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31 Cards in this Set

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Sx: poor appetite, fatigue, lassitude, loose stools or constipation, abdominal distension, muscle weakness, pale complexion, sallow complexion, low and soft voice

T: pale
P: fine moderate

CTX: High fever, Yin Deficiency Heat, Excess Heat, Qi stagnation, Fluid Deficiency; long term use may cause dry mouth, dry tongue, thirst, or irritability
Sì jūn zĭ tāng

Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency

TxP: strengthen Qi and tonify Spleen

Descript: SP Qi Deficiency

Four-Gentlemen Decoction
Sì(four) jūn(gentlemen) zĭ(seed, offspring [noble family heritage]) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (1) VI. A.1 Ton-Repl Qi

B.309 C.522 NatCal
Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency

J君: rén shēn

C臣: bái zhú

Z佐: fú líng

S使: zhì gān cǎo

Four-Gentlemen Decoction
Sì(four) jūn(gentlemen) zĭ(seed, offspring [noble family heritage]) tāng(decoction)

(1) VI. A.1 Ton-Repl Qi
Sx: loss of appetite, belching, abdominal and epigastric distension and pain, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools


CTX: Avoid cold and raw foods
Xiāng shā liù jūn zĭ tāng

Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Rebellious Qi

TxP: tonify Qi, strengthen Spleen, and harmonize Stomach/descend Stomach Qi downward

Descript: SP and ST qi defic with damp-cold stag in the MJ (or w/qi stag)

Six-Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia and Amomum
Xiāng(mù xiāng) shā(shā rén) liù(six) jūn(gentlemen) zĭ(seed, offspring [noble family heritage]) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (2) VI. A.2 Ton-Repl Qi

B.312 C.531
Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Rebellious Qi

J君: rén shēn, bái zhú, fú líng, zhì gān cǎo

C臣: chén pí, zhì bàn xià

Z佐: shā rén

S使: mù xiāng, shēng jiāng

Six-Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia and Amomum
Xiāng(mù xiāng) shā(shā rén) liù(six) jūn(gentlemen) zĭ(seed, offspring [noble family heritage]) tāng(decoction)

(2) VI. A.2 Ton-Repl Qi
Sx: loose stools/diarrhea, vomiting, borborygmus, low appetite, weak extremities, weight loss, sallow complexion, epigastric/chest fullness and stifling sensation

T: pale with white greasy fur
P: thin, deep, soft, and soggy

CTX: Cautions: pregnancy, Yin Deficiency, and Yin Deficiency with Heat/Fire
Shēn líng bái zhú săn

Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Dampness

TxP: tonify Qi, strengthen Spleen, drain Damp, and stop diarrhea

Descript: SP Qi Defic causing Dampness

Ginseng, Poria, and White Atractylodes Powder
Shēn(rén shēn) líng(fú líng) bái(white) zhú(atractylodis, Asteracea family incl cang zhu, e zhu) săn(powder)

Categ: (3) VI. A.3 Ton-Repl Qi

B.314 C.535 Nat
Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Dampness

J君: rén shēn, bái zhú, fú líng, zhì gān cǎo

C臣: bái biǎn dòu, yì yǐ rén, shān yào, lián zǐ

Z佐: shā rén

S使: jié gěng

Ginseng, Poria, and White Atractylodes Powder
Shēn(rén shēn) líng(fú líng) bái(white) zhú(atractylodis, Asteracea family incl cang zhu, e zhu) săn(powder)

(3) VI. A.3 Ton-Repl Qi
Sx: hemorrhoids, rectal, stomach, uterine prolapse, chronic diarrhea/dysentery, irregular uterine bleeding, flooding and spotting, low appetite

T: pale with thin white fur
P: deficient soft or surging forceless

CTX: Hypertension, if no prolapse formula may cause headaches, Yin Deficiency Heat, External conditions
Bŭ zhōng yì qì tāng

Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Qi Sinking

TxP: tonify Spleen, benefit Qi, raise Yang Qi, and treat Qi prolapse

Descript: SP & ST Defic causing (1)Inability to raise clear yang to head causing dizziness, (2)Sinking MJ qi causing prolapse of uterus, colon, anal, organ prolapse, inguinal and hiatal hernia, hemorrhoids

Tonify the Middle to Augment the Qi Decoction
Bŭ(tonify) zhōng(middle) yì(augment) qì(qi) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (4) VI. A.4 Ton-Repl Qi

B.317 C.542 NatCal
Dx: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Qi Sinking

J君: huáng qí

C臣: rén shēn, bái zhú, zhì gān cǎo

Z佐: dāng guī, chén pí

S使: shēng má, chái hú

Tonify the Middle to Augment the Qi Decoction
Bŭ(tonify) zhōng(middle) yì(augment) qì(qi) tāng(decoction)

(4) VI. A.4 Ton-Repl Qi
Sx: profuse sweating, spontaneous sweating, palpitations, skipped heart beats, chronic cough with sparse sputum which difficult to expectorate, shortness of breath, dry mouth and tongue

T: pale with white dry fur
P: fine weak or deficient rapid

CTX: External conditions, Internal Heat
Shēng mài săn

Dx: Heart Qi/Lung Qi Deficiency

TxP: tonify Qi, nourish Yin, astringe, and stop sweating

Descript: Defic of qi and yin, esp LU

Generate the Pulse Powder
Shēng(generate) mài(pulse) săn(powder)

Categ: (5) VI. A.5 Ton-Repl Qi

B.328 C.554 NatCal
Dx: Heart Qi/Lung Qi Deficiency

J君: rén shēn

C臣: mài mén dōng

Z佐: wǔ wèi zǐ

Generate the Pulse Powder
Shēng(generate) mài(pulse) săn(powder)

(5) VI. A.5 Ton-Repl Qi
Sx: dizziness, blurred vision, lusterless complexion, lips, and nails, generalized muscle tension, insomnia, palpitations, thin body lacking strength, irregular menstruation with scanty flow, amenorrhea, abdominal pain, restless fetus

T: pale with thin white fur
P: thin wiry or thin choppy

CTX: Acute bleeding, Qi or Blood collapse, Yin Deficiency with Heat, Spleen Qi Deficiency diarrhea / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency (very cloying), pregnancy
Sì wù tāng

Dx: Liver Blood Deficiency

TxP: tonify and harmonize Blood

Descript: Blood Def w/ Blood Stagnation

Four-Substance Decoction
Sì(four) wù(substance) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (6) VI. B.1 Ton-Repl Bld

B.333 C.562 NatCal
Dx: Liver Blood Deficiency

J君: dāng guī

C臣: shú dì huáng

Z佐: bái sháo

S使: chuān xiōng

Four-Substance Decoction
Sì(four) wù(substance) tāng(decoction)

(6) VI. B.1 Ton-Repl Bld
Sx: poor memory, palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, anxiety, reduced appetite, pallid complexion, low appetite, lassitude, heavy menstrual bleeding, long flow, blood in urine/stools, coughing up blood, etc.

T: pale with thin white fur
P: thin frail or fine moderate

CTX: Interior Heat, Yin Deficiency Heat
Guī pí tāng

Dx: Spleen and Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency

TxP: tonify Qi, strengthen Spleen, and nourish Heart

Descript: Spleen Qi and Heart Blood Defic

Restore the Spleen Decoction
Guī(restore) pí(spleen) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (7) VI. B.2 Ton-Repl Bld

B.353 C.583 NatCal
Dx: Spleen and Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency

J君: rén shēn, huáng qí, bái zhú, shēng jiāng, dà zǎo, zhì gān cǎo

C臣: dāng guī

Z佐: fú shén, suān zǎo rén, yuǎn zhì, lóng yǎn ròu

S使: mù xiāng

Restore the Spleen Decoction
Guī(restore) pí(spleen) tāng(decoction)

(7) VI. B.2 Ton-Repl Bld
Sx: palpitations, arrhythmia, anxiety, lassitude, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, shortness of breath, constipation, dry mouth and throat

T: pale shiny
P: slow irregular

CTX: Yin Deficiency, severe edema / Caution: diarrhea or dysentery
Zhì gān căo tāng

Dx: Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency

TxP: tonify Qi, nourish Yin, and Benefit Blood

Descript: HT, Blood & Qi Def causing irregular pulse

Prepared Licorice Decoction
Zhì(prepared) gān(sweet) cǎo(herb) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (8) VI. B.3 Ton-Repl Bld

B.356 C.589 Nat
Dx: Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency

J君: zhì gān cǎo, rén shēn, dà zǎo

C臣: shēng dì huáng, ē jiāo, mài mén dōng, huǒ má rén

Z佐: guì zhī, shēng jiāng, huáng jiǔ

Prepared Licorice Decoction
Zhì(prepared) gān(sweet) cǎo(herb) tāng(decoction)

(8) VI. B.3 Ton-Repl Bld
Sx: heat sensation in skin and muscles, red face, irritability, thirst with desire to drink warm beverages, slow healing of wounds, low grade fever, headache

T: pale
P: surging large deficient which is forceless when pressed

CTX: Yin Deficiency Heat, Excess Heat
Dāng guī bŭ xuè tāng

Dx: Post menstrual or post partum Blood Deficiency with Qi Deficiency

TxP: tonify Blood and tonify Qi

Descript: Qi and Blood defic, post menses or postpartum

Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
Dāng(state of, should or ought to be) guī(return) bŭ(tonify) xuè(blood) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (9) VI. B.4 Ton-Repl Bld

B.338 C.580 Nat
Dx: Post menstrual or post partum Blood Deficiency with Qi Deficiency

J君: dāng guī

C臣: huáng qí

Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
Dāng(state of, should or ought to be) guī(return) bŭ(tonify) xuè(blood) tāng(decoction)

(9) VI. B.4 Ton-Repl Bld
Sx: pale or sallow complexion, palpitations, anxiety, low appetite, shortness of breath, weak voice, weakness of extremities, dizziness/vertigo

T: pale with thin white fur
P: thin frail or large deficient forceless

CTX: Heat conditions, Excess conditions
Bā zhēn tāng

Dx: Qi and Blood Deficiency

TxP: tonify Qi and nourish Blood

Descript: Qi and Blood Def

Eight-Treasure Decoction
Bā(eight) zhēn(treasure, precious thing) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (10) VI. C.1 Ton-Repl Qi Bld

B.346 C.604 Nat
Dx: Qi and Blood Deficiency

J君: rén shēn, shú dì huáng

C臣: bái zhú, fú líng, dāng guī, bái sháo

Z佐: chuān xiōng, zhì gān cǎo, shēng jiāng, dà zǎo

Eight-Treasure Decoction
Bā(eight) zhēn(treasure, precious thing) tāng(decoction)

(10) VI. C.1 Ton-Repl Qi Bld
Sx: pale complexion, fatigue, low appetite, dizziness, listlessness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, insomnia, cold extremities, intolerance to cold, spermatorrhea, sores that due not heal, irregular menses, continuous spotting

T: pale
P: thin frail

CTX: Heat conditions, Excess conditions
Shí quán dà bŭ tāng

Dx: Qi and Blood Deficiency with Cold

TxP: tonify Qi, nourish Blood, warm

Descript: Qi & Blood Def w/ Mild Cold SX

All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
Shí(ten) quán(inclusive, all, entire, every) dà(great) bŭ(tonifying) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (11) VI. C.2 Ton-Repl Qi Bld

B.348 C.609 NatCal
Dx: Qi and Blood Deficiency with Cold

J君: rén shēn, shú dì huáng

C臣: bái zhú, fú líng, dāng guī, bái sháo

Z佐: chuān xiōng, zhì gān cǎo, ròu guì, huáng qí, shēng jiāng, dà zǎo

All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
Shí(ten) quán(inclusive, all, entire, every) dà(great) bŭ(tonifying) tāng(decoction)

(11) VI. C.2 Ton-Repl Qi Bld
Sx: restless fetus, threaten miscarriage, habitual miscarriage, pale complexion, fatigue, low appetite

T: pale with thin white fur
P: slippery forceless or deep weak

Tài shān pán shí săn

Dx: Qi and Blood Deficiency with miscarriage or imminent miscarriage

TxP: tonify Qi, strengthen Spleen, nourish Blood, and calm fetus

Descript: Women’s Qi and Blood Def, Miscarriage

Taishan Bedrock Powder
Tài(safe, peaceful) shān(mountain) [Mt. Tai is one of "The Five Sacred Mountains", assoc with sunrise, birth, renewal], pán(rock, stable) shí(stone) săn(powder)

Categ: (12) VI. C.3 Ton-Repl Qi Bld

B.359 C.618 Nat
Dx: Qi and Blood Deficiency with miscarriage or imminent miscarriage

J君: rén shēn, huáng qí, bái zhú, zhì gān cǎo

C臣: dāng guī, chuān xiōng, bái sháo, shú dì huáng

Z佐: xù duàn, huáng qín

S使: shā rén, nuò mǐ

Taishan Bedrock Powder
Tài(safe, peaceful) shān(mountain) [Mt. Tai is one of "The Five Sacred Mountains", assoc with sunrise, birth, renewal], pán(rock, stable) shí(stone) săn(powder)

(12) VI. C.3 Ton-Repl Qi Bld
Sx: soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, blurred vision, night sweats, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, five center heat, dry and sore throat, toothache, wasting and thirsting disorder

T: red peeled
P: thin rapid

CTX: Yang Deficiency, Exterior conditions, high fever, or alternating chills and fever / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Liù wèi dì huáng wán

Dx: Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat (55% Yin Deficiency, 45% Deficiency Heat)

TxP: tonify and nourish Kidney and Liver Yin

Descript: LV KD Yin Def, w/ KD empty heat (basic formula)

Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia
Liù(six) wèi(tastes) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) wán(pill)

Categ: (13) VI. D.1 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.365 C.627 NatCal
Dx: Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat (55% Yin Deficiency, 45% Deficiency Heat)

J君: shú dì huáng

C臣: shān yào, shān zhū yú

Z佐: fú líng, zé xiè

S使: mǔ dān pí

Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia
Liù(six) wèi(tastes) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) wán(pill)

(13) VI. D.1 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: night sweats, dry mouth and tongue, soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, blurred vision, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, five center heat, dry and sore throat, toothache, wasting and thirsting disorder

T: red peeled
P: thin rapid, large or flood and proximal position

CTX: Yang Deficiency, Exterior conditions, high fever, or alternating chills and fever / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Zhī băi dì huáng wán

Dx: Yin Deficiency with Evil Fire (consumptive heat/steaming bone syndrome)

TxP: tonify and nourish Kidney and Liver Yin and clear Deficiency Fire

Descript: LV/KD yin def w/ KD Def Heat in LJ (more serious)

Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill
Zhī(zhī mǔ) băi(huáng bǎi) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) [shú-cooked dì huáng] wán(pill)

Categ: (14) VI. D.2 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.369 C.636 Nat
Dx: Yin Deficiency with Evil Fire (consumptive heat/steaming bone syndrome)

J君: shú dì huáng

C臣: shān yào, shān zhū yú

Z佐: fú líng, zé xiè, zhī mǔ, huáng bǎi, mǔ dān pí

Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill
Zhī(zhī mǔ) băi(huáng bǎi) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) [shú-cooked dì huáng] wán(pill)

(14) VI. D.2 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, blurred vision, night sweats, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, five center heat, dry and sore throat, toothache, wasting and thirsting disorder

T: red peeled
P: thin rapid

CTX: Yang Deficiency, Exterior conditions, high fever, or alternating chills and fever / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Dū qì wán

Dx: Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency not grasping Qi

TxP: tonify and nourish Kidney and Liver Yin and astringe Lung Qi and Yin

Descript: KD Yin/Qi Def causing asthma (not grasp qi, LU yin defic)

Capital Qi Pill
Dū(capital city) qì(qi) wán(pill)

Categ: (15) VI. D.3 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.368 C.644 Nat
Dx: Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency not grasping Qi

J君: shú dì huáng

C臣: shān yào, shān zhū yú

Z佐: fú líng, zé xiè, wǔ wèi zǐ

S使: mǔ dān pí

Capital Qi Pill
Dū(capital city) qì(qi) wán(pill)

(15) VI. D.3 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: severe thirst at night, coughing, coughing up bloodshortness of breath, wheezing, soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, blurred vision, night sweats, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, five center heat, dry and sore throat, toothache, wasting and thirsting disorder

T: red peeled
P: thin rapid

CTX: Yang Deficiency, Exterior conditions, high fever, or alternating chills and fever / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Bā xīan cháng shōu wán [Mài wèi dì huáng wán(麥味地黃丸)]

Dx: Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency affecting Heart, Lung, and Stomach

TxP: tonify and nourish Kidney and Liver Yin, tonify Lung Yin, and astringe Lung Qi

Descript: KD not grasp qi TO LU yin def

Eight-Immortal Pill for Longevity (Ophiopogonis, Schisandra and Rehmannia Pill)
Bā(eight) xīan(immortal) cháng(longevity, forever) shōu(life) wán(pill)

Categ: (16) VI. D.4 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.369 C.642
Dx: Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency affecting Heart, Lung, and Stomach

J君: shú dì huáng

C臣: shān yào, shān zhū yú

Z佐: fú líng, zé xiè, mài mén dōng, wǔ wèi zǐ

S使: mǔ dān pí

Eight-Immortal Pill for Longevity (Ophiopogonis, Schisandra and Rehmannia Pill)
Bā(eight) xīan(immortal) cháng(longevity, forever) shōu(life) wán(pill)

(16) VI. D.4 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: dry eyes, diminished vision, photophobia, tearing, painful eyes, soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, blurred vision, night sweats, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, five center heat, dry and sore throat, toothache, wasting and thirsting disorder

T: red peeled
P: thin rapid

CTX: Yang Deficiency, Exterior conditions, high fever, or alternating chills and fever / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Qĭ jú dì huáng wán

Dx: Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency with Liver Wind

TxP: tonify and nourish Kidney and Liver Yin and nourish and brighten eyes

Descript: KD/LV yin defic w/LV heat

Lycium Fruit, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill
Qĭ(gǒu qǐ zǐ) jú(jú huā) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) [shú-cooked dì huáng] wán(pill)

Categ: (17) VI. D.5 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.368 C.640 Nat
Dx: Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency with Liver Wind

J君: shú dì huáng

C臣: shān yào, shān zhū yú

Z佐: fú líng, zé xiè, gǒu qǐ zǐ, jú huā

S使: mǔ dān pí

Lycium Fruit, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill
Qĭ(gǒu qǐ zǐ) jú(jú huā) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) [shú-cooked dì huáng] wán(pill)

(17) VI. D.5 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: five delays, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, soreness and weakness of lower back and knees, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, thirst with desire to drink, urinary dribbling

T: red shiny peeled
P: thin rapid

CTX: Not for long term use / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Zŭo guī wán

Dx: Kidney Yin and Jing Deficiency

TxP: powerfully tonify Kidney Yin and Kidney Jing

Descript: KD Yin / Essence Deficiency

Restore the Left [Kidney] Pill
Zŭo(left) guī(restore) wán(pill)

Categ: (18) VI. D.6 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.370 C.645 Nat
Dx: Kidney Yin and Jing Deficiency

J君: shú dì huáng, shān yào, shān zhū yú, lu jiao jiao

C臣: gui ban jiao, gǒu qǐ zǐ

Z佐: tù sī zǐ

S使: niú xī

Restore the Left [Kidney] Pill
Zŭo(left) guī(restore) wán(pill)

(18) VI. D.6 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, soreness and weakness of lower back and knees, spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, thirst with desire to drink, urinary dribbling

T: red shiny peeled
P: thin rapid

CTX: Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Zŭo guī yĭn

Dx: Kidney Yin and Jing Deficiency (early signs)

TxP: tonify Kidney Yin and Kidney Jing

Descript: KD marrow & essence defic

Restore the Left [Kidney] Drink
Zŭo(left) guī(restore) yĭn(drink)

Categ: (19) VI. D.7 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.372 C.647 Nat
Dx: Kidney Yin and Jing Deficiency (early signs)

J君: shú dì huáng, shān yào, shān zhū yú

C臣: gǒu qǐ zǐ

Z佐: fú líng

S使: zhì gān cǎo

Restore the Left [Kidney] Drink
Zŭo(left) guī(restore) yĭn(drink)

(19) VI. D.7 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: steaming bones, afternoon tidal fever, night sweats, seminal/nocturnal emissions, restlessness, irritability, sensation of heat, pain and weakness in legs/knees, coughing, coughing of blood, constant hunger, decreased sleep with frequent dreams

T: red peeled
P: thin rapid, forceful in proximal positions

CTX: Excess Heat/Fire, Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Dà bŭ yīn wán

Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat/Fire

TxP: nourish Yin and purge Fire

Descript: KD LV yin defic w/fire (stronger heat)

Great Tonify the Primal Decoction
Dà(great) bŭ(tonify) yīn(yin) wán(pill)

Categ: (20) VI. D.8 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.372 C.649 Nat
Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat/Fire

J君: shú dì huáng

C臣: guī bǎn

Z佐: zhī mǔ

S使: huáng bǎi, fēng mì, zhu gu sui

Great Tonify the Primal Decoction
Dà(great) bŭ(tonify) yīn(yin) wán(pill)

(20) VI. D.8 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, weakness or atrophy of lower extremities, dry/parched mouth and throat, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, seminal/nocturnal emissions, premature hair loss, premature grey hair, bitter taste in mouth, hypermenorrhea

T: red dry
P: thin rapid

CTX: Damp-Heat / Caution: diarrhea due to Deficiency and Cold of Spleen and Stomach
Èr zhì wán

Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency (prevention)

TxP: tonify Kidneys, nourish Liver, and nourish Yin and Blood

Descript: LV KD Yin Def, w/o heat

Two-Solstice Pill
Èr(two) zhì(solstice, most northern & southern extremes) wán(pill)

Categ: (21) VI. D.9 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.383 C.654 Nat
Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency (prevention)

J君: nǚ zhēn zǐ

C臣: hàn lián cǎo

Two-Solstice Pill
Èr(two) zhì(solstice, most northern & southern extremes) wán(pill)

(21) VI. D.9 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: hypochondriac, epigastric, and chest pain, dry and parched mouth and throat, acid reflux, dry hair, dry eyes, wrinkles, headache, bitter taste in mouth, nausea, vomiting

T: red dry
P: thin weak or wiry deficient

CTX: Liver Fire Rising without underlying Deficiency, Qi and Blood Stagnation, Phlegm accumulation
Yī guàn jiān

Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency, Blood Dryness, and Liver Qi Stagnation

TxP: nourish Liver and Kidney Yin and smooth Liver Qi

Descript: LV KD Yin defic, LV Qi Stagnation, Blood Dryness

Linking Decoction
Yī(one, single) guàn(linking, to string) jiān(pan fry)

Categ: (22) VI. D.10 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.381 C.657 Nat
Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency, Blood Dryness, and Liver Qi Stagnation

J君: shēng dì huáng

C臣: shā shēn, mài mén dōng, dāng guī, gǒu qǐ zǐ

Z佐: chuān liàn zǐ

Linking Decoction
Yī(one, single) guàn(linking, to string) jiān(pan fry)

(22) VI. D.10 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: soreness and weakness of lower back/knees, sensation of collapse in lower abdomen, uterine/vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, dizziness, tinnitus, weak legs, frequent urination, incontinence

T: pale with white slippery fur
P: submerged, weak

CTX: Threatened miscarriage due to Heat or Stagnation
Shòu tāi wán

Dx: Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency with infertility or habitual miscarriage

TxP: stabilize Kidneys, calm fetus, and benefit Qi

Descript: Liver Blood & KD Essence Def causing miscarriage

Fetus Longevity Pill
Shòu(long life) tāi(fetus) wán(pill)

Categ: (23) VI. D.11 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.441 C.X Nat
Dx: Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency with infertility or habitual miscarriage

J君: tù sī zǐ

C臣: sāng jì shēng

Z佐: xù duàn

S使: ē jiāo

Fetus Longevity Pill
Shòu(long life) tāi(fetus) wán(pill)

(23) VI. D.11 Ton-Reinf Yin
Sx: dilated pupils, blurred vision, photophobia, excess tearing, dizziness, vertigo


CTX: Avoid spicy foods
Shí hú yè guāng wán

Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency with eye problem (all types)

TxP: nourish Yin, clear Heat, tonify Blood, and tonify Jing

Descript: LV & KD Yin Def, CC is eyes, Yin Def Fire w/Internal Wind

Dendrobium Pill for Night Vision
Shí(stone) hú(5 pecks = bushel) ["bushel of stone"] yè(night) guāng(vision, light, bright) wán(pill)

Categ: (24) VI. D.12 Ton-Reinf Yin

B.393 C.661
Dx: Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency with eye problem (all types)

J君: shí hú, tiān mén dōng, mài mén dōng, shú dì huáng, shēng dì huáng, wǔ wèi zǐ, tù sī zǐ

C臣: rén shēn

Dendrobium Pill for Night Vision
Shí(stone) hú(5 pecks = bushel) ["bushel of stone"] yè(night) guāng(vision, light, bright) wán(pill)

(24) VI. D.12 Ton-Reinf Yin


Shí hú yè guāng wán EDIT PT2



Descript: LV & KD Yin Def, CC is eyes, Yin Def Fire w/Internal Wind

Shí(stone) hú(5 pecks = bushel) ["bushel of stone"] yè(night) guāng(vision, light, bright) wán(pill)

Categ: ( ) VI. D.12

B.393 C.
Sx: soreness/weakness of low back/knees, weakness of lower extremists, cold sensation in lower half of body, pain/cramps in lower abdomen, difficult urination or lack of urination, early morning diarrhea, low libido, impotence, infertility

T: pale swollen with thin moist white fur
P: deep fine especially at proximal position

CTX: Yin Deficiency, pregnancy / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Bā wèi dì huáng wán [Jīn guì shèn qì wán (金匱腎氣丸), Guì fú dì huáng wán (?桂?茯地黃丸)]

Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency

TxP: warm and tonify Kidney Yang

Descript: Foundational formula to Tonify KD Yang

Eight-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia (Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet,
Bā(eight) wèi(tastes) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) [shú-cooked dì huáng] wán(pill)

Categ: (25) VI. E1 Ton-Reinf Yang

B.369 C.668 NatCal
Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency

J君: fù zǐ, guì zhī, shú dì huáng

C臣: shān zhū yú, shān yào, fú líng

Z佐: zé xiè, mǔ dān pí

Eight-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia (Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet,
Bā(eight) wèi(tastes) dì(earth) huáng(yellow) [shú-cooked dì huáng] wán(pill)

(25) VI. E1 Ton-Reinf Yang
Sx: soreness/weakness of low back/knees, weakness of lower extremists, cold sensation in lower half of body, pain/cramps in lower abdomen, difficult urination or lack of urination, early morning diarrhea, low libido, impotence, infertility

T: pale swollen with thin moist white fur
P: deep fine especially at proximal position

CTX: Yin Deficiency, pregnancy / Caution: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency
Jīn guì shèn qì wán [Bā wèi dì huáng wán (八味地黃丸)]

Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency

TxP: warm and tonify Kidney Yang

Descript: Foundational formula to Tonify KD Yang

Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet
Jīn(Golden) guì(cabinet, metal depository of important documents) shèn(kidney) qì(qi) wán(pill)

Categ: (25) VI. E1 Ton-Reinf Yang

B.369 C.668 NatCal
Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency

J君: fù zǐ, guì zhī

C臣: shú dì huáng, shān zhū yú, shān yào, fú líng

Z佐: zé xiè, mǔ dān pí

Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet
Jīn(Golden) guì(cabinet, metal depository of important documents) shèn(kidney) qì(qi) wán(pill)

(25) VI. E1 Ton-Reinf Yang
Sx: lethargy, fatigue, aversion to cold, cold extremities, no libido, impotence/infertility, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, soreness and weakness of lower back and knees, loose stools with undigested food, incontinence or no urination, edema of lower extremities (low body temperature, low blood pressure, slowed respiration rate)

T: pale swollen with thin moist white fur
P: deep fine especially at proximal position

CTX: Kidney Deficiency with Damp accumulation
Yòu guī wán

Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency and Mingmen Fire Deficiency

TxP: warm and tonify Kidney Yang, tonify Kidney Jing, and tonify Blood

Descript: Exhaustion from long term illness; Waning of Ming Men Fire

Restore the Right [Kidney] Pill
Yòu(right) guī(restore, go back) wán(pill)

Categ: (26) VI. E2 Ton-Reinf Yang

B.401 C.678 Nat
Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency and Mingmen Fire Deficiency

J君: fù zǐ, ròu guì

C臣: lu jiao jiao, dù zhòng

Z佐: shú dì huáng, shān yào, shān zhū yú, gǒu qǐ zǐ, tù sī zǐ

S使: dāng guī

Restore the Right [Kidney] Pill
Yòu(right) guī(restore, go back) wán(pill)

(26) VI. E2 Ton-Reinf Yang
Sx: lethargy, fatigue, aversion to cold, cold extremities, no libido, impotence/infertility, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, soreness and weakness of lower back and knees, loose stools with undigested food, incontinence or no urination, edema of lower extremities (low body temperature, low blood pressure, slowed respiration rate)

T: pale swollen with thin moist white fur
P: deep fine especially at proximal position

CTX: Kidney Deficiency with Damp accumulation
Yòu guī yĭn

Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency and Mingmen Fire Deficiency

TxP: warm and tonify Kidney Yang, tonify Kidney Jing, and tonify Blood

Descript: Mild Symptoms of Ming Men Fire Deficiency

Restore the Right [Kidney] Drink
Yòu(right) guī(restore, go back) yĭn(drink)

Categ: (27) VI. E3 Ton-Reinf Yang

B.402 C.680 Nat
Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency and Mingmen Fire Deficiency

J君: fù zǐ, ròu guì

C臣: dù zhòng

Z佐: shú dì huáng, shān yào, shān zhū yú, gǒu qǐ zǐ

S使: zhì gān cǎo

Restore the Right [Kidney] Drink
Yòu(right) guī(restore, go back) yĭn(drink)

(27) VI. E3 Ton-Reinf Yang
Sx: menopause, hypertension, irregular menstruation, hot flashes, night sweats, nervousness, fatigue, lassitude, depression, irritability, insomnia, palpitations, frequent urination


CTX: None listed
Èr xiān tāng

Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency with Fire rising

TxP: tonify Kidney Yang

Descript: KD Yin & Yang Def w/ Def Ming Men Fire

Two-Immortal Decoction
Èr(two) xiān(immortal) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (28) VI. E4 Ton-Reinf Yang

B.410 C.684 Nat
Dx: Kidney Yang Deficiency with Fire rising

J君: xiān máo, yín yáng huò

C臣: bā jǐ tiān

Z佐: huáng bǎi, zhī mǔ, dāng guī

Two-Immortal Decoction
Èr(two) xiān(immortal) tāng(decoction)

(28) VI. E4 Ton-Reinf Yang
Sx: localized soreness, pain, and swelling without a head that blend into surrounding tissue and do not affect texture or color of skin and are not hot to touch, no thirst, clear/white discharge

T: very pale with white fur
P: deep thin forceless

CTX: Yang sores, Yin Deficiency, ulcerated swellings, chronic ulcerations with Heat
Yáng hé tāng

Dx: Yin sores

TxP: warm Yang, tonify Blood, expel Cold, and open channels

Descript: Yin-Type localized swelling due to Yang Def

Balmy Yang Decoction
Yáng(yang) hé(union, together, harmony, peace) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (29) VI. E5 Ton-Reinf Yang

B.869 C.1370 Nat
Dx: Yin sores

J君: shú dì huáng, lu jiao jiao

C臣: ròu guì, pào jiāng

Z佐: má huáng, bái jiè zǐ

S使: gān cǎo

Balmy Yang Decoction
Yáng(yang) hé(union, together, harmony, peace) tāng(decoction)

(29) VI. E5 Ton-Reinf Yang