taeniam
bamboo shavings
(1) Cough w/ viscious thick sticky sputum
(2) Vomiting