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11 Cards in this Set

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spicy, warm
B.24 C.59 Dr.3

bái zhǐ 白芷

(1) Expels wind, eliminates dampness, unblocks nasal passages, & alleviates pain [Nasal congest*, headache, supraorbital pn, toothache]
(2) Reduces swelling & expels pus [Acne*, sore, skin ulcer, carbuncle]
(3) Expels dampness & alleviates discharge [Vaginal discharge*, male fungal jock itch; Improves circulation & reabsorbs dampness]
(N) Exerts spicy/warm to face esp sinuses [*Strong anti-microbial - shigella, salmonella]

CTX: Yin defic, blood heat

bái(white) zhǐ(angelica root)
Angelicae dahuricae Radix
Angelica root

(1) Nasal congest
(2) Acne
(3) Vaginal discharge

sweet, bitter, warm, toxic
RelExt-SpicyWarm, DispWD
B.39 C.62 Dr.64
cāng ěr zǐ 蒼耳子

(1) Disperses wind & dampness & opens nasal passages [Deep-source nasal congest w/HA*, thick nasal discharge]
(2) Disperses wind & dispels dampness [WD painful obstr*, skin disorders with itchacute]
(3) Dispels exterior wind (shrinks & tightens swollen mucus membranes) [Helper: splitting HA* radiating to back of neck]

Caution: Overdosage, greasy foods ie decreases fat digestion

cāng(deep blue or green) ěr(ear) zǐ(seed)
Xanthii Fructus
xanthium fruit, cocklebur fruit

(1) Deep-source nasal congest w/HA
(2) WD painful obstr
(3) Helper: splitting HA

spicy, sweet, sl warm
B.16 C.51 Dr.4

fáng fēng 防風

(1) Releases exterior & expels wind [HA, chills*, body aches]
(2) Expels wind-dampness & alleviates pain ie WD bi [Joint pain*, spasms; esp where wind predominates]
(3) Expels wind & relieves spasms [Helper: trembling hands & feet*, tetany, intestinal wind w/ painful diarr w/ blood]
(N) Consolidates & rebalances surface (if pores are closed, opens; if open, closes)

CTX: Yin defic fire, spasms d/t blood defic, abscense of pathog wind damp or cold

fáng(guard against) fēng(wind)
Ledebouriellae Divaricatae, Saposhnikoviae Radix
Siler, Saposhnikovia, Ledebouriella Root

(1) HA, chills
(2) Joint pain
(3) Helper: trembling hands & feet
spicy, warm
UB & Du Mai
B.22 C.55 Dr.5

gǎo běn 藁本

(1) Discharges exterior conditions & disperses cold (WC esp in head/vertex) [Nasal congest, HA*-crown & vertex, HA-occiput & neck, or HA linked to teeth & jaw]
(2) Dispels wind, overcomes dampness, & alleviates pain [Back pain* d/t WCD Bi & Cold-Damp]
(+) Blood deficiency [Poor memory, light headedness]
(+) Improves circulation to all areas of head [Chronic middle/inner ear congestion*, chronic sinus congestion]

Caution: HA d/t blood defic, hot disorders

gǎo(straw, hay; dry, withered) běn(root of plants, origin, source, foundation)
Ligustici Rhizoma
Chinese lovage Root

(1) Nasal congest, HA
(2) Back pain
(+) Poor memory, light headedness
(+) Chronic middle/inner ear congestion
spicy, sweet, warm
B.8 C.40 Dr.1

guì zhī 桂枝

(1) Releases exterior & assists yang (ie warms & circulates) [Chills & fever*; adjusts Ying Qi & Wei Qi, helps to release muscle layer]
(2) Warms & unblocks channels & collaterals; warms blood vessels to remove stangation [Cold feet & hands*, painful bi joints, dysmenorrhea, irreg menstr]
(3) Warms yang & transforms thin mucus [Edema*, urinary dysf, dizziness, palpitations, dysfunc transf of fluids d/t yang defic]
(4) Assists HT yang & unblocks yang qi of chest [Short breath*, chest pain, palpit]
(5) Warms middle & directs turbid yin downward [Stomach discomfort*; "Makes tummy feel good"]
(N) Half dispersing/half tonifying

CTX: Pathogenic heat, yin defic w/ heat, heat in blood w/ vomiting; Caution: Pregnancy, excess menstruation

guì(cinnamomi) zhī(twig)
Cinnamomi Ramulus
Cinnamon twig

(1) Chills & fever
(2) Cold feet & hands
(3) Edema
(4) Short breath
(5) Stomach discomfort
spicy, sl warm
B.14 C.49 Dr.4

jīng jiè 荊芥
(jīng jiè suì)
(1) Releases exterior & dispels wind [WC or WH cold flu*]
(2) Vents rashes & alleviates itching [Measles* early stage, itchy skin eruptions; Brings toxins from blood level to surface level]
(3) Stops bleeding [Helper: hemorrhage ie uterine bleeding*, blood in stool]
(N) Flushes blood out to skin, 1st choice as diaphoretic

CTX: Defic exterior, fully erupted measles ie rash will get worse, open sores, absence of pathog wind; Special: add last 10 minutes if for releasing ext

jīng(schizonepetae) jiè(small like mustard seed)
Schizonepetae Herba
schizonepeta stem or bud (use just flowers)

(1) WC or WH cold flu
(2) Measles
(3) Helper: hemorrhage ie uterine bleeding
spicy, bitter, aromatic, warm
B.19 C.53 Dr.5

qiāng huó 羌活

(1) Releases exterior & disperses cold [Chills fever*, HA esp occipit, body aches & pains, esp upper body or w/ dampness in joint pain, heaviness, sleepiness]
(2) Unblocks painful obstruction & alleviates pain [WCD bi esp upper limbs & back*]
(3) Guides qi to Taiyang channels & Du Mai [Guiding herb in formulas*; Guides herbs to upper body]

CTX: Bi d/t blood defic

qiāng(strong, educated) huó(live, alive)
Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix
notopterygium root

(1) Chills fever
(2) WCD bi esp upper limbs & back
(3) Guiding herb in formulas
spicy, sl warm
B.30 C.45 Dr.R

shēng jiāng 生薑

(1) Releases exterior & disperses cold [Chills fever* cold flu; fresh ginger moves, dried ginger stays]
(2) Warms MJ & alleviates vomiting (due to cold in ST) [Nausea vomiting* not from ST heat]
(3) Warms LU & stop cough [Cough*; both acute wc & chronic lu w/ phlegm]
(4) Resolves toxicity [Toxicity or overdose of other herbs]

CTX: Spontaneous sweat from ext defic (as all herbs in categ), blood heat, yin defic heat, any abundant heat; Special: add last to decoction, do not overcook esp for releasing function

shēng(fresh, uncooked) jiāng(ginger, zingiberis)
Zingiberis Rhizoma recens
fresh ginger rhizome

(1) Chills fever
(2) Nausea vomiting
(3) Cough
(4) Toxicity or overdose of other herbs
spicy, aromatic, sl warm
B.36 C.47 Dr.6

xiāng rú 香薷

(1) Expels summerheat; induces sweating & releases exterior [WC during summer*, chills fever, HA, absence of sweating, body aches, abd pain, vomiting, diarrhea]
(3) Promotes urination & reduces swelling [Edema*, urinary difficulty, esp when associated with an exterior pattern]
(N) Promotes mild sweating [Superficial/floating edema*; Diaphoretic & mild diuretic]

CTX: Profuse sweat d/t ext defic

xiāng(fragrant) rú(moslae)
Moslae Herba
mosla, aromatic madder

(1) WC during summer
(3) Edema
(N) Superficial/floating edema
(1) Acute nasal congest or obstruct
B.42 C.65 Dr.6

xīn yí huā 辛夷花

(1) Expels wind-cold & unblocks nasal passages [Acute nasal congest or obstruct*, nasal discharge, lack of smell, sinus problems, related HA; Best herb for opening nasal passages in acute stage, is drying - not good for chronic sinus conditions; Aromatic nature causes opening & dilation]

CTX: yin defic fire; Special: must be added last to decoctions

xīn(hot or pungent,8th of 10 heavenly stems) yí(barbarian) huā(flower)
Magnoliae Flos
Magnolia flower

spicy, warm



spicy, aromatic, warm



B.12 C.43 Dr.2

spicy, aromatic, warm
B.12 C.43 Dr.2

zǐ sū yè 紫蘇葉

(1) Releases exterior & disperses cold [WC fever chills*, HA, nasal cong, cough, stifling chest]
(2) Promotes movement of qi & expands chest [Nausea, vomiting*, poor appetite, chest oppression fullness wheezing]
(3) Pregnancy: Calms restless fetus, morning sickness [Fetus moving kicking & unhappy]
(4) Resolves seafood poisoning [Nausea*; eases symptoms, does not kill pathogen]

CTX: Warm febrile dz, qi & wei qi defic; Special: add last to decoction if needed to causing sweating

zǐ(purple) sū(perillae) yè(leaf)
Perillae Folium
Perilla leaf

(1) WC fever chills
(2) Nausea, vomiting
(3) Fetus moving kicking & unhappy
(4) Nausea