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6 Cards in this Set

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Xìng sū săn

J君: Releases Surface, expel Wind-Cold

J君: Open Lungs, transform Phlegm.

C臣: Descend Lung Qi downward, stop cough. Moisten Large Intestine.

C臣: Open Lungs, guide Qi up. Expel External Pathogens.

Z佐: Expel Damp, transform Phlegm.

Z佐: Expel Damp, transform Phlegm.

Z佐: Expel Damp, transform Phlegm.

Z佐: Reduce chest tightness, dissolve Qi Stagnation.

S使: Induce sweating, expel External Pathogens.

S使: Tonify Qi, nourish Yin.

S使: Tonify Qi, nourish Yin.

Dx: External Wind-Cold-Dry

J君: zǐ sū yè 紫蘇葉

J君: qián hú 前胡

C臣: xìng rén 杏仁

C臣: jié gěng 桔梗

Z佐: bàn xià 半夏

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

Z佐: chén pí 陳皮

Z佐: zhǐ ké 枳殼

S使: shēng jiāng 生薑

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: gān cǎo 甘草

Categ: (1) XII. A.1 Moist-ElimExtDry
B.663 C.1025 Nat
Sx: chills with mild fever, dry cough with scanty thick white sputum, dry throat, dry skin, no sweating, wheezing, dyspnea, and minor thirst for RT/warm drinks (constipation)

T: thin white fur
P: floating and tight, may also be slippery

CTX: Not for Wind-Dry or Wind-Heat conditions
Sāng xìng tāng

J君: Expel External Pathogens

J君: Induce sweating, open pores, and expel External Pathogens.

C臣: Descend Lung Qi downward, open Lungs, and stop cough. Moisten Large Intestine.

Z佐: Clear Heat, transform Phlegm.

Z佐: Clear Heat, nourish Yin, and transform Phlegm.

Z佐: Clear Heat, nourish Yin, and transform Phlegm.

S使: Clear Heat from Sanjiao. Purge Fire.

Dx: External Wind-Heat-Dry

J君: sāng yè 桑葉

J君: dàn dòu chǐ 淡豆豉

C臣: xìng rén 杏仁

Z佐: zhè bèi mǔ 浙貝母

Z佐: shā shēn 沙參

Z佐: lí pí 梨皮

S使: zhī zǐ 山梔子

Categ: (2) XII. A.2 Moist-ElimExtDry
B.665 C.1027 Nat
Sx: high fever, chills, dry cough with scanty thick yellow sputum, sore throat, dry skin with burning skin sensation, large thirst for cold drinks, and maybe skin rashes

T: dry red tip may be enlarged with thin dry yellow fur
P: floating and rapid, may also be slightly slippery

CTX: Cook herbs only for short period of time
Qīng zào jiù fèi tāng

J君: Expel External Pathogen

C臣: Clear Heat, purge Fire.

C臣: Nourish Yin.

Z佐: Descend Lung Qi downward, open Lungs, and stop cough. Nourish Yin, moisten Large Intestine.

Z佐: Nourish Yin, lubricate Large Intestine.

Z佐: Tonify Blood, stop bleeding. Nourish Yin.

Z佐: Nourish Yin, lubricate Large Intestine.

S使: Tonify Qi.

S使: Clear Heat. Tonify Qi.

Dx: Severe External Heat-Dry

J君: sāng yè 桑葉

C臣: shí gāo 石膏

C臣: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

Z佐: xìng rén 杏仁

Z佐: pí pá yè 枇杷葉

Z佐: ē jiāo 阿膠

Z佐: hēi zhī má 黑芝痲

S使: rén shēn 人參

S使: zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草

Categ: (3) XII. A.3 Moist-ElimExtDry
B.667 C.1029 Nat
Sx: high fever, chills, dry cough with scanty thick yellow sputum may be blood in sputum, dyspnea, nose bleeds, sore throat, rough dry skin with burning skin sensation, headache, very large thirst for cold drinks, asthma, irritability, chest tightness/pain, and maybe skin rashes

T: dry red tip may be enlarged with thin dry yellow fur
P: floating and rapid, may also be slightly slippery

CTX: Caution with Sp/St Deficiency
Băi hé gù jīn tāng

J君: Clear Heat, cool Blood. Tonify Yin, benefit Blood

J君: Tonify Yin (KD), Blood (LV), and Jing (KD).

C臣: Nourish Lung and Stomach Yin. Clear Heat.

C臣: Nourish Lung Yin, clear Heat.

C臣: Nourish Yin.

Z佐: Nourish Yin. Clear Heat, cool Blood.

Z佐: Tonify, invigorate, and harmonize Blood.

Z佐: Tonify Yin, benefit Blood. Stop cough.

S使: Guide to Upper Jiao.

S使: Harmonize (LU/KD, UJ/LJ, purge vs. tonify).

Dx: Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency

J君: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

J君: shú dì huáng 熟地黃

C臣: bǎi hé 百合

C臣: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

C臣: chuān bèi mǔ 川貝母

Z佐: xuán shēn 玄參

Z佐: dāng guī 當歸

Z佐: bái sháo 白芍

S使: jié gěng 桔梗

S使: gān cǎo 甘草

Categ: (4) XII. B.1 Moist-ElimIntDry
B.384 C.1036 Nat
Sx: shallow breathing, panting, wheezing, dry cough with scanty sticky yellow sputum which may contain blood, symptoms worse at night, night sweats, 5 Center Heat, slight thirst worse at night for RT/cool drinks, fever at night, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, low back/knee weakness/pain, dry sore throat

T: dry thin red central crack with yellow dry scanty/peeled fur
P: deep thin rapid slippery

CTX: Excess conditions, caution with Sp Deficiency
Mài mén dōng tāng

J君: Nourish Yin

C臣: Descend Stomach Qi downward. Descend Lung Qi downward.

Z佐: Tonify Qi.

S使: Tonify Qi.

S使: Tonify Qi.

S使: Tonify Qi. Harmonize.

Dx: Lung Yin and Stomach Yin Deficiency

J君: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

C臣: bàn xià 半夏

Z佐: rén shēn 人參

S使: gēng mǐ 梗米

S使: dà zǎo 大棗

S使: gān cǎo 甘草

Categ: (5) XII. B.2 Moist-ElimIntDry
B.670 C.1043 Nat
Sx: shallow breathing, panting, wheezing, dry cough with scanty sticky yellow sputum which may contain blood, fever in afternoon, dry burning skin, moderate thirst for RT/cool drinks, dry mouth/throat, nausea, vomiting (dry heaves), acid regurgitation, hunger but no desire to eat, nausea after eating, and may be constipation

T: thin dry red central crack with scanty/peeled fur
P: thin/thready, slightly rapid, deep may be small

CTX: Lung Deficiency Cold
Zēng yè tāng

J君: Soften Hardness

J君: Nourish Yin.

J君: Clear Heat, cool Blood. Nourish Yin.

Dx: Large Intestine Yin Deficiency

J君: xuán shēn 玄參

J君: mài mén dōng 麥門冬

J君: shēng dì huáng 生地黃

Categ: (6) XII. B.3 Moist-ElimIntDry
B.677 C.1054
Sx: constipation with small amount of dry stool, dry throat, thirst

T: dry red
P: deep forceful maybe rapid

CTX: Only for constipation due to Heat and Dryness severely damaging Yin and Body Fluids